Full Body 10 Minute Static Stretching Cool Down for Intense Workouts

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Official Anabolic Aliens video of the Full Body 10 Minute Static Stretching Cool Down for Intense Workouts.

This is a fully body static stretching cool down to loosen and relax the muscles for after your intense workouts. Cooling down properly is essential for not just injury prevention, but also better recovery and overall better results. Use this 10 minute routine to end your workouts the right way!

Seal - 0:27
Child's Pose - 0:47
Right Hip Stretch (Leg Down) - 1:07
Right Hip Stretch (Leg Up) - 1:17
Left Hip Stretch (Leg Down) - 1:27
Left Hip Stretch (Leg Up) - 1:37
Right Deep Lunge - 1:47
Left Deep Lunge - 2:07
Butterfly - 2:27
Right Lying Knee Tuck - 2:47
Leg Lying Knee Tuck - 3:07
Right Lying Leg Over - 3:27
Left Lying Leg Over - 3:47
Seated Legs Apart Middle Reach - 4:07
Lying Right Side Quad Stretch - 4:22
Lying Left Side Quad Stretch - 4:42
Seated Right Knee Over Tuck - 5:02
Seated Right Knee Over Twist - 5:12
Seated Left Knee Over Tuck - 5:22
Seated Left Knee Over Twist - 5:32
Right Angled Calf Stretch - 5:42
Left Angled Calf Stretch - 6:02
Standing Legs Apart Right Reach - 6:22
Standing Legs Apart Left Reach - 6:42
Feet Together Reach Pull - 7:02
Standing Right Quad Stretch - 7:17
Standing Left Quad Stretch - 7:32
Left Arm Over - 7:47
Right Arm Over - 8:07
Right Arm Behind - 8:27
Left Arm Behind - 8:47
Right Lat Stretch - 9:07
Left Lat Stretch - 9:27
Arm Front Push - 9:47
Arms Behind Butt Push - 10:07

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Two guys who want to do all they can to help motivate, educate, entertain, and inspire. We promise to always keep it 100% honest and real. We appreciate everyone who supports us and will always give it our all in putting out the best possible content as well as doing our best in always answering everyone who reaches out to us. HAVE NO LIMITS AND NEVER SETTLE!!!

Anabolic Aliens consists of Mike Rosa & Eric Cue.

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Рекомендации по теме

I think there are several guys more "ripped" than him, with more production and stuff, but this guy is genuinely nice, he is like a really kind and good dude, great work for you and your team, man. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


I've been doing this stretch for 3 years now, on and off. I feel like many of my flexibility and joint issues were solved cause of this. You're awesome for helping people out who can't afford to pay and learn such things, and I wish you further success. Also, if possible, maybe relook this video and with your knowledge, update this one? Thanks again!


Best workout channel on YouTube by far


Solid stretching routine. Many people forget how important flexibility is, which is exactly why I try to hit a yoga class on a weekly basis


Use this routine to cool you down after your intense workouts! Static stretching after exercise is proven to speed up recovery time and decrease DOMS!


Still using this video nearly 4 years later, still a life saver 🙌


Another amazing routine, you seriously cover everything and no one does it better than you!


Awesome stretching routine. One of the best I have come across. Only thing that would make it better is longer holds for each stretch. Maybe a 15minute version of this.


There are tonnes of fitness channels on YT but this one is the most down-to-Earth. No bullshit, just a top bloke who cares for the health of others without wanting the attention. Love your vids Mike.


Dude.. I just want to say real quick, I've tried countless warm up and cool down routines. Some were too long, some were not enough, and I ALWAYS ended up injured from my routines after a month of consistency. Nothing ever made me feel good, I checked my form and worked on that as much as possible but ultimately ended up quitting and dropping a lot of muscle mass and never looking back.. recently I just got back into weight lifting . And bro, your warm up routine and cool down, is hands down THE best I have ever tried. I feel physically amazing and have been pairing it with my routine. THANK YOU! for creating this awesome channel. 👏💪


Not enough people do this and they seriously should. I hope they do now that you said it Mike! thank you for the routine!


Constantly getting injured before i realised the importance of warm up and down. Your videos are the best ive found 👍


Bro, I’ve had this video saved for like 5 years now since high school and I’ve always come back to it because it’s such a solid routine! Thanks a lot bro


I watch this vid and do the stretches after every workout, even after all this time I still like watching the vid cause he has such a calming and nice demeanour. Much love and thanks for the years of cool down stretching!


Just gotta let u know this stretch has helped me so much man...took away the post onset muscle soreness almost completely for me. Thank you


I didn’t know popularmmos had a workout channel great stuff!


This has become my go to stretching routine, really love the format and your commentary! Plus it feels like it gets every bit of my body, great stuff.


Love this! I do F45, HIIT, Zumba, Pilates...this is THE best cool down out there on YouTube and it covers everything! I do it after every workout. Thanks for putting this together!!


Just wanted to say thank you, I use this video every night after my soccer match it really helps me recover fast for the next game.


Thank you for this video, I'm always soar after these work outs.
