Yoga Flow For Beginners | Intro To Flow

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The perfect yoga flow doesn’t exis…. oh wait, for me, this is it. More and more I find myself feeling drawn to the intentional, smoother, subtle body connections that can be found in slower more mindful flows. These are yoga flow practices that truly synchronize your specific body with your individual breath. So in a way, this session isn’t just for beginners, though perfect for newbies! It really is a solid flow practice that will tend to all parts of your body, while allowing ample opportunity to create more balance in the autonomic nervous system.

Let me know how it goes for you in the comments below! 

For more videos like this, check out: 

Full Body Flow: 

Love Yoga Flow: 

Freedom Glow Flow: 

Balancing Flow: 

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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.
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Beautiful reminder that it is ok to be a beginner and that we should sometimes activate our beginners eyes again 💐


I recently completed my 500th day of daily yoga :')💖This practice has changed and saved my life, and I don't know if I could've gotten started without using different YWA's 30-day series to work through starting NYE 2023. Forever indebted to Adriene/Benji/this community (I think of this channel like a digital sangha). It's amazing to see what I can do now that I couldn't do as a 'true' beginner, and I'm excited to see what I can accomplish in another year's time. But yoga (especially the mindful and unrushed version Adrienne teaches) has shown me the importance of slowing down, simplicity, humility and maintaining a continual beginner's mindset, so I'm grateful for this video, grateful for this space, and truly truly grateful for my body --- something I couldn't have said before I committed to yoga. Namaste, everyone 🥰


I’ve practiced yoga since my early 20s. I’m 71 now, and found this flow to be exactly what I needed this morning. Sincere thanks to you for building this community. ❤


No matter how long I've been practicing yoga, these beginner sessions are so grounding.


I started crying as soon as I sat down on the mat and saw Benji. I miss our boy so much. He was a 14-year-old German Shepherd. His name was Ralph. He had a heart of gold. We said Goodbye on March 25th. I would always do yoga in the yoga room and close the door so I could focus but when he became more sick I moved the yoga mat out to the living room and would do yoga next to him. Now every time I try to practice I weep for him and miss him deeply. I dedicate my practice to him now. Rest easy my sweet best friend. My beautiful fur son. I pray that we meet again someday.


You are best! Thank you for doing all this. I started yoga because of you! I came out of depression because of your yoga sessions. Thank you so much again!


I have been doing yoga for a year and a half now with yoga with Adrienne videos. I love reading the comments but have not commented until now.
I wanted to say thanks for fueling my love of yoga. I have always been an active person but needed a change once I hit my 50, s. Yoga with Adrienne has made me so much stronger and the meditation videos help to calm my mind after a busy day. I thank you so much Adrienne for your playful attitude and for being yourself. You make me smile each time. I also have the deepest respect for everyone who shows up each time. Keep it up - it will be worth it !


When my 2-yr-old niece comes to visit she asks for “hooga puppy” (yoga and puppy) which is yoga with Adriene. She loves Benji. For as long as her attention span lasts, about 3 minutes, she’ll sit on my yoga mat with her stuffed animals and breathe. It’s so random but so adorable.


When Adriene says "if you have a block, bring it to class", I think "Can I bring an emotional block? I have plenty of those lying around."😆😅


It’s been so long since I’ve practiced yoga, I’m coming back to it after 3 years! I’m grateful for a new beginner video ❤


i’m grieving right now. hoping this will feel good 🙏🏻


Thank you for posting this. I was feeling discouraged and weak after getting Covid for the first time. Somehow I got around it for 4 years. At age 67, I''ve been doing YWA for a full year and loved feeling strong. I'll do this practice until I feel back to being strong.


I always feel good when i realize that there is Adriene to watch our backs and your voice is very unconditionally loving and supporting....


Today I got confirmation for how established my daily yoga routine is because when the video started for only a second without even seeing the screen my two and a half year old exclaimed "Yoga!", haha. I've been doing your videos on and off for 8 years but it's the first time I've been doing everyday since the beginning of the year and I've felt better than ever, so thank you!


As a plus sized woman is it so difficult to find beginner yoga videos that actually suit my needs and body type. This was perfect and your explanation of the poses allowed me to flow without having to actually watch the whole video. Thank you ❤


The previous day this goes live, the 19th, marks my 2 year anniversary of my first practice with Adriene. I’m so grateful that in a time of need, I made a decision with the attitude of “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” There’s been times where I’ve had a puddle of tears after a practice and there’s been times of spine tingling bliss.
Thank you for what you do Adriene, thank you so very much 🫶


I was on an amazing journey with yoga and then a busy life happened. I did not expect my body to feel overwhelmed by pain and fatigue. I truly hit hard but I am back. Why is this so difficult coming back. I’m just so happy to be back. It’s going to be tough but I know I am strong enough to keep showing up on the mat. I was doing yoga for years and never missed a day, I can do this, I got this and feels good to be back with YWA community.


I love that you included blocks in the practice! When I was starting my yoga journey I often felt that using props was like "cheating". Took me a while to realize how useful they are! It was a great one!


Perfect slow and mindful flow to kick the day off - thanks Adriene!


Thank you Adriene, you are absolutely amazing, you are an Angel send by God to help us all at this pivotal time in human history
