30 MIN PILATES YOGA WORKOUT || Full Body Stretch & Strengthen

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Stretch and strengthen your body in this 30 Minute Pilates Yoga Fusion Workout. Hopefully you will feel both relaxed and strengthened after this class. Enjoy! :)

♡ INSTAGRAM: @movewithnicole

Please consult your doctor or health care professional before starting this workout. If you experience pain or discomfort at any time during this workout, you should stop immediately. By performing these exercises, you do so at your own risk. By using this video, you understand and agree that Move With Nicole will not be held responsible or liable for any injury or loss you may suffer as a result of this workout video.
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This is somehow relaxing and challenging at the same time


First time watching, and can't help but notice that your body muscle structure and pure GRACE you have doing this whole thing was absolutely beyond amazing. You are completely inspiring


oh my god. like literally oh my god. this workout took my places. my mind went from pacing over all the things stressing me to terminating all my worries and leaving me grateful. the amount of serotonin rushing in my blood is unbelievable. I believe i can do 78 work hours worth of work within the next 6. i feel so good and thankful. i am smiling and my anxiety is completely gone. all i can think is serene thoughts. this workout changed my life.


I am a 41 yo man and I have been struggling with back pain all my life. Pilates allowed me to solve all back pain, strengthen my core, improve my posture a lot, and gain peace and balance in my life. It's also an excellent strengthening method to avoid injuries in other sports (running, etc).

I think your workouts are so great because you give very clear and key indications, which allow me to focus on executing the movements with control, precision, and mindfulness. I find it amazing how intense some "simple" exercises can be if you focus on executing them controlling with precision. They are also a perfect mix between learning the movements and challenging oneself with more advanced ones.


i came in thinking it was gonna be a chill yoga session and ended up sweating BUCKETS this was a deceptively tough one!!!


Love the fusion of yoga and pilates. Would be great if you could do more like this please. Really enjoy your videos, always balanced providing a great workout. Thanks from Ireland


I have always HATED working out, but ever since finding your channel I actually feel amazing afterwards and love it! I feel like I am really helping my body and mind 💗 you have changed the fitness game for me


Omg! I'm still getting back in shape and this one had me fighting for my life 😅 I took some breaks but did push through and finished the workout. I look forward to revisiting this in the future when I am stronger and have more endurance. Even the classes I struggle with are inspiring! They help me set personal goals. Thanks Nicole! You're inspiring and encouraging as always.


wow. this is like my 3rd time doing this, and it’s still a tough one! I have to continually remind myself that “I am strong” when my mind wants to give up. I have to remind myself I can do it cause I’ve done it before.

I feel awesome afterwards though, knowing I can push myself to such limits, when no one has asked me to.


came back for this oldie but goldie! A great balance between challenge and relaxation. Perfect for a day like this one, in which I feel somehow tired and restless at the same time. Thank you so much Nicole!


Such a great 30-minute class especially when you do it first thing in the morning <3


Still my favorite channel for moving, the pace and the tone of your voice is so soothing! Thank you!!! :)


Hope you enjoy this Yoga Pilates Fusion workout! ❤️


I grew up being a dancer and always hated pilates and yoga because it felt too easy. Since then, I've left the dance world, had 3 years with minimal movement, focusing on my mental health and wellbeing. It feels so good to come back and find a challenging and rewarding class like this <3 thank you


And I thought this would be a light one :')


This is such a great, challenging workout, Nicole! Your instructions are so precise that I didn’t even have to look up to see what you were doing. Thank you! ❤️


Getting my yoga mat and just noticed you've reached over 100k subscribers! That's so amazing! 🥰 Well deserved xx


This is a fantastic class, perfect for a runner who neglects her core! Thank you so much Nicole!


Fitness creators need to be more like you! I love how I don't need to look at the screen every 3 seconds to make sure I'm doing things right!!


Yoga and pilates in one - perfect! 45 or 50 minutes one, please! You are great <3
