Low Back Pain Fix - It Could Be Coming From Your Glutes.

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Irritation of the glute medius muscle can often feel like back pain. People waste time and energy having therapy on their backs but really the solution to the pain lies in a different location.

In this video, I show you how the glute medius could be the real cause of your back pain and a few tests and exercises you can do to relieve your discomfort instantly.

The gluteus medius is found on the back of the hip area. It originates from the gluteal surface of the ilium and inserts into the lateral surface of the greater trochanter of the femur.

When it contracts it will abduct your femur away from your body (lift your leg out to the side). More functionally it keeps your pelvis level whenever you take a step. However it can get weak or you can develop an imbalance between the sides with too much sitting or habitual standing with your weight shifted to one side.

I start with testing the glute. This called the Trendelenburg test. Using it you can quickly test to see if one glute is weaker than than the other. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and lifting one foot off the ground. Take note whether or not your opposite hip drops. If it does, this would indicate a glute med weakness on that side. You would repeat with the opposite foot as well. However, sometime it is not that obvious. So you can make the test a little harder by lunging down and just letting the back knee lightly touch the ground. Test both sides and see if one side is weaker or less balances.

If you do find a weak side you press your fingers in to it and see if it is sore. If it is the muscle might be in spasm. In which case you can try the trigger point ball rolling as shown in the video. This can help reduce back pain almost instantly. Now you know where your pain is coming from it's time to strengthen it.

Find a step - if you are needing to work your right side then put your right foot on the step.
slowly take your left leg behind you and reach down to the step or ground below. That movement will stretch the outside or lateral hip. Now quickly bring your left leg up so that your left thigh is parallel to the ground, like a sprinters position. Repeat this 10-30 times x 2-3 sets and be consistent with it. Do it at least 3 times a week.

If you are looking for more rehab exercises and stretches be sure to subscribe to the channel

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I've been having this weird pain in my right butt cheek since June this year. I've been stretching it but not like this. It's December and last week i had a serious case of back pain, caused by what seemed to be nothing. I think the pain from the butt cheek had accumulated and caused this faze of back pain. After doing this quick exercise I already feel a lot better. I had no idea what to research for this, but im glad I landed on your video! Thank you!


The ball test nailed the issue, now on to the work, great video.


Wow the ball and cross over hip drop exercise took away the irritation I was having on the side of my hip. I know it’s gonna come back because I’ve only done a couple sets but this gives me hope to keep going


Omgggg thank you so much this! The hip drops and toe touches lit my medius up. I think this may be what I’ve been looking for.


Thank you so much! This is helping my pain tremendously!


Thank you so much for this clearly explained video. The release with the lacrosse ball just about made my pain go away. The exercises that followed lit up my glutes too. I'm looking forward to doing the exercises and incorporating them into my routine.


I've actually went to hospital today because it felt like my glute went into a ball and muscle spasms began across my back. I couldnt move sit or anything. Muscle relaxers took spasms away. Now it's time to strengthen and rehab.


Thanks for this video..I am having lower back pain on right side and it started few days ago when I started doing squats, lunges and butterfly asana..I thought my previous back pain came back but after doing exercises suggested in this video, I am having instant relief. Figured my glutes are the reasons maybe. Thanks for this video again..Much appreciate. 😀


Thank you so much. Ice had acouple of days lower, mid back and the pain is in the glut mead as you said. Ill try these exercises and let you know how it goes.😊


Thanks a lot! ( And it's much better understandable like this, without any music)


Does anyone know if this type of injury can lead to pain very similar to QL type pain ? I kept stretching out my QL but it didn't stop the symptoms from continuing.


Hip drop, weak glute medius contribute to that side low back pain
Thanks for explaination


Estelar como siempre Y yo le sigo Gracias miles Dios le bendiga 💚💙💖


I did a single leg dealift heard a funny sound and since then my lower left back or uppermost left glute is in pain for 3 months now


I been doing the balls and helps very good


Please, I would like to ask you if you could help me with exercises concerning anterior pelvic tilt pleaaaase


The thing is, if I only touch that part with the ball it's painful, I don't even put any weight on it, not to mention rolling...
That said I developed this pain after elevated lunges and I new about rolling the ball so I immediately wanted to help myself and rolled... I rolled with passion and looks like I made it so much worse that after three days now, I cannot even lie on the roll even without any pressure
Could you advise please


I have an injury at the same place its been 2-3 week i am boxer !, Now i know where is the problem 😂 haha
