30 MIN FULL BODY WORKOUT || Intermediate Pilates With Weights (Optional)

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Work the entire body with this 30 Minute Full Body Pilates Workout, featuring a set of light hand weights! (1-2kg) If you don't have weights, you could fill up 2 bottles of water or use anything around the house to act as weights.😊

🌸 Mat from Liforme (Discount automatically applied at checkout)

🤍 INSTAGRAM: @movewithnicole

🎥 Videography by Bodie Rex

Please consult your doctor or health care professional before starting this workout. If you experience pain or discomfort at any time during this workout, you should stop immediately. By performing these exercises, you do so at your own risk. By using this video, you understand and agree that Move With Nicole will not be held responsible or liable for any injury or loss you may suffer as a result of this workout video.
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Thanks! I was just thinking the other day how much I loved your bamboo videos! Nice surprise. :)


I just cannot deal with how amazing and generous this woman is. We must protect her at all costs! Writing this with my endorphins at 100% after this beautiful workout! Go Nicole!!!


I'm 4 months postpartum, and this girl has gotten me into the best shape of my LIFE. Thank you, Nicole!!!


Hope you enjoy this new class in the original bamboo setting! I would recommend having a blanket or something soft to place under your hips for the side lying series if your hips are sensitive to that position. A little extra cushioning is always nice! Lots of love. ❤️


Hi Nicole - I discovered yOUR channel 14 months ago . I had no core strength then. 300 classes later and my body is transformed! posture is amazing and I feel amazing. Thank you so much. PS I did this session with 3kg weights - really stretched me - but I got through all exercises.


“You knew it was coming…” Yes, yes we did. We always do and we love it! Awesome workout. Saving to do again!


Somehow I'm really excited to be back in the garden from back when I discovered your channel. 😆😀 also: 30 min of lots of my favourite exercises with added weights, you're spoiling us, Nicole. Thank you so much! ❤


Thank you for all the wonderful workouts! I've been doing Pilates with you since 2021 and I love the fact that no 2 videos are the same. You're an excellent teacher and your voice is so calm and soothing. Thank you for sharing with us!!!


I'm almost too excited to see the good "old" bamboo backyard. It totally reminds me of how my journey with you started. I love all about this workout, it contains all my favourite exercises, a bit of weights for toned arms....you're spoiling us. Thank you wonderful Nicole. Have the most beautiful time back home.


“You knew this was coming” lol I always have to mentally prepare myself for the little pulses. I loved this workout! I always feel amazing after doing your videos. Thanks for doing the weekly playlists! 💗


What I love about your videos is that your verbal directions are so clear about positioning and breathing. Your voice is so soothing that I don't feel stressed while doing my best. Thanks for supporting my health goals!


Ugh your workouts are just soooo good. ❤️ Intense but gentle at the same time. You are such a great teacher. By far my favourite !! Thank you thank you!


Not having a great day and it was hard to get motivated to work out. But this got me really excited so I'm up and ready!! Thanks Nicole as always 💕


Gosh. I never get bored doing your workouts, Nicole. The 30 minutes pass and I feel so in touch with my body. Thank you for keeping the moves interesting.


After driving for more than 10hours yesterday, this was what I really needed. Thank you so much, Nicole! Your workouts are the best!


Elke dag kijk ik weer uit naar de uitdagende workouts van Nicole. De combinatie van inspanning en ontspanning is compleet in balans. Ik houd van de prachtige omgeving waarin ze haar oefeningen laat zien en haar mooie stem werkt zeer motiverend.


Nicole, I’ve been sick from a cold for a week now and slowly have been integrating movement back into my routine. This felt soo good for my body. Thank you!! I love a good move with Nicole challenge 💪🏽😇


Hey Nicole, my first exercises with you, I train with you since 5 Weeks, I feel so good, Pilates is so strong and I am feeling so good and stronger than before, you inspire me... Lot of thanks to you, you tell it in a perfect way and move, thanks and greetings from Germany


So excited to do this workout!! Your 30-40 min ones are my absolute fav :))


Thank you, Nicole! My sons and I are recovering from Covid and your workout was the first workout I reached for as soon as I felt well enough to do something. I feel strong, joyful, and energized. Thank you for everything you do for your followers.💕💕
