10 minute MOBILITY Yoga for Neck & Shoulder Relief

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#yoga #neckyoga #neckpain
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Relieve neck & shoulder pain with this 10 minute mobility yoga for neck & shoulder relief routine. This simple seated yoga practice can be used daily or as needed for headaches, tension, text neck or any other tightness you might feel in your neck and shoulders. Time to take a break and release neck & shoulder stress.


I've always been one of those guys that thought yoga was only for women and was embarrassed to try. But the older and stiffer I got I figured my health and maintenance of my body were far more important than ego. Been doing yoga for few years now and love how I feel after. Especially like yours because I feel like others rush through movements too much I'm struggle to keep up with all the transitions and don't spend enough time to benefit from each move. So thank you 🙏


1. The repeats (I always need at least two attempts before I feel I've got the most out of a move/posture)
2. That I can do it at my desk. I'll be sharing this with my team mates.
3. Strengthening as well as stretching. Most neck and shoulders videos seem to focus on stretching. Thanks for also explaining what each posture is supposed to do.
4. The reminders to relax different body parts. I swear you're watching me, and catching me tense up...
5. The eagle arms. Yum.


I get a lot of pain and tension in my neck and shoulders and it causes migraines and TMJ pain - being at home is really exacerbating it and this is the best flow I’ve found for relieving the pain! It really targets every painful spot so I’ve been doing it every morning as a preventative practise! Thank you so much 💜


After being in front of the screen for bulk of the day, this is definitely needed


I was in a car accident last year and the whiplash caused me to not be able to turn my head to the right very well & that side of my neck & shoulder always still & ached which then caused headaches. I've been doing these stretches for 3 weeks & I'm back to normal! No more stiff, achy neck & shoulder! I can turn my head again too!


I do this specific video all the time! It helps so much. I share it with anyone who will listen.


AMAZING!! I tend to carry a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders. today after a stressful week, I woke up and could barely turn my head to the left. After doing this video twice in a row, I can turn my head and feel so much better!!


This video is really helps me from neck pain, I strongly recomend this.


I've been walking around all day, almost feeling sick from the tension in my neck and shoulders. This simply melted the tension away. Thank you.


AMAZING this is like what I used to do in physical therapy combined with yoga. This mobility series seems absolutely incredible, thank you so much Sara Beth!!!!


This came in my inbox just when I needed a break from the screen! My neck and shoulders are thanking you along with me :D


Cures my text neck and phone/laptop shoulder pain. Amazing. Clear and soothing instruction.


Was feeling the unusual need to try some Yoga today... I've tried a couple times before, but am very thankful to come across your videos.. started the beginner 10 minute, and just did the digestive one.. Very low impact and ease in the flow of movements.. will do this one last one(neck/shoulders) before I get going, so THANK YOU! I want to stick to this, so I'll keep posted! ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much for this video… I carry a lot of stress in my neck and shoulders. After the first time following this video… I slept like a baby and woke up almost pain free.!! Will be adding it to my. Nightly routine! Thank you again!


I love that you stay with the audience while you show the stretches. thank you


I have tried so many yoga teaches online and in class and you are by far one of the best. Encouraging one breath one movement helps me to very quickly slip into my state of flow. Thank you being so great at your craft. Namaste.


These are stretches that everyone can do. I find way to many are posting "basic" instructions but you actually have to be a contortionist to do them. Sara Beth's instructions have actually helped me to loosen up (as opposed to being sore or hurting because the stretch is to hard).
Thumbs up for the brilliant instruction and the way things are addressed slowly. Basic, great camera angel - no multiple shots - so you can actually see what is going on during stretch. and no "look at me" vibe.
In short, super Job!!!


Thanks for this video.

This neck and shoulder relief help loosen up the tension in my neck a bit.


I have been taking your yoga class since the quarantine, it helps me daily. I would like to say “Thank you” for the class. I stopped for the last couple weeks because we went away, this morning I woke up with a very tight neck and shoulder. This video is amazing, it loosens up all my upper body tight muscles. Thank you and my best wishes to you!
