The PERFECT Mobility Routine to FIX YOUR SIT (3 Min/Day)

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Body feeling stiff and you've noticed you've developed poor posture? If you sit most of the day, then these are some of the things you'll experience. But you can fix that in just 3 minutes a day, with a mobility routine that consists of 3 simple mobility exercises that’ll work on the most problematic areas, including shoulder mobility and hip mobility.

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Before getting into the mobility workout, let’s start by looking at a pretty crazy study. Researchers split participants into 3 different groups: a control group and 2 test groups. The control group sat and did nothing. With the test groups, the researchers used a neuromuscular electrical stimulator to send 17 electrical currents into their back muscles at regular intervals. One group received a low-level current, while the other group received a high-amplitude current that caused their back muscles to contract. What did they find?

For the high-amplitude group (those whose muscles contracted from the current) the stiffness in their backs almost completely reversed. So, what does this mean for you and I? You simply need to start moving the joints and contracting the muscles you don’t use when you’re sitting all day. That said, I know how hard it can be to stick to a mobility routine consistently.

That’s why my team and I have worked together to find the 3 mobility exercises that focus on the most problematic of areas.

The first exercise is great for improving shoulder mobility and rounded shoulders. It’s called the wall clock. Stand sideways with your fingertips touching the wall and your thumb pointing down. Engage your core and, without arching your back, slowly draw your palm in a big semi-circle forward and up the wall. Then, complete the circle by moving your arm back and down the wall, letting your shoulder blade move back and down as your arm travels behind you. Reverse the circle to get back to the starting position and spend about 30 seconds on each side.

Now, let’s focus on the back and neck with the cat cow. Start on your hands and knees, with your hands directly under the outer edges of your shoulders. Then, spin your elbows towards your thighs to engage your lats. Inhale, as you gently lift your tailbone towards the ceiling and reach your chest forward, through your biceps, to stretch your abs. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you lift your chin and head up. Then, you’ll wanna go in the other direction. Exhale, and imagine there was a rope, pulling your mid-back up towards the ceiling, and rounding your spine. As you do this, push the floor away to open up your shoulder blades. Then, use your neck muscles tuck your chin by looking towards your knees. Do this for about 30 seconds, then for the next 30 seconds, some back to a neutral position and turn and look towards your left foot to stretch the muscles on the right side of your lower back and rib cage, then return to center. After, same on the other side. Turn and look at your right foot.

Finally, the perfect 3-minute mobility routine wouldn’t be complete without a hip mobility focused exercise. Exercise 3 does exactly that. We’ll start at a Level 1 version and then build up to Level 3, which is the most effective variation.

Level 1:

Sit on the floor and bend one leg in front of your body at around a 90° angle and then do the same with the back one. Then, sit up and tall and try to position your shoulders square to the front of your shin. Keep your spine tall and exhale as you reach your chest forward, hingeing over your front leg until you feel a deep stretch on the outside of your front leg’s hip or glute area. Inhale, as you come back to the starting position and exhale, as you get into your next rep. For Level 1, do 30 seconds on each side, trying to get deeper into the stretch with each rep.

Level 2:

Maintain that same 90 degree leg position, but this time, as you lean forward, push your front shin down into the ground and lift your hips up to get your torso upright. Then, reverse this by lowering as slowly as you can, while leaning forward. Again, aim to do 30 seconds on each side.

Level 3:

In this case, you’ll repeat what we did in Level 2 but, instead of sticking to just one side at a time, for a deeper stretch in your groin and hip flexors, “windshield wiper” your knees directly over to the other side on the way down, and repeat this motion back and forth.
To help you stay upright, reach your arms out in front of you and engage your core during the transition. Again you can use your hands for support here if you need it.
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I am going to follow it for next 7 days and I reedit my comment. Today is 13 th of August, 2024 I will come at 20 th of August wish me best of luck by liking my comment and the video.

I have completed the whole exercise schedule for 7 days and I feel after completing 16 hours of study it is not that much helpful but exercise 2 is the most effective exercise for me .
So come my final statement simple stretching is enough. If you want to try this I only recommend exercise 2 else you can do simple stretching. Drop a heart if you feel my hardwork.🦚


Love the animations, make the explanation so much clearer


Thank you for the Video☺️

3:10 1. wall-clock
4:36 2. Back dorsal/ventral
5:32 Back lateral
6:12 3. Hip


Exercise 1 - 3:09
Exercise 2 - 4:36
Exercise 3 -
Level 1 6:20
Level 2 6:58
Level 3 7:33


You know our needs !!! FEW exercises fixing common issue !!! Bang for the Buck ... Thank you !


Your channel has been a god-send, god bless you.


wow, those animations are so good💪🏼💪🏼


man the graphics on this are incredibly helpful they add so much to the video. thank you 🙏


Thanks Jeremy for sharing these exercises. I love the animations and graphics that show how the body is actually working.


I invented two of these moves on my own by chance. They help a lot. Thank you


Wonderful animations. More importantly, thank you for the exercises 💪


Love this channel - fixed my gym form. And these stretches definitely helped my day to day office health


The editing is top notch, i always was great but you guys are improving every video


Wish they taught more of this in school instead of just "sit up right" or atleast teach you how to prevent it


Hi Jeremy, really love your content. This is really helpful. You know what would also be fantastic? In the spirit of the series you did on full body or split workouts to target EVERY single muscle, maybe one for mobility and flexibility? I know the needs of every person are different, but mobility/flexibility routines are all over the place and it's hard to make head from tails with so much information.


Here from Brazil, I love your videos! Thanks a lot!👏


Jeremy is always being good and practical exercises


The looking to left and right foot during the cat cow is so underrated!


great video and great animations love it


Thanks so much for the video! I'm a 15 year old gamer and I've been experiencing back pain and posture problems and as I decided to start training for muscle mass, since I have very low fat but also very weak muscles, I wanted to do something about my posture too
