45 MIN FULL BODY YOGA FLOW || Vinyasa Flow For Balance, Flexibility & Strength

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Today's class is a well-rounded vinyasa yoga flow with an emphasis on opening your hips and shoulders, as well as working on your balance. I hope you enjoy it and that you are left feeling strong, more open and feeling good on the inside and out. 😊

Use my code 'MOVEWITHNICOLEYOGA' for a discount.

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🤍 INSTAGRAM: @movewithnicole

🎥 Videography by Bodie Rex

Please consult your doctor or health care professional before starting this workout. If you experience pain or discomfort at any time during this workout, you should stop immediately. By performing these exercises, you do so at your own risk. By using this video, you understand and agree that Move With Nicole Pty Ltd will not be held responsible or liable for any injury or loss you may suffer as a result of this workout video.
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I cried when I hugged myself. Thank you for helping me learn how to give myself the love I deserve ❤


I love your yoga flows and pilates classes (especially the longer ones), they make me feel so connected to my body and I feel the best at the end of every workout! Thank you so much Nicole 🤍


I was struggling with depression for years and i can't explain how much your videos helped me fight with it and kept my mind at peace.It's been 2 years that im doing your exercises and i wanted to say now i am mentally in a better place thanks to you 💜


Hello! Thank you so much for this. I have been training for a marathon, and use three of your sessions a week. They really change my routine for the better, and I can see a massive difference in my overall strength! Lots of love from Paris!


Nicole, you have no idea how happy I am when I see you have a new video! Thank you so much, I practice with you every day 💗


me reading all these comments of ppl who successfully did those hard poses while i'm over here barely able to keep my legs straight 😭😭 such a good workout i need to practice more before i can do some of these tysm nicole for all of these


This class should be mandatory in schools from childhood, so that children grow up elongated, with a flexible spine and develop into adults and the elderly with fewer back problems, stretched, with ease in their routine and happy, without pain. For me, the best classes are yours on the internet and I thank you for the delicacy and dedication in your videos. In addition to the kitten that always shows up to say hello, so cute. Congratulations and thank you!!


Wow, Nicole! YOUR voice is so soothing and inviting. Every time I step on my mat as a 62 yr. old woman who has a past of weight lifting, running, biking, but needing a challenge without all the impact on my joints I'm amazed. I've never felt so connected, strong, flexible and LOVING every minute with you. I'm also blessed that my 16 yr. old daughter introduced me to you, as we do your workouts together. The BEST!!❣


I appreciate the loving moments at the end. Thank you.


Hi Nicole! I'm not very much into comments, but I really wanted to thank you. The hug at the end of class really brought me to tears. We're extremely rude with ourselves and we don't see all the amazing things our body really can do for us. You're a beautiful soul, inside and out. Wishing you all the best, kisses from Italy 💚🤍❤️


After all the animals: cat, cow, cobra, dog, camel, eagle I encountered through my one year journey with Move with Nicole, today I encountered flamingo and we got on pretty well.😁 Thank you Nicole, for all your hard work.❤


I’ve sent you an e - mail recently, don’t know if it reached you, but I want to duplicate here:

Hello, Nicole! My name is Lika.

I wanted to thank for all your great work! I’m doing your exercises almost every day for 4 years already.
And I want you to know how meaningful and great your works is, you’ve helped me to recover from covid and from divorce, and in general to keep my health in the greatest condition I've had.
So thank you, thank you, thank you!

With all my heart, wishing you the best life!
World really needs more people like you.


Thank you so much Nicole, this felt like my dream yoga workout, that I didn't know existed. I've done most of your yoga stretch/yoga pilates videos and I love them, but this (as you said at the beginning) felt so well-rounded and complete.

A huge deserving congratulations on reaching 3m subscribers, I've been moving with you for 3 years, and haven't missed a weekday barring illness and holidays. I am hugely appreciative of all you provide for us, invaluable! ❤


My favourite class to keep on repeat recently. I always struggled with the flamingo in group classes, but thanks to doing this class as home for about 3 days on, I am able to trust myself and do it successfully under your guidance ❤️❤️❤️


This was incredible. I think we all really needed to hug ourselves today.


the way i started bawling towards the end 😭😭 ive been going through a depression episode and this video made me feel better and got me to get up and show grace to myself and my body, thank u so much nicole!


Just what I needed after finishing your last Dynamic Pilates video !! I love how diverse your workouts are !!


Just finished this. Awesome, as usual! I have been doing every one of your videos, starting with the first one you ever did and doing all of them. I am about half way done and I feel so accomplished. I LOVE your workouts


I’ve been doing your workouts since September and have noticed a dramatic difference in my shoulders and hips and calves. Thank you!!! Not only do I look forward to doing your workouts but they’ve helped me so much mentally since having my daughter two years ago. 💘 thanks for what you do!!!!


Hi Nicole, I genuinely think this is your best class of yoga on your channel. I just ended the class and at the end I got so emotional thanks to the connection that you helped me creating with my body and inner self. You're amazing and I'm so thankful for you, keep going this way!!
