How To Warm Up a 2 Stroke Dirt Bike - Are you doing this WRONG?

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Although I've never fouled a plug on a bike larger than 65cc's in the decade I've been doing this, I keep getting people reaching out to me with new fuel injected 2 strokes telling me they are fouling plugs. After interviewing about a dozen of them, one thing is really clear. They are letting the bikes idle for 10-20 minutes at a time to warm them up! That is death to a 2 stroke! In this video, we are going to talk about my methods to warm a 2 stroke dirt bike up.

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I think this guy just wanted us to see his balancing skills.


Takes 2 seconds: it was a little slow to start
Me over here kicking my bike a thousand times lol


The number of different ways you can run a 2-stroke is based on the number of people you ask.


I prefer to tape the throttle wide open before hitting the start button. I prefer my pistons to cold seize.


I literally start my bike run it for 30 seconds go out riding stay slow not giving the beans until my radiators are warm/hot then I give it the beans


Can't wait to see every 2 stroke rider balancing before they hit the track. Just gear up, start the bike and twist the throttle a few times. Then just start riding without revving to much for a few minutes and you’re ready to go. It's fine to let the engine work while warming-up, just don't rev to the moon.


A 9 minute video to show you how to warm up a 2 stroke? Cmon man


Owned 2 strokes since early 80’s so I had a watch and I must say, never had a problem with goo


Been saving up for one for like 4 years now, doing good, can’t wait to actually buy one 🥰


I certainly warmed up with two strokes this morning...👍


If you can foul a plug on a TPI you deserve some kind of award 🤔🤣


Well I've been doing it wrong for 50 years. This explains a lot. Always thought I should let it idle for 5 or ten minutes. Thanks Kyle. Merry Christmas everyone.


I have done it this way for the past 35+ years and no problems at all. My first power valve bike was a 1986 KX500 and never had it gum up because a professional porter and engine builder taught me to warm it up with a load to prevent scuffing and fowling plugs.


you dont warm up a 2 stroke...just ride it easy on the motor first 5 mins


My Husqvarna dealer’s recommendation is to start the engine, leave to idle for 2/3 minutes and hit the kill switch. Leave for 1 minute and start the bike again. Leave for 2/3 minutes on tickover and ride for 2/3 minutes as if you’re running in a new engine. With current 2T’s you must allow the crank case and ambient pressure sensors do their job.
Apart from hitting the kill switch, that’s very much how I’ve operated 2T’s and 4T’s for decades and I’ve never had a problem.


Gotta stop repeating everything so much. Get to the main points. Great instructional video though 🤙🏼


I have never owned a two stroke, so this is great information. I like that you do videos like this. Not everyone has been doing this for years.


The cold start button is fitted on the side of the throttle valve body. If the engine is cold and the ambient temperature is low, the electronic fuel injection system extends the injection time. To help the engine burn the increased fuel quantity, it must be supplied with additional oxygen by pulling the cold start button.

PAGE 17 in the Manual


I’ve been riding since 1977 and I’ve always just keep my hand on the pipe until it’s nice and warm, then hold it wide open with a couple of blips until it clears out. Then it’s time to ride. Never had a fouled plug or cold seized bike. I also run maximum 927 with 100 oct.


I’ve tried everything on my 2000 yz250 and what I found works best in order to not foul a plug literally during startup is to let it idle with choke until it’s hot enough to idle without it. After this I let it idle till coolant temp is around 100
