Low Back Pain

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Dr. Mike Evans is founder of the Health Design Lab at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, an Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Toronto, and a staff physician at St. Michael's Hospital.

Written and Narrated by Dr. Mike Evans
Executive Producer, Dr. Mike Evans
Illustrations by Liisa Sorsa
Produced, Directed, and Photographed by Nick De Pencier
Editor, David Schmidt
Story/Graphic Facilitator, Disa Kauk
Production Assistant, Chris Niesing
Director of Operations, Mike Heinrich

©2014 Michael Evans and Reframe Health Films Inc.
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For my back pain helped.. basically yoga, pilates, deep tissue massages, good sleep, less stress and of course no heavy lifting. 😊👍🏻 works !


I`ve looked for a back ache treatment for couple of months and this back pain guide Oliver two seven Blue fits me beautifully. I could now rest without feeling that pain at my back. I like this plan. This is what I had been seeking.


Hello Doc, I think this is one of the best videos out there on low back pain. I think your tone and word choice make the information easily digestible to most people who will then be helped.
100% true- exercise, movement, and avoiding being sedentary are mandatory for chronic pain not related to 'disease', as you said. Unfortunately, when you have pain, it is really difficult to make yourself move so people just don't. Plus, chronic pain often causes a depressed mood or even depression, which makes it even harder to keep moving.
As someone with chronic pain due to multiple injuries, I hope that people will take your advice and keep moving! It always makes me feel better!


"It's a slow and painful death, my brother"


I was with you until mid-way through. So I've had chronic back pain since 2015 and discomfort since about 2013/2014. I put it off as simply me being unfit, but gradually got worse, and worse and worse. This was to the point of being in agony from walking maybe a few hundred meters. So I go to my doctor, she recommends anti-inflammatories and physiotherapy. She believes it's simply a pulled muscle, so I go through the treatments. The anti-inflammatories work reasonably well, but they keep me awake at night, due to my chronic acid reflux (I've had it since I was 12 - burping causes stomach acid to burn my throat). So she puts me on mild pain killers. They work reasonably well without the upset stomach, but they give me headaches/dizziness. I stick with them until they lose their effect and I become reluctant to leave the house. My body has learnt that physical activity = pain. But I keep trying to soldier on, until the pain starts really affecting my life. In my desperation, I ask for a CT scan. I want to know what's wrong. It turns out that the pulled muscle was really a whole lot of disc bulges and herniations that's caused spinal stenosis. I'm a young guy, and I'm feeling the effects of stenosis now. Anyway, my doctor notices this, and gives me stronger painkillers, but is reluctant to consider surgery. That day, I feel pain relief that I've never felt before. But it's short lived. The pain eventually comes back. So I'm at a point where I'm not wanting to be on these painkillers that give you a taste of normal life, and then yank it away. I'm wanting to at least consider surgery. This pain is ruling my life. Bottomline, you don't understand chronic pain, until you've lived it.


This video is the truth and I'm living proof. I had herniated disc and bulging disc in lumbar area ( L4 L5 - L5 S1) . All doctors would tell me is surgery since it was a huge tear and even recommend shots for the pain. I kept it conservative and did lots of homework about my condition which build my confidence that I can overcome this pain with time and patience. It's been a year since my injury and I can't say I'm completely pain free but let's say I went from a 10(painful) to a 2. No surgery, no shots, just a good chiropractor (check reviews before going) physical therapy and the rest I did on my own. This video is good advice don't give up


Another excellent video, Dr. Mike. Thanks! This is a area I have worked extensively on in the last 21 years. I have come to realize that a great deal of back and other MSK pain can be linked back to poor core strength and poor pelvic stability. With the pelvic alignment being lost, pain starts locally in the lower back and gluteals and then expands to all over the body, including headache, jaw claudication and clicking, etc. I align my patients ( I am a family physician) give my patients instructions to be active, work on stretching and then focus on the core with a weighted hullahoop and a sit on a wobble cushion (passive core strengthening). I also give them a handout on pain management including hot and cold water therapy, massage, stretch and exercise. Happy to talk more about this. Dr. Bryan


I like the positive spin Doc Evans puts on this awful problem.
Also pointing out that one's attitude about the matter is critical.
A point to remember about life in general really.

Informative video, great well spoken commentary - easier to follow with the simple/uncluttered animations.

Many thanks for taking the time and effort to make this video available for all to see Doctor Evans!


Brilliant video :)
I'm an osteopath who works closely with yoga. pilates and personal trainers to get and then keep people mobile and this video really reinforces how effective that approach is. I'll share this with all my patients!


To everybody currently experiencing back pain, stay positive and we will all get through this together 💪🏽


WOW ! . . . . and WOW! again. By far the very best presentation I've ever seen regarding this problem - and I've seen a LOT! It's highly watchable, extremely informative and SO encouraging I'm blown-away by it. The audio (great voice and no annoying or distracting musac), the graphics (simply superb) and the overall explanation and advice . . all just brilliant. I can't thank you enough for this - by far the best help and advice I've ever seen.


My 26+ years of lower right back pain went away with the cat stretch with knees on the bed. The pain migrated to the left side. That left lower back pain went away after 3 sessions of a back extension workout. I am pain free for about 2 years now.


thank you. i am so happy that as a medical doctor you recommend self-therapy rather than relying on pain killers, surgery or whatsoever the allopathic medicine would usually give to their victims. Thank you


Thank you so much ... it's the same set of information my professor presents in a one hour lecture, yet you did it using an out of the box approach within 10 minutes, but what stood out the most for me was the humane touch that most lecturers usually lack, which made the information comprehensible to a patient who’s trying to raise their awareness, in addition to it being educational material for medical students.


THANKS A TON! This video has every detail for a person suffering from back pain. This is the best I could find in last 3 years. I have been coping up with my lower back pain since last 3 years along with my IT(sitting) job. Very good and informative video. Thanks once again for making it. Please make one for upper back arthritis also.


I LOVE how you said MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE because it certainly is! I have fibromyalgia, ostio arthritis and multi level degenerative disk disease. And if I dont move OH MY GOODNESS do I ever hurt!!! So I bike often, walk a lot and do water running at least once a week. I also try to do stretches and mindful relaxation techniques. AND I have to constantly remind myself to watch my posture! lol Thank you again and I am so glad I found these videos of yours. They are very helpful and in an easy to understand language. :)


I had sciatica for a long time and was told I would have back pain for the rest of my life. I moved to Wellington (NZ) and was able to walk to and from work, 30 mins each way. My back pain is fully gone and I have been strengthening my core and it has done wonders! It definite didn't last the rest of my life.


Excellent clear concise overview of LBP for both Dr.s and patients. Thank you. I will be recommending pts w LBP to specifically view your teaching. Brilliant. thanks


Sir my age is 16 ....I suffering this m setting my table 8 to 9 hours ....so this problem is made sir video is very beneficial of lv sir ❤❤❤


Thanks doc, I've just seen this after I came home and my back started hurting, I can't even walk, ok I can walk but it hurts badly. This is the third time it happened to me and it usually hurts for like two days, than it becomes less crippling but still hurts for a few days more than it wears off.
