10 min Full Body STRETCH & COOL DOWN Routine | Entire Body Flexibility Exercises & Relaxation

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Importance of STRETCHING:
✔ELONGATES the muscles that are tight after working out
✔Reduces muscle soreness and the chances of cramping
✔Increases flexibility & range of motion and allows you to get the most out of your workouts (sometimes you might not be able to do some movements due to lack of flexibility)
✔Improves blood circulation to your joints and muscles
✔Reduces the risk of injuries


Girl in her 20s. Living in Hong Kong, working a full time office job in Marketing and making YouTube videos on the side. Also a Certified Advanced Personal Trainer.
(: MY FAVOURITE THINGS: Workout To Eat, My Family, Dog & Boyfriend


Total Body Stretch | Home Yoga | post workout stretch | Improve Flexibility | Back Pain Relief | Flexibility exercises | mobility | Relaxing Cool down | better sleep | calming | leg stretch | arms stretch | neck Stretch | neck pain relief | lower back stretch | Hamstring stretch | quads stretch | beginner yoga | lower body | upper body | Cardio | HIIT | Core Strength | Core Workout | Ab Exercise | Fat Loss Exercises | Burn Fat | Summer Body | Workout at Home | Fitness Routine | Lose Fat | Shredded | Bodybuilding | Intense Cardio | Flat Belly | Weight Loss | healthy snack | healthy food | healthy diet | Motivation | Determination | Train Hard | At Home Routine | BBG | lose weight | 健康 | 健身 | 運動 | 腹肌 | Emi Wong
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The choice of stretches is good, but the video does feel rushed. We jump from one stretch exercise into the next one without time to assimilate the instructions before the next stretch comes in.


Her: Remember to keep your spine straight
Me: **Laughs in scoliosis**


I really liked this but i feel like it moved a bit too quick, by the time you explained what to do-the time was up. Maybe a slower stretch video would be good? either way i still really enjoyed and im glad i found your workouts!


I hate stretching but I alway look forward to this video after completing your HIIT workouts. Feels so good!! 

But it would be really helpful if in your next stretch video, you give us signals on when to switch sides and a few seconds between each move so we can get in position. That way I don't have to have my eyes glue on the screen the entire time. :)


Agreed this feels a bit rushed. But actually, we can slow down the speed. The happy baby stretch is new to me. Totally my fav one now.


This is a great routine! I'd add longer and deeper, but breathing while inhaling and exhaling slowly, this will greatly enhance your flexibility and will generally calm you down, bringing you into that meditative state which everyone strives for while stretching. That's what I learned by doing yoga and my flexibility increased immensely! Hope this helps!~ :3


“i get sweaty from stretching” for the people bound to comment this XD


Great stretches but found it would’ve been better with 15 seconds between each to get into position 🙂


u told us to switch at 15 seconds when they’re was only 2 seconds left


OMG emi, totally did not feel like working out today and wanted to find a stretching routine. Opened youtube and this video was the first thing that came out, MY DAY IS MADE. <3


homegirl says "switch sides after 15 seconds" when theres only 4 secs left


*After a really hard workout*

Emi: “Remember to breathe”
Me: didn’t know I wasn’t breathing... oh no... *EXHALES*

😆😆😆 Thanks for always reminding us to breath Emi!!!


For the past 2 weeks I have been so busy and stressed with preparing for my finals that I just didn't have the time and energy to do my regular Emi workouts. I fell off track.. :( but I finished my last final yesterday! This morning I powered through 2 different Emi workout vids and completed this stretch routine! I'm feeling so refreshed and energized! Excited to start my day and work out regularly throughout the summer! Thank you for all you do Emi xo


Please don't cut out the time between each move. You keep the time going and edit out the time when you change pose. Then people have to pause the clip after every move to change. Or else we mess up the timing


2020 to 2017
This is what happens when you're addicted to Emi's work out videos.
Btw wishing you a really happy married life❤


This is the first 10 minute stretch video that I encounter that actually focusses on all the muscles/parts of the body! I was looking for a stretch video to start the day with, but this one is probably better to do after a workout


I was literally spending the last hour searching for streching exercise videos, and when i saw yours i just knew it's gonna be the right one! Finally something i can actually do x3! I've been already doing your ab's workout for 3 weeks and im so happy i found this one! Thank you so much!


For the people that don;t know, clicking the cog wheel in the bottom right shows an option 'Playback speed'. You can set it to .5 or .75 to have more time for each stretch.


So glad you did this video! I feel like you're one of the few fitness gurus I follow that show their stretch and warmup routine


It helps so much, my muscles tension reduced a lot, my muscles tend to have too much tension even though I'm sitting down, so this helps so much, mostly after my exercises
