30 Minute Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation

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Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that uses a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. This yogic sleep technique calms the nervous system and activate the parasympathetic (relaxation, rest & digest) response.

In this yoga nidra guided meditation to relax you will be guided through a body scan to calm the nervous system, It’s a 30 minute yoga nidra guided relaxation to reboot your whole nervous system. This 30min yoga nidra script lead by Ally Boothroyd of Sarovara Yoga that is perfect for anxiety relief. Lay down, relax, rest, visualize and meditate all at the same time!

This 30 minute yoga nidra with binaural beats aids in deep relaxation through the effortless guided meditation of nidra (sleep). Let yourself relax and be guided into a deep state of effortless meditation. This full length and effective 30min yoga nidra is lead by Ally Boothroyd of Sarovara Yoga. This meditation is designed to untangle and reduce stress and anxiety and calm the nerves over time.

This 32 minute yoga nidra for relaxation aids to calm stress and anxiety. It’s a short, effective yogic sleep practice with relaxing music to soothe the nerves. This yog nidra has a soothing female voice further enhance the state of deep relaxation in the central nervous system. Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation that helps with insomnia, anxiety, stress, adrenal fatigue, ptsd and so much more.

And you can practice these guided yoga nidras next:

If you enjoy your experience with this meditation please leave a comment below and let me know!

Also, If you have a request for a type of meditation or yog Nidra you would like me to publish please let me know below!

I'm always open to suggestions :)

Happy Meditating,
Loka Samastah Suki Nau Bhavantu

Copyright ⓒ 2021 Ally Boothroyd. All Rights Reserved.

#yoganidra #yogicsleep #sleepmeditation #guidedmeditation #yogaforsleep
Рекомендации по теме

Ally, I wanted to let you know that I was 40+3 weeks pregnant and was told the morning of July 10th I'd have to go in for an induction on July 11th due to high blood pressure that began in the last week of my pregnancy. I was distraught because it was not how I'd envisioned my birth and hadn't had blood pressure issues ever in my life. My husband and I came home, lied down together and did this meditation in hopes to relax and emotionally process the news. I fell in and out of sleep and woke up in this meditation to my water breaking. My son was born healthy 7 hours later unmedicated! It felt like and was a miracle. Thank you for your meditations!


I’m putting this on right now. All snuggled in bed and I know this is going to be amazing. Your Yoga Nidras are my favorite!!! 🙏🙏❤️🌸


Hi Ally, I have been practicing this yoga nidra with the same sankalpa for several months now. I feel that it is transforming me from the inside out. During the practice, I feel as though I am dreaming, though I am still fully present and aware at the same time, and I am listening to you. Thank you.


Hey Ally! I’ve been practicing your Nidra for the last 3 months or so. The last month and a half I’ve been practicing almost daily. I just wanted to say THANK YOU! Your Nidra really resonate with me. Your Nidra brought me a deep sense of calm and inner peace. I’m more relaxed throughout the day, less stressed, more tuned into my intuition and have a greater sense of clarity that mental processing isn’t as needed. The deeper knowing is there. ❤️🙏🏼❤️ thank you thank you thank you


I would say this is my favourite yoga Nidra experience. I feel now as if I have travelled through space and time. I feel vast and spacious. So magnificent. Thank you Ally


Namaste Ally.I practice with you everyday .Today this yoga nidra took me so deep and profoundly into myself and the wonderful cosmos and earth we live on.
Your practices have connected me to All There Is in a most wonderful way.
Wishing you love, gentleness and peace xxx


Thank you, Ally! I’m grateful for your gracious Yoga Nidra meditations!


Thank you for helping me cope with my cancer diagnosis


Thank you Ally for helping me through Grieving of the death of my husband God bless you, you are a life saver❤❤❤


Ally, your soothing voice and healing words are a balm for the soul. Thank you for the restorative energy you bring to each of us. Namaste, and longtime sunshine.✨🦋


This was a reaaaally good one for me. At one point a space car showed up and I woke myself up audibly saying “No!” 😄 I must not have liked whoever showed up! Yoga Nidra dreams are so trippy! Thank you for what you do through these wonderful meditations! 🙏


Oh my goodness yes! I’m so excited for the 30 minutes! I use the 25 minute to go to sleep but I love the extra time to really get relaxed and ready to have a deep comfortable sleep


Loved the journey of the cosmos. Feeling at peace to begin my day. Appreciate you Ally. Thank you. 9:27 am 🙏☮🧘‍♀️🌿


Love it! You've climbed to number one on my list. Surpassing Sara Raymond, Jason Stephenson, meditation vacation, Michael Sealey, unlock your life, Caroline McCready, etc etc etc. Keep it up!


The deeply experienced sensation of spaciousness in my body, light, and connection with the universe was so nourishing. I love the dark skies and sensation of being enveloped in the solar system. Your creativity with each Nidra journey is such a gift Ally. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽


Namaste, Ally. For a long time I've been learning to identify with Awareness, Loving Awareness, behind my thoughts, emotions etc. This class taught me the next level, identification with THE Awareness, one loving Awareness, Space, beyond everyone's thoughts and mind. Thank you from the bottom of my soul.


Your channel has come to be an everyday place to go ! I have suffered and is still recovering from burnout and this is a big part of me getting better. I work as a CBT therapist and a also frequently recommend it to my clients ! So my deepest respect and thanks to you for doing so much good for so many ♥️♥️♥️


I wld like to say a HUGE thank you to you Ally. I am going through a challenging time with a lot of overthinking at the moment and a lot of tiredness. Your yoga nidras recharge me twice day and I am sooo grateful for them. This practice I find particularly delicious and uplifting and your voice so suited for
it. Namaste


I love love love this one with the sky and felt so much light in me! Thank you Ally! ❤


Thankyou Ally 🙏 Yoga Nidra is a part of my everyday self care routine. I originally found it when looking for something online to calm my nervous system and I've gained so much more. I am ever so grateful to you and to every other teacher I have come across from your community. Self-love, compassion and benevolence are the way of the future. Much love always ❤
