25 Minute Yoga Nidra

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Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that uses a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. This yogic sleep technique calms the nervous system and activates the parasympathetic (relaxation, rest & digest) response.

In this yoga nidra guided meditation to relax you will be guided through a body scan to calm the nervous system, It’s a 25-minute yoga nidra guided relaxation to reboot your whole nervous system. This 25min yoga nidra script lead by Ally Boothroyd of Sarovara Yoga is perfect for anxiety relief. Lay down, relax, rest, and meditate all at the same time!

This 25 minute yoga nidra with gentle ocean waves aids in deep relaxation through the effortless guided meditation of nidra (sleep). Let yourself relax and be guided into a deep state of effortless meditation. This short length and effective 25min yoga nidra is lead by Ally Boothroyd of Sarovara Yoga. This meditation is designed to untangle and reduce stress and anxiety and calm the nerves over time.

This 25 minute yoga nidra for relaxation aids to calm stress and anxiety. It’s a short, effective yogic sleep practice with binaural beats to soothe the nerves.

This is a yoga nidra style body scan to sooth the nerves. This yog nidra has a soothing female voice further enhance the state of deep relaxation in the central nervous system. Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation that helps with insomnia, anxiety, stress, adrenal fatigue, ptsd and so much more.

And you can practice these guided yoga nidras next:

If you enjoy your experience with this meditation please leave a comment below and let me know!

Also, If you have a request for a type of meditation or yog Nidra you would like me to publish please let me know below!

I'm always open to suggestions :)

Happy Meditating,
Loka Samastah Suki Nau Bhavantu

Copyright ⓒ 2021 Ally Boothroyd. All Rights Reserved.

#yoganidra #yogicsleep #sleepmeditation #guidedmeditation #yogaforsleep
Рекомендации по теме

Ally, You are by far my FAVORITE Yoga Nidra instructor on YouTube or any of the paid Yoga subscriptions I've tried. I look forward to your beautiful, caring voice at least three days a week after many hours of work. Thank you for always helping me center and soothe my brain during all kinds of good and bad stress.


Thank you, Ally. I’ve been practicing Yoga Nidra with you since mid-May of 2022. I was introduced to Yoga Nidra by my lovely daughter-in-law Yulia. Today was practice number 169 for me, and I intend to continue practicing Yoga Nidra. It’s great for my attitude, and I like the deep rest for both brain and body.


Thank you so much for this lifeline Ally. Having such a hard week/month/year. I’m new to your channel but learned about you on insight timer. I had to put our dog down yesterday & sat on the floor in the bathroom listening to your Mehta meditation. Even tho my heart was breaking I turned to you for guidance. I’m so very grateful. You will never know how much strength, calm, & peace I received as your gift. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I’ve had 4 different lengths of your videos on rotation for about a month since I learned about yoga nidra from the Huberman Lab podcast…. I decided to try this as a new one today and it’s now my favorite. Had an emotional moment that brought tears to my eyes where I truly felt “I accept myself just as I am” in how Mother Nature does exactly that throughout the entire world…. So very powerful. As a perfectionist, I feel I found a slice of healing today.

Thank you for all of the work you have put into this channel. It is benefitting the lives of so many.


Thank you Ally - this practice was so soothing and I can really feel a shift in my nervous system. Today has been a tricky day and this has guided my brain and body into a more manageable state xx


Thanks Ally, I rest with your recordings every day as I recover from Long Covid. Appreciate ya.


Ally you are such a gift. Thank you. I’m recovering from a traumatic brain injury and have not been able to meditate for years because of it. Your videos bring me a way to rest my mind that I have not been able to since the accident. You are a wonderful guide and the peace is something life saving for me. Thank you. This is a miracle.


This practice helped to calm and sooth my nerves after a busy, challenging day. Each time I practice, the more I become a calmer person. Thank you for this gift Ally x


Ally - your sessions are a real blessing to me. After being ill for a year with long-Covid I am at last seeing improvements in my ability to rest and pace myself. Your deep rest yoga Nidra sessions really help me to take scheduled rests 3 times a day - so thank you. ❤❤❤


Just lovely. You send such a vibe of love in all your videos Ally. Thank you so much. ❤


Dearest Ally

Wow ... I’m in awe ... your YN’s are so accessible... so few words but the imagery and effectiveness of the practise are so profound. Thank you 🙏


03/12/22 Saturday 09.51. " I accept myself just as I am", taking this with me into my day, Feeling so full of love ! A deep bow to you Ally and to all beings! In the words of Joni Mitchell ....
" We are stardust
We are golden
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the garden"
I felt I came back to the garden during this Yoga Nidra, a garden filled with flowers and humming birds and deep pools of still water and a night sky full of stars" and I felt my self at once both vast and infinitesimal and deeply at peace! 🙏


This practice was gorgeous, healing, reconnecting friendship with the body. I will be following your work and learning.


What a wonderful, calming yoga nidra meditation. I love the soft, subtle soundtrack you’ve chosen. It’s so easy to become enveloped in your voice and tuned into my body. Thank you so much!


So peaceful, rejuvenating and life affirming. Thank you


Namaste Ally.I practice with you every day and I particularly enjoyed this one.
Practising with you is the bedrock of my life and keeps me calm and happy.
I am usually Denise(U.K.) but for the next 6 mths I will be Denise(Australia).
I will continue my daily practice while I am here .Thank you from my heart and my soul.
Wishing you good health and happiness xx


" I accept myself just as I am✨💚
grateful for this practise
🙏🏼thank you🙏🏼


830 this am I was not waking up properly(even with coffee!) I laid down and listened to this. I feel great now!, Thank you for your videos, I love them❤️🙏


This is the best one yet! Thank you so much Ally xx


Amazing and so healing. The images were powerful and I was feeling really anxious and disconnected from myself when I started but now feel connected and soothed. Huge thank you for these powerful teachings.🙏💕
