25 Minute Yoga Nidra for Grounding and Calming the Mind

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This 25 minute grounding yoga Nidra is a guided meditation for deep regenerating and healing rest. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation, a great relaxation technique and so much more. This Yoga Nidra is healing for Muladhara chakra & Vata dosha by lowering Vata, calming Vata, using the earth element and forest visualization to balance Muladhara, the root chakra, and calm the nervous system.

This is a yoga nidra-style body scan to soothe the nerves. This yog nidra includes a forest bath with a symphony of bird songs to further enhance the state of deep relaxation in the central nervous system.

In this 25 Minute Yoga Nidra, Ally Boothroyd will guide you through a relaxation and visualization of the element of earth (prithvi), the Muladhara (root/base chakra), and Vata dosha elevation (wind/air element elevation). A gentle forest visualization will calm, ground and balance Vata, soothe anxiety, nourish the anna Maya kosha (physical body) and invigorate Muladhara chakra.

Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation that helps with insomnia, anxiety, stress, adrenal fatigue, PTSD, and more. This scan takes you through the whole body, systematically relaxing every part of your being.

Yoga Nidra translates as psychic sleep and is a systematic method of inducing physical, mental, and emotional relaxation while maintaining awareness at deeper levels.

Close your eyes and allow yourself to be guided into deep relaxation.

There is really no "wrong" way to practice, close your eyes and allow yourself to be guided into deep relaxation.

Yoga Nidra is a state of deep sleep while you remain conscious. During Yoga Nidra, you can access many different states of consciousness. You might leave your waking state, go through the dreaming state, and go into a deep sleep state, yet remain fully awake.

Some people refer to yoga Nidra as "bliss for your brain" or "divine rest" and some translations of yog nidra include "sleep of the yogi" and "yogic sleep” or “peace beyond words”. Tension and anxiety melt away with a profound experience of muscular, mental, and emotional relaxation. Yoga Nidra is a state of receptivity and creativity, a blissfully rejuvenating and restorative practice that will guide you into inner calm and a state of ease and relaxation.

To find more yoga Nidras or "yog nidras" that you may enjoy on my channel please find my playlist:

And you can practice these guided yoga nidras next:

If you enjoy your experience with this meditation please leave a comment below and let me know!

Also, If you have a request for a type of meditation or yog Nidra you would like me to publish please let me know below!

I'm always open to suggestions :)

Happy Meditating,
Loka Samastah Suki Nau Bhavantu

Copyright ⓒ 2022 Ally Boothroyd. All Rights Reserved.

#yoganidra #yogicsleep #sleepmeditation #guidedmeditation #yogaforsleep
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you Ally. Most helpful. 78 year old Australian male. Starting yoga nidra.


This was so lovely Ally, unfortunately it calmed my mind so much it lead to a, probably much-needed, afternoon nap!


I am super grateful for you being here too, Ally! Thank you for bringing your high vibration and gifts to the world. I start my day with this grounding Yoga Nidra or the 15 minute Yoga Nidra with singing bowls. In addition, I also do the 5 minute Yoga Nidra in the afternoon or evening if I want a little boost. I especially enjoy using the image of the geyser and waterfall! I also work with a TCM practitioner and receive hands on Jin Shin Jyutsu. I am 78 years old and this is the very best time of my life! My body has woken up and is buzzing with the life force! Much love and appreciation for assisting the expansion of consciousness.🙏💗💗💗😊


Thank you ally. I’ve been doing one of your yoga nidras everyday for the past week and am reaching deeper states of relaxation and feeling more nourishment each time and space and calm. I am recovering from coming off psych drugs and a surgical menopause plus huge amounts of stress from
Caring for elderly parents and the recent loss of my mum and my life as I knew it. I’m healing and growing each day and your practices are helping me so much. Thank you. This is a very difficult journey and your work has been vital to me.


You are my cup of coffee in the morning, Ally! I wake from a night of sleep, and then do one of your Yoga Nidras to be ready to start my day. I definitely notice a difference when I have to immediately get up and miss the chance of doing one of your meditations! Thank you for continuing to be here with your Yoga Nidra meditations!


I found out about this practice along my path to becoming more connected to my body (part of the process of living with and around ptsd and focal dystonia) and I am just real grateful your videos exist.


Thank you for a calming and grounding practice. Namaste🙏🏽


This is a lovely practice. I haven't been sleeping well due to menopause and I find these practices have helped me get through my day. I feel sensations in my body when I do this.


I’m loving your meditations So much. Thank You
~ 61 y/o who started meditation 17 days ago: it’s changing my life profoundly. Namaste


Dearest Ally, thank you for this deeply healing yoga nidra.


Hi Ally. Greetings from Ireland. I have been listening to your yoga nidra meditations almost daily since I developed ME/CFS more than a year ago. I listen in the early afternoon and they are so restoring. I had never heard of yoga nidra before despite practicing yoga and meditation for many years. This is so much more helpful than meditation. I hope many more people hear about the benefits. I've been telling everyone I know:) I'm v grateful to you, keep doing what you're doing xxx


Absolutely excellent I use your videos all the time and this one is particularly succinct and powerful.


You are a gift to the world. I came across you while searching for something else and now use your wonderful practices all the time including to sleep. I lost my 35 yr old son 4 weeks ago and these beautiful practices are keeping me more grounded in my grief. Thank you so much ally 💕


Extraordinary experience! The way I felt after finishing this session was incredibly connected, relaxed yet full of energy, grounded and powerful. Exactly what I needed in my recovery process.
So happy I found you in YouTube. Infinite blessings to you and your loved ones ❤


Thanks you Ally
You have help me so much with my recovery with CFS. I love you Ally ❤️


I feel free and accessible. Thank you Ally


As always a beautifully guided Yoga Nidra, I highly recommend it. Namaste.


The grounding yoga nidras are some of my favorite. I love the places I go to during these. Namaste Ally 🙏🏼


This is a gem of a meditation Ally, I love this short del practices that you lead. I am grounded, vital and strong. Thank you ❤


25 Min. Grounding and Calming the Mind. A recent new favorite along with the Grounding for Vata. I am an old Earth Mother, having lived on the land much of my life. Years now in a Senior 15 story building with little access to the earth. All my various methods for "grounding" are a huge, enhancement to this later chapter of a glorious Lifetime. Thank you. d.
