Alexithymia and Relationship Problems in Couples Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Oh my....I knew my husband wasnt "Narcissistic" or full blown and then I thought maybe he was a tad bit "passive"?? But because he has such a huge heart (dogs and children love him) its always been confusing for me, one thing that stood out early on was his inability to horseplay or get down and play with our furboys, this makes so much today I had never even seen the word alexithymia? Much less heard of it?! Glad that I did. And so is my husband!


Thanks for this. I reckon it's something my ex boyfriend has. He told me he had been diagnosed with certain autistic traits and would say that he cannot process emotions. I felt it very difficult to connect on an intimate level, well impossible really. He also said some hurtful things which I took personally. Since our split I have researched a great deal and have come to understand him better. A pity I didn't do so earlier but, to be honest, it wouldn't have worked for other reasons. He's seemingly happy just having a collection of female friends...


Thank you so much for helping me name and understand what little, yet important communication I’ve had with my lover over the years. I always knew he was not narcissistic! My heart told me he was good deep down. I am a teacher, so I hope I can continue to guide him to open up more. We have developed our own language over a period of 15 yrs. He simply texts a single word at times and I get his deeper meaning. I no longer take offense to anything that seems rude- I look beyond my ego to see what he’s really trying to convey ❤️


It is not only painful for the person who has alexithymia, it is also painful for people interacting with a person who has got alexithymia. Especially, when one does not know about the alexithymia of that person because he does not tell. So, you wonder and wonder and wonder what is wrong with that person. I would strongly recommend the person with alexithymia to tell, that they got alexithymia and explain what it means and give that other person the opportunity to get informed. As alexithymia can not be healed, there are only therapies available to better get along with it in society. Recommended treatment is couple dance and fantasy or any other kind of role play.


This is my life all over, thanks for helping identifying whats wrong with me.


My WIFE definitely seems to have alexithymia towards me and our preschool aged kids (friends, acquaintances, and strangers); i.e., can be rude, cold, overly candid, uncaring, have serious meltdowns/outbursts, using of others, selfish, 99% focused on managing own sense of discomfort, can’t make jokes or aren’t funny, etc.

Especially confusing because she:
- is a mother
- shows lots of affection, warmth, and love
- admits wrongdoings and commits to repairs
- has a PhD in attachment theory (a developmental educator)
- an honest and dedicated Christian

She just (unintentionally) changes depending on who has been with her, like her mirror neurons have changed her social / empathic mindset and behaviours for about 24 hours after having spent time with that person.
And then straight back to square one where she’s brutal, can’t handle stress, can’t communicate kindly, etc.


I often am too much into my feeling/emotions where I get overwhelmed. I often make decisions based on my gut rather than facts/logic. It's a problem with intuitive vs sensors. I'm still on the spectrum, though.


No body tzln about it many years ago
We lost everythig before identifying thé name


What if I test negative for autism. Can I still have alexithymia?


Which means it's ALWAYS someone else's fault not theirs😮‍💨


I know what has been wrong after so many years as someone who has autism


Great video. Now is it odd to see the humor in this video because I can relate?


Very good video.

Do you know if there is a connection between ASD females and anorexia?
