Can my autistic husband feel love if he has alexithymia (emotions-blindness)?

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I'm on the spectrum and expressing emotions is difficult. Often I feel intense emotions and sensations. Expressing them is the issue. Emotions like love are hard to pin down, but are definitely there.


If they can’t communicate what they need to feel loved … then that definitely gets in the way 😢


I really can't tell if my ASD loves me. He does things for me but he is so unkind to me. It breaks me. I wish he could tell me, like at the start that he loves me.


Im nt he’s asd. Struggling with 2 kids under 2 and he misses every single mark of my stress or exhaustion. Now I ask for help literally and specifically when I need but still, STILL not enough… I have been having meltdowns where I start by asking for help crying or desperate to talk to an adult other than kids all week. He just asks “what do you want me to say” or says “ok you go and I stay with the baby” while baby is crying I cannot peacefully leave and go away to calm myself down. I just needed a mental pick me up but he never understands that. Then the convo turns into “well when I try to help you dont like it” so he doesn’t even try then it spirals into other stuff. Very broad out of the point of convo stuff. I am suffering. But with kids idk what’s better. Im a stay at home mom, I don’t live near friends or family. Just me and my kids. Dad gets home best thing I can do is be a ghost and not even talk or be talked to other than for or about the kids… it sucks ass. Should have listened to someone warning me that this will be a lot of work on my end bc he won’t see the world like I do. We literally have different experiences when we are together. My shoes look blue to me, they are red to him.


Can you please talk about ASD wives, too? Most of the stuff on the internet and your channel is talking or leaning towards ASD in men or husbands. There are many neurotypical men who are also in a relationship with a neurodivergant female person. Thanks 👍 love your channel.


I was diagnosed with asperger's and I'm classed as high functioning because I don't require monitoring or assistance with my daily life I'm a completely independen 23 year old adult people who are in relationships with high functioning autistic people shouldn't be so concerned because they have been presented with a stereotype from mainstream media about what to expect when they encounter or from a relationship with an autistic person they have their own personalities and someone's autism will affect them in varying degrees but assuming you are dating a high functioning person then it's just the same as any other relationship Communication is key to success. Ps sorry about the long rant 😄✌


Im partner is an empath...she is constantly dismissing my love language (doing things) and trying to force me to adopt her love language. Always trying to fix me.
