Все публикации

Podcast by Mark Hutten, M.A.: 'We See What We Want To See' ~ Message to Neurodiverse Couples

ASD Spouse 🚨 Alert #6: Using Words of Appreciation (every once in awhile)

The NT Dopamine Hit versus the ASD Cortisol Hit #autismmarriage

Message to Cassandra Syndrome Sufferers #relationshipsandautism

The Two Main Blind Spots in Autism Spectrum Disorder #autismmarriage

Question for Neurodiverse Couples: 'Should you and your spouse have separate living quarters?'

Are you a bit low in emotional intelligence? Then here's some help!

Excerpts from the Neurodiversity Workshop for NT+ASD Couples: Mark Hutten, M.A.

This is the #1 thing ASD husbands can do to improve their neurodiverse marriage:

How can I distinguish ASD from covert narcissism?

Anxiety + Age Regression in Autism Spectrum Disorder #autismmarriage

This will make your autistic traits WORSE! #autismmarriage

10 Results of Emotional Neglect in the Neurodiverse Marriage

Trying Harder at “Relationship Work” that Doesn’t Work #autismmarriage

Talking About Emotions: Hidden Autistic Rules (that your ASD spouse will never mention)

They don't include 'conditions' or 'different ways of thinking' in the DSM-5

Disagreeing with Your ASD Spouse: Hidden Autistic Rules (that your ASD spouse will never mention)

ASD and Hypersensitivity to Anything That Smells Like Criticism #autismmarriage

Your NT Wife’s “Malicious Intent” Does Not Exist: Message to ASD Husbands

Key Differences Between the ASD Brain and the Neurotypical Brain #autismspectrumdisorder

Frequent NT Wife Statement: 'My ASD husband is NOT logical at all.' #autismmarriage

RE: 'How can you resolve anything when one spouse is ASD and the other is ADHD?' #autismmarriage

5 Stages the Neurotypical Wife Often Goes Through #autismspectrumdisorder

Message to Husbands with ASD: You're destined to stay emotionally illiterate? NO!!!