How a Male Narcissist is Enmeshed with his Mother & Sisters

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In this episode, I talk about How a male narcissist's first and foremost enabler is his mother. The relationship between them is characterized by enmeshment and co-enabling, where the mother perpetuates her son's inflated self-worth with unwavering praise, dismisses his harmful behaviors as insignificant, and he, in return, treats her like his wife.

She instils in him a deep-seated sense of entitlement, leading him to believe that his needs supersede those of others.

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Treating his mother like his wife is so spot on


This is exactly what happened to me!! When I decided to leave my ex narc, everyone in his family turned their backs on me! When the narc is clearly wrong!! This is so true!!


Married for 37 years and not accepted by them.its a circle of six of them the mother is the ring leader, controls everyone.


If you see this coming to you; RUN as fast as you can before you end up in a vile custody battle.


This is a generational problem, I have witnessed a mother passing on instructions on how to maintained the narcissistic behaviour.


After I put him out his oldest daughter came beating at my door and threatening to vandalize my car. His mom is no longer alive but his aunt and the other women (sister, nieces) in the family treated him like a golden god. I baked him a cake and caught him telling her it wasn't as good as hers. I no longer fall for the "if he treats his mom well he will treat you well"


It's emotional incest between the narc and his mother. She never let him separate; individuate.
I wonder how this will be for my son, living with narc dad, alienated from me 12 yrs so definitely not enmeshed with me but he may be enmeshed with his dad's live in partner who he's been with since i was pregnant with my son. My x loves that he " won" our son from me and that he replaced his mother with his GF.
It's so sick.
These ppl aren't human i swear.


I have no words. This video, Danish, is so spot on it gave me chills. My husband and his mother were quite the dynamic duo. Their secret conversations happened while he was at work. He would never talk to her on the phone at home when I was present. I could write a book on the weird relationship those two had. Yes, she was his mommy wife. Gives me the creeps to even think about it.


His mother and sister are payed cheer leaders😅.They get lots of gifts and money for boosting his false ego.


Omg, I wish I’d seen this 8 years ago. So, so true! Especially the treating his mom like his wife! Absolutely hit the nail on the head. This dynamic is creepy beyond belief and I am appalled I got involved in such a messed up, dysfunctional, cult-like narc family dynamic.. He was an alcoholic and verbally abusive. First red flag - he still (then and now!) lives with mommy dearest.


It's like marrying into a toxic cult.


I really wish this was talked about more, especially in the religious communities. It’s crazy how often this happens yet nobody talks about it.


This is got to be the best description of how a narcissist is created. Thank you so much


Yes the narcissist family are in on it. They know the outcome because the narc has done this many times, to me it was like walking into a cult !!! Yes I knew that his family were more important to him than I was. All narcs are human tapeworms. But I thank him because he gave me the chance to find someone better.


They are all emotional thieves in these type of families, one member goes out to rob supply and bring it home to the rest of them, they all know that they are thieves and when caught they blame the victim for having left the door open, See them as trash and remove yourself very quietly and skillfully from their rotten dirty ignorant circle and don't look back .


This was my life for 20 years... never knew about narcissism allowing the entire family to gleefully prey on me for a lifetime... they do not even protect the narcisisst's children, their own grandchildren, from the narcissist's abuse... as you said it is not just their love of the narc that makes them do this, there is a huge pay off and the hyenas that they are, they hang on for that...


Yep! The narc I deal with, his mommy talks to him like he’s still 5 years old, it makes me sick. Him and I got into it this one time, his mommy called me and was talking to me like I was a 5 year old. It was very odd to me and I told her, “You might talk to his sorry a** like that but you’re not talking to me like that.” 😆


Holy sh*t. I’ve literally never heard something more accurate than everything I went through for 3 years. All the stories I could share boil down to any of the things you said down to the detail of even the secret conversations making you feel isolated and ganged up on. Im still emotional from watching this. I needed it. I feel for anyone who has gone through this. My ex is so extremely enmeshed with his mom and his family enables it all unknowingly on the outside. Believed him when he said everything was my fault.


After our first date he talked on the phone with his mother till 2am. I thought it was a little weird, but I didn't know how much of a red flag it was! After we got married, we visited them on a "vacation" where she literally told me we were staying to live, and I needed to call my family and have them ship out my whole house! Durring the course of our marriage, not one dinner where she didn't call in the middle and have a long conversation. Not a single disagreement where she wasn't on the phone with him and all the lies they could cook up together. Yes, they are quite a pair.. 🤢🤮☹️


This video gave me chills as it’s EXACTLY 💯 the situation with my husband, this mother, and family. I am so happy I came across this video as it is somewhat comforting and validating to what I’ve been experiencing through their collective abuse. Thank you for this. If I could give a million likes 👍🏻 for this video, I would.
