Where to Turn for Pain Relief or Inflammation (Aleve, Motrin, Advil, Tylenol) Dr. Mandell

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Everything you need to know in less than 3 minutes regarding these common over-the-counter medications.

Natural supplements and herbs should always be our first choice. Although, when someone is suffering I don’t believe they should and medicine can be very helpful. Remember, short term is key and much less harmful. Aleve has a longer half life in the body than Advil and Motrin, that’s why is is recommended every 12 hours. Aleve (Naproxen) is somewhat more irritating to the gastrointestinal tract than ibuprofen, possibly due to its greater selectivity for blocking COX-1. Yes, for some people NSAIDs can raise their BP. I don’t recommend anyone to be on these medications for long periods of time without consulting with their doctor.

Cayenne pepper, boswellia, omega 3’s, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, black pepper, cloves, catclaw, and green teas are all good natural anti-inflammatories.

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I hope you find this video helpful for you and your family. 😊❤️🙏


I will give you a very valuable tip. I have serious problems with inflammation. And thank God I found an extremely potent natural solution, which has helped me a lot. It's the turmeric . Guys, two flat coffee little spoons of the turmeric do miracles. I share this with you because I know how painful inflammation is, and how much it immobilizes us, takes us out of activity.


You couldn't make it any clearer! Thank you Doctor Mandel! 💙


Hydration, electrolytes, freshly made juices, far infrared heat. Those are my first go-to steps when inflammation hits.


Better idea - eliminate processed sugar, carbohydrates, seed oils, food additives and all the other crap in the Standard American Diet. Limit natural sugars, too.
Since I started eating a ketogenic diet (which has since morphed into a near-carnivore lifestyle) my joints are no longer inflamed. On the Standard American Diet, I was 30 pounds overweight, felt bloated, sluggish, could hardly pick up things off the floor without struggling and grunting, and I generally felt like crap.
Eight months after fixing my diet, I'm down to my ideal weight, have more energy, and no longer need Advil to get through the day.


It's good to see a video that's not an alarmist about these OTC pain relievers. Taking them as directed will keep You safe.


When I craçked my kneecap years ago, I went to the Detroit Lion's orthopedic doctor and he told me all those pills mentioned also break down cartilage- the cushion between bones. If you continue to take it long-term, you will have more pain problems in the long run!


Dr Mandrill you have educated my life so much with the knowledge l've gained from subscribing to your site. Not only do l love listening to you but seeing your handsome face everyday also makes me feel great!!


Thank You Dr. Mandell for educating us about the differences about these well known medications. God Bless You Always.🙏🙏


Thankyou about time people started finding out the truth about all these drugs.


I use turmeric and ginger on a regular basis .


Hi Motivationaldoc. God created you for a special purpose. To me you are incredible! May our loving God be with you always.


Thank for these videos Dr. Mandell. I spoke to a friend who helps senior's with medicare forms. He stated that your average senior takes 20 prescription medications, then on top of it, they are popping the above over the counter pain relievers like candy. Most people never even look at the side effects or take it seriously. People want instant gratification and will never have a clue as to why they are not aging well. I post your videos on my social media hoping it will help some people to become more aware about the fact all ill health is coming from what we ingest.


I have ckd proteinurea and my nephrologist will only me 3 Tylenol per day if necessary. I rarely do that as I want to protect kidneys as much as possible. Too many people are reckless with ALL these drugs and thank you for reminder to be cautious and speak with doctor before taking any Oct pain treatment.


Love this man ., , , you and dr. berg are amazing not sure if you guys are acquaintances or not but you should join forces you guys could rule the world and probably save it ..health wise anyways ...🙏🙏🙏🙏make it a great day !


Dr. Mandel, THANK YOU. You are such a God Send, for giving us THE TRUTH FOR FREE. Those commercials go on & on, and at the end IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT MONEY. May God Bless You & your Family Forever. ☮️ & 💖 A 60's Truth Seeker. THANK YOU!


I prefer simple aspirin as an anti inflammatory.


I took a 500mg Tylenol at 1am last night for a headache and toothache. Here it is 5pm the next day and I noticed my shoulder pain is also gone! I don’t usually take Tylenol but I will remember this!


I know God exist when shows like this come out I am dealing with really bad shoulder pains and other problems as soon as I woke up and put my YouTube you were on God bless you.


The contents of Dr. Adam are extraordinary. He is great, as always!
However, I discovered glucosamine and it's great for stopping pain (including sinusitis), without using any anti-inflammatory drugs.
For severe pain the acupressure medicine is fantastic, it relieves and relaxes muscle tension. It really helps.
