Fast Relief of Gout Pain with Seattle Podiatrist Larry Huppin

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Dr. Larry Huppin has practiced podiatric medicine in Seattle for over 20 years and treats ingrown toenails every day. His techniques allows for virtually painless treatment of ingrown nails.

We are located at:
Foot & Ankle Center of Washington
600 Broadway, Suite 220
Seattle, WA 98122
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He didn't even explain how to relieve the pain. Misleading title


My left foot is screaming. Colchicine yes. Submerge it in ice yes. Add aleve. Drink much water. I still want to cut off my foot literally. I’m not kidding., I’m getting a podiatrist tomorrow. If I make it thru the night.


Great info Doctor. I am so glad you mentioned the top of the foot pain. I get gout like pain in my knee or in top of foot but never in big toe (except when my whole foot is throbbing).


Had an attack and didn't get it treated with colchicine and prednisone until about the third day. I only used ibuprofen the first two days and regret not treating it more aggressively sooner.


Just a weird question but I’m 18 and had a gout spike 3 times already, I’ve been homeless 2 times in my lifetime already too so I wonder if it’s my diet or something?


I just chopped my toe off, felt better than the pain of gout.


I just turned 36 & I also lost 180 pounds over the past 3 years I had a gastric bypass to be more healthy and get my bmi down I was 390 before surgery currently at 210 and I’m 5’8. I drink at least a gallon of water a day I have a small can of soda maybe twice a week and flush it out with water I go on fast all the time. I say all this to say I am in sooo much pain right now my gout started last year first in my heal and I’ve had it in my arm worse pain ever! When I had it in my arm I seen a podiatrist and he gave me a shot the pain left instantly. Then I had it in my heel which runs in my family my mom had it also in her heels and couldn’t walk for days. Now I have it in my foot my right foot mainly in the toe area. I seen a podiatrist that specializes in the feet when I had it in my heel last year and he wouldn’t give me the shot he put me on the steroids instead forgot the name & the pain went away quickly. This go round I went to the ER last week and they gave me a prescription prednisone I finished the doses and a week later I am still in so much pain. What tf am I doing wrong to keep getting these flare ups?! I lost weight to prevent stuff like this seems like I’ve had more health issues since I had my bypass it really sucks. Sorry so long lol just venting it’s 4 a.m. and I can’t sleep because of this horrible pain. 😢😢😢😢


I just went in to see Dr. Hale who works with Dr. Huppin, and he suspects gout in my foot - started on Colchicine and Steroids along with a blood test (pending results), and an immobilization boot. Next day (today), the ankle is feeling much better, the swelling has subsided considerably. Thanks to the Foot & Ankle Center of WA, I may be truly on the mend. Whew~!


I’m having a serious attack as I’m watching this, going on a month, both ankles, can barely walk if stand!! Can’t sleep, nothing is comfortable on my feet, I’m crippled at 58!! I have it for 25 years now off and on, ‘I believe Stress is a major issue


I have a gout attack every two days and it attacks every part of my feet . My poor brother has it all over his body. I have taken colchesine but the pain is so intense


The title and description didn't much


"See a doctor" is not valuable information.


I have swelling in my left foot I told them to test my uric acid they are elevated but I have no pain I have neuropathy which leaves me with very little feeling in my foot but what's up with no pain I heard it's a most painful thing on the planet if anybody can help me with their opinion I don't care if you're a doctor or not just your opinion please let me know


I'm 40 just had my first ever gout, my god I'd rather get kicked In the balls then to have this pain again swelling still there, been there for 2 weeks now pain not so much.

Mostly due to alcohol on wknd and sugar drinks during week due to working 2 jobs.

I'm In Sydney Aus, been given Iblix and atherlix (spelling wrong) to which I have none left and now I'm on Progout 300 one table per day every day - he claims rest of life, but we'll see I guess.


I have had Gout for years, and love red meat and beer, Alopurinol makes me shitty feeling, I take the methylprednisolone, and it's not helping this time, it is miserable to not do the things I want! I switch from beer to wine if I want to drink, or even Gin and Tonic, and have a water chaser between, I have wen't from 258lbs. to 189lbs., and guess what? I still have these attacks! it boils down to almost have to be a vegetarian and don't eat or drink anything you like in life in order to prevent your Uric acid levels from going off the charts!


"How to treat" come to my office


My grandmother told me to spread Peanut Butter over the joint. Works for me, pain gone in a few hours.


The best thing to use that I use is called gouch


Cranberry juice and a course of steroids, from feeling like a broken ankle to 95% gone within 24hrs


So let me get this right, to treat acute gout either see you tomorrow and spend money or take drugs snd spend money on them clever salesman syndrome: made in USA 😂
