Answering Calvinism / Regeneration Precedes Faith @GoodBerean

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It's a blessing to read the true and inspiring word of God, we see no one is righteous the t of T.u.l.i.p (Rom3:11) God initiates Salvation according to the Bible (Heb121-3).


Every time I see an article on the order salutis, it is always Romans 8:29-30.
What about verse 28, calvinists always ignore that one. God works for the good of those who love him.


Within the calvinistic paradigm everyone person that is saved has been saved against their will .


For any of you that do not evangelize, do this :

Go up to someone and present the gospel. Then ask them if they believe it. If they say no, ask them these questions:

If you wanted to, could you freely believe this with all your heart?

Are you freely choosing not to believe this message, or is it that you just don't believe because that's how it is therefore you can't make yourself believe something you truly do not believe in this moment?


If you don't hear the truth of salvation the gospel of salvation Calvinists are wrong god does not predestined no one before you are born to hell


“Is something they have to wrestle with”

Seems like you are the one wrestling.


Completely false. Obviously, no one receives life apart from Christ on Calvinism. It is because of Christ's work on the cross that He can GRANT LIFE to whomever the Father has given to Him. He sends His Spirit to give them new birth. Their faith PROVES their new life just as breathing proves life in a physically born child. Faith is the BREATH of Spiritual life. It is then that life CONTINUES and is SUSTAINED by that FAITH/Spiritual breath as God's Spirit continues to produce it forever. Thus faith is both the PROOF that new life has been born, just like a baby's first breath and cry, and ALSO the very thing that sustains it in life.

No one receives life apart from Christ. Because we are born again we are "in Christ", who is replaces Adam (i.e. we were formally "in Adam") as our federal head.
