We Access Grace THROUGH Faith | Answering Calvinism (Regeneration Precedes Faith)

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Jordan Hatfield talks answers Calvinism and the doctrine of regeneration precedes faith.
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Amen. God elected that all those who have faith will be saved. And indeed, from before the creation of the world, his plan was to unite mankind with himself through the incarnation. Sin and the fall were not His will and desire for mankind, but He allowed them to occur, in His great wisdom, to allow for the greater good of Human love and freedom.


I have never had or heard of a Calvinist addressing this verse. This is strong and we should use it at every opportunity!


There’s grace before grace and grace after grace. Calvinistic understanding is full of grace!!


Thanks bro, you and your friends helped me so much in giving me even more understanding of a non Calvinist look into Romans 9. I mentioned your video and shared it on my channel, thank you! 😃


We gain access by literally being a piece of God..we are all spiritual beings just here on earth for the experience…this is the information held from us by various beings so that we don’t remember who we really are ❤


To me, Paul is just stressing the fact that we are saved by grace through faith. Faith is a gift from God. Ephesians 8:9. He is the author of salvation.


Yep, it's by faith & God has dealt the measure of faith to everyman (Romans 12:3). "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed..." We CAN believe on Jesus with childlike faith. "He has given assurance to all, by raising Him from the dead". Men are without excuse remember?


Yes! And ALL MEN references in same chapter


Psalm 18 (Lutheran hymnal chant)

Refrain: 🛎 The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my del'iverer . . . 🛎 My God is my rock, in whom I take 'refuge..

🛎 He reached down from on high and took 'hold of me.. 🛎 he rescued me from my powerful 'enemy..

The mighty Lord is with us .. The God of Jacob is our refuge.

🛎 You, O LORD, keep my lamp 'burning.. . 🛎 My God turns my darkness ' into light.

🛎 You save the 'humble
🛎 But bring low those whose eyes are 'haughty.

🛎 You give me your shield of 'victory
🛎 And your right hand sust'ains me

💦 ➕ 🛎 Glory be to the Father and ' to the Son and to the Holy Ghost..
💦 ➕ 🛎 As it was in the beginning ' is now and will be forever.. 🙏 Amen


You know, I don’t understand why those type preachers desire to preach on that when truly the whole point of God’s Word is JESUS! Not Calvin or Luther or Augustine! Jesus is the atonement and our Lord! How about let’s preach CHRIST???!?


Thank you Jordan.
This clearly explains which Calvinists distort.

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:8‭-‬9‬ ‭
[8] For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; [9] not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.


Then you sir would certainly have all the reason in the world to boast. What happens when an unsaved loved one sees you at the great white throne judgment and says "hey what is so different from you and me, we both went to church, why are you saved but I'm not!!!?". What do you say? "I was more spiritual than you", "I thought deeper and prayed harder and thats what led me to making the decision.". Sure you might not boast about it, but you'd have reason to boast.
And then those devilish Calvinists, what would those wicked people say? I bet theyd say something evil like "I was a wicked sinner just like the rest, God just placed His mercy and grace upon me and chose me"....truly evil (in your worldview).


You’re saying, grace is regeneration?

You goofed . I’ll make a video and show you where you goofed
