Does Regeneration Precede Faith? | Answering Calvinism | Great Light Studios

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Jordan Hatfield has a conversation with Phil Bair (author of "Calvin's Desperation), Tyler Fowler @FaithUnaltered, and Dale @RealSeekers about the ordo salutis of Calvinism - regeneration precedes faith.

Is Calvinism biblical? Watch more of my videos answering Calvinism here:



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You can tell your video is effective when you have all these predetermined people showing up to reply against God and attempt to refute what He has “sovereignly” predetermined……..


Absurd indeed!! Thank you Jesus for reaching out to me and saving me!!!


57:30 The 1 Cor coworkers part...
This makes me think of how this passage is very clearly teaching the concept. It isn't an OT story that is an analogy that needs to be understood. Analogies require understanding to decide in what ways two things are analogous.
This passage in 1Cor is such a clear teaching.


Excellent, especially Phil Bair's discussion of Ro 4:5


Ultimately in Calvinism so many things have to be duplicated. Instead of one calling, you now have two callings, an effectual and an ineffectual call. Instead of one grace you have common grace and irresistible grace. Instead of one life you have regenerating life and eternal life. It's post-hoc rationalization. The system that Calvinists are using to exegete scripture (and yes, their system is clearly driving their exegesis) is flawed and instead of considering that the system itself could be flawed they beg the question that it's perfect, that it's scriptural and the truth, and so when they run into issues in scripture they have to post (after the fact) hoc rationalize things to make sense with the system, instead of letting scripture and proper hermeneutics determine if their system is flawed. It's eisegesis. But so many are ideologically possessed and cannot see that it's eisegesis and don't even realize that what they think is good exegesis is actually the opposite, eisegesis.


Excellent job guys. Thanks for putting this up Jordan!


What a blessing to have the true and inspiring word of God !

Romans 9:21
Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? (ESV)


In short, Calvinism claims that you are made Spiritually Alive before you are in a relationship with Jesus who, himself, is Life (John 14:6).

By that logic, Jesus isn’t actually the source of Life. Rather, the divine lottery ticket of “Election” (a Biblical word that Calvinists re-define to mean something unrelated) is all that matters.

Jesus plays second fiddle to winning a heavenly lotto ticket in Calvinism. I’m no Hunger Games fan, but may the odds be ever in our favor.


What a blessing to have the truth and inspiring word of God.

Hebrews 12:2
looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (ESV)


Thanks for educating me on this religion. You guys were great. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊


Calvinists get so hung up on terminology because you have to walk a very fine line to get the terminology to fit the Bible. They don't want regeneration to bring life because they know that life comes after belief. They will always say that God is not the author of sin, even though they will say that God does all the things that an author of sin would do. But that's because they know the Bible says that God isn't the author of sin. They don't like people saying that they believe that God arbitrarily chooses who will believe, because it implies that he just does it on a whim, but they claim unconditional election. When a doctrine requires you to use an exact set of words to explain it, the doctrine is built on sand.


Calvinism is such a huge deception..It might be the trickiest, slickest, refined, ancient system of deception around


Collossians 2 : 12 tells us that we are raised to new life through faith, not raised to new life in order to be able to have faith . Calvinists have it backwards obviously.


We are not the Potter of God by making him an actual Savior by man's will


Great conversation. Faith precedes regeneration. Thanks for your comment on Romans 4:5.


Romans 4:16 Therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace, everything that is from God comes to us through faith in what God said he promises us, if it is not of faith, it is sin. He gives his promises by unmerited favor through believing his word.


Basketball analogy…..
The calvinist god stands over a 4 foot high hoop, holds the ball between his hands and pushes it through the net.
All the Calvinists clap in amazement .
The God of the Bible stands anywhere in the universe, blindfolded backwards and sitting down, throws the ball, and puts it through, only net, every time, never ever missing. The ball has free will, from the time it leaves His hands till it goes through with a swoosh . Somehow He never misses. That is my God.
Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty😮


Nothing limits God's sovereignty. God' Sovereignty simply means God sets in the heavens and rules as He wills. God can rule as He wishes with man having libertarian free will. Our God is a big God.


If a person in the flesh is able to have faith that Jesus is the Christ then there is no reason to be born again but 1 John 5:1 says a person who believes Jesus is the Christ has been born again.


Calvinisms contradictions make it literally impossible to believe…
