Answering Calvinism And The Lazarus Analogy | @ApologiaStudios / @ligonier / @desiringGod

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#JordanHatfield #GreatLightStudios #Calvinism #JeffDurbin #ApologiaStudios #soteriology101 #soteriology #JohnPiper #DesiringGod #noncalvinist #TULIP #Predestination #Provisionism #Calvinist #Salvation #calvinismdebate #christianity

0:00 Intro
1:42 Unable To Believe?
10:10 God Has Not Left Us To Ourselves
17:14 Jesus' Miracles Illustrate Salvation
20:41 Lazarus Is Not Meant To Illustrate Initial Salvation
30:45 Conclusion
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No apostle and Jesus Himself ever referred to Lazarus as a picture of our conversion. I'm constantly amazed at Calvinists who scoff at us when we bring up the Prodigal Son as a picture of conversion while they go to Lazarus as one and yet they have the nerve to actually believe they should be taken seriously as proper exegetes of scripture. It's baffling to me. People need to learn to think and study for themselves, to test if what these men say is true.


Love this!!! Lazarus was dead for 3 days the whole point of the story was to prove Jesus's power over spiritual and physical death.


These ministers are comparing Lazarus’s physical death to the spiritual death of humans as they walk around in their living bodies. Ever heard of comparing apples and oranges? That’s what this is. I don’t think that comparison works very well. Lazarus was spiritually alive when he died - he was a believer. Jesus raised Lazarus from his grave, or tomb, in order to a) again prove His divinity, to b) show His love for Lazarus and his family and friends, and c) give them all hope that he will raise up all of his followers, all those who believe in Him, at God’s appointed time, just as he had said. Thank you Jordon! I think God’s word is much more easy to understand with clarity when you don’t get distracted and confused with all the man-made philosophies and traditions - such as Calvinism - but rather simply believe what the Bible teaches us. God is not the author of confusion. Be like the Bereans and check what you hear preached with what God’s Word says. Thank you so much for this clarity, Jordon.


Doing a deep dive into the culture of the Jews during this time is helpful when interpreting Scripture. Lazarus is sick and dying and Jesus delays going there. By the time Jesus arrives the text states, "So when Jesus came, He found that he had already been in the tomb four days." (John 12:17). The Jews believed that someone could possibly come back to life (a resuscitation) within 3 days, but after that the spirit had left and it was no longer possible. This is the reason for his delay. He is about to resurrect someone who they believe has had his spirit leave and has no possible way of living now outside of the future resurrection, and yet Jesus does exactly this. He had done the impossible. We lose the great message that Jesus has for us when we use this narrative the way that Calvinists do.


To equate the story of Lazarus with salvation is hilariously absurd, especially since the Lord tells us this done so that your faith may grow😂😂


Just watched a crime doc where a young man murdered a pastor and his wife and their daughter and a friend in Farmville, VA with an axe. When the cops were leading him away, a reporter asked him why he did it, and the young man said, "Jesus made me do it." As a non-Calvinist, I must ask Calvinists: Why would Jesus put this lie into his mouth? If God determined all of this kid's words and deeds (and determined he would hack these people up), why would God Almighty ever have anyone say these words out loud? Why falsely implicate His own Son? Why even put the thought into anyone's head? Answer: He didn't!


Reformed: Catholics take Jesus's analogy too far, He is not saying the bread literally becomes His physical flesh

Also Reformed: Dead in sin means unable to respond like a literal corpse


Man! So good! CONTEXT matters indeed Thanks Jordan. Don’t stop. These videos are so needed in the Body or Christ right now. The Lord is doing something!! Blessings~~


Yep, Prodigal son dead, not Lazarus dead.


When interpreting Scripture we first need to define what type of Scripture are we reading. The story in John about Lazarus is a historical narrative. Because it is a historical narrative we take that what we are reading actually happened. It isn't an allegory or even a parable. Most of these preachers of Calvinism would berate anyone for taking a historical narrative and spiritualizing the passage or allegorizing the passage, and yet they will continue to use it as an allegory simply because it fits their narrative.


Thank you Jordan. I believe God gave us minds to think (Matt 22:37). Thanks for your mindful, logical approach.


For those of you thinking "How could these great men of God be wrong?" I encourage you to look to the scriptures and know that as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another. There are many brilliant people at the medical school I attend but they are morally bankrupt. Man can be wrong. God's word will stand forever and stand as true.


"Isn't this the uniqueness of Christianity, the Gospel?...God hasn't left anyone to themselves." Man, that's such a good point! I hope you don't mind if I steal that for a future sermon!


Lazarus is a poor analogy, because he was dead dead, not “spiritually dead” (which is not found in the Bible). The NT only has three verses saying that living people “were dead.” But, in all three cases they “were dead in trespasses.” An important difference. Lazarus was dead. He was not “dead in trespasses.” Those who are now “in Christ” are now no longer “dead in trespasses.” This has nothing to do with Lazarus. That scene was about the authentication of the power that Jesus has.


Don’t get me wrong… I appreciate many of these pastors and know many have been saved through them. 💕 But I was shook and also saddened that so many of these well known and respected Calvinist pastors preached the Lazarus story in a way to support their Calvinism. I mean I already knew it was commonly explained that way by many lay Calvinists. But these leading Calvinist pastors often do stress exposition and exegesis. I was shocked that they, too, used eisegesis and read Calvinism INTO the narrative of Lazarus rather than true exposition and reading the text it plainly. 😢


Thank you for a well made video. Most likely our Calvinist brothers and sisters won’t appreciate this though! A perfect example of that a passage out of context and making it a pretext


There is no evidence that the Lazarus story is a parallel of salvation. It is pure conjecture to support a point of view.


Someone pointed out to me that Jesus uses both the figurative and the literal meanings of 'dead' when he says "Let the dead bury the dead".


The most disappointing part of this video was finding out Jeff Durbin is a Calvinist….


Beautifully done. Thank you for exposing this.
