Major Issues With Calvinism / Regeneration Precedes Faith #reformedtheology

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I expect to get responses like:

“It’s a mystery.”

“You just don’t understand Calvinism.”

Exposing the Calvinistic systematic as unbiblical is much needed and this is an excellent point to reveal how untenable it is.

Great job, Jordan! May the Lord continue to bless your study and work.


Essentially, it all boils down to this:

Calvinism says you need to be Regenerated in order to have life in Christ.

The problem is, Christ IS life.

So, basically, Calvinism is inadvertently claiming that we must get "life" OUTSIDE of Christ in order to get Christ (who is life).


Thanks for speaking Truth.

Regenerated before you believe not after?😮
That is a huge false doctrine.🤔🤫


Thank you for your hard labor exposing the truth about Calvinism. Don't let anything or anybody discourage you from doing this important work.


Yep, regeneration is being raised to new life through faith in Christ. Colossians 2:12 says, "having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead."
We were raised (made alive) through faith rather than being given new life to come to faith.


You know what they say: there’s two types of grace, two kinds of love, and probably two kinds of life too…
At what point does a Calvinist stop and say, maybe I’m going about this the wrong way?


They generally get around this by claiming that regeneration and faith happen at the same time


Election is to service, purpose or blessing, not salvation.


Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.

Hebrews 9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

Regeneration is the new life.


If only Calvinist would read the "mystery" is answered with Paul!


Regeneration precedes faith is not a temporal statement. It’s a logical priority. Your faith and life happen simultaneously in time, but the descisive final choice of you coming to faith was not yours it was God’s choice. You “were made alive in Christ”


Phillipian jailer was told: "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved". A child can understand this. It takes intellectuals to muddy these waters.


Here's my question. Why does it matter? I pose this question to the Calvanist, and to those who want to debate against them. I am not a Calvanist, I believe in GODs provision period. What's the purpose in fruitless debates on topics that aren't important? Spread the Gospel! This is the issue with Calvanism. Calvanism is the focus of Calvanist, instead of Christ.


And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.


These type of clips are pretty much promotionals for Calvinism becuase they make anti-calvinists look very ignorant.


Exactly! I always wondered that to, clearly regeneration is not salvation, in this context, so what is it? Just the ability to believe? Ok, but how’s that being regenerated? There needs to be another word for it like Ability, not regeneration, but that would mean regeneration as they are using it is separate from Christ because Christ comes after. I don’t see that in the Bible, thanks


The Spirit gives life the flesh is of no use. John 6:63. It refers to the Holy Spirit. One is born again throught the Holy Spirit and hearing the Gospel of Christ and believing it. Yes the Holy Spirit is distinct but not seperate from Christ or God the Father.


If you believe in total inability then life must come first or the dead in sin cannot come and believe. But If you believe salvation is through libertarian freewill faith produced solely by the flesh then regeneration kicks in, then yeah you can hate calvinist/reformed all your life and argue all day.

If this is an anti calvinist channel, then it works both ways. It also helps promote, teach and clarify Reformed theology. Glad that Calvinists/Reformed are beginning to pop up in the comments section. Keep it up...There are those who are on the crossroads just waiting for the right comment/ answer that will illuminate them...

Special thanks to Jordan for His free channel for Calvinists/Reformed to be heard and defended...Obviously, listening to calvinist haters is not the right way to learn reformed theology. So let us keep up the good work.


There’s literally not one scripture that says regeneration proceeds faith/belief. Not one.


If you believe you are alive before you can come to Christ so be it. Give yourself more life, you are not really dead in sin. Jesus is just waiting for you and would be glad that you did. Pelagius would envy you.
