15 minute Relaxing Yoga for Anxiety and Stress Relief

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🙏🏽 WELCOME to your modern day yoga channel by Sarah Beth Yoga where you can find clear & fuss free yoga videos ranging from short 10 minute yoga routines to longer 30 minute yoga practices for all levels to help you get stronger, happier & healthier.


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Disclaimer: Sarah Beth from Sarah Beth Yoga LLC strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge

#yogaforanxiety #yogaforstress #relaxyoga
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Want to tone, strengthen & stretch even more?
Sarah Beth


I’m in my late 50’s and haven’t done regular exercise in decades. I’ve been doing your videos 5-6 times a week. Not only is it helping with the stress in my life, I’ve actually started to look forward to practicing each morning. For the first time in 20 years I can touch my toes again!!! Thank you, thank you for helping me on my way to better health ❤️


Best YouTube yoga channel hands down! I'm so thankful to have come across your channel. I love that you do the voice over almost like a guided meditation and really insure that we take time in each pose to truly appreciate the moment. Please don't ever stop sharing your peace. Your channel is a blessing .


That quote had me crying my eyes out hah. I had a rough day. Thanks for this sweet little practice.


You are heaven sent Sarah, you`ve helped me through some challenging times in the past few years. I`m so grateful, thank you. *namaste* <3


I’ve been having a challenging week. Did this flow and I’m literally in tears “the desire for a positive experience is itself a negative experience. The acceptance of a negative experience, is itself a positive experience.” If ever I have a chance to meet you Sarahbeth, its a hug from me. You’ve saved me so many times


Just what I needed after this crazy busy weekend and to start my very busy Monday. I have anxiety pretty severe most days, so when I saw this in my email I knew it was calling my name. I especially loved the intention and how you repeated it through the practice to keep me focused. I usually do short practices because my mind starts to wonder and I lose focus- so that was helpful! Namaste 🙏🏻


No other yoga instructors can bring me peace and calmness as you do. Your voice alone is a remedy.


I really like intentional practices that involve mindful breathing and the physical relaxation and concentration on acceptance in a relaxed way helps build reassurance


I agree with Danielle...just what I needed after a stressful time. I am ready to start my day, accepting my experience as it is. Peace.


I’ve been able to cope through difficult times due to this particular combination of thought, philosophy and practice. I’m so thankful for it.


I've been doing your exercises in the past 3 years, but never commented. Today, when trying to recover from a breakup, I broke down crying in the middle of this set, and found some much needed relief at the end. Thank you so much for this. I will find peace, and will accept the experience as it is.


This routine is perfect.

A simple routine to calm the nerves, with some gentle core work incorporated into the flow.

Love it.


Beautiful words. It made me reflect on those experiences that were negative. I love finding peace in the moment.
Thank you and may you experience peace today.namaste🥰


the last quote ended with me crying as i opened my eyes, it was like you knew what i was thinking in the moment, thank you for such a wonderful experience


Having full of sadists around me.. this video is such a sweet thing happened to me .. god bless u Sarah


Thanks Sarah for your videos. This the time I needed desperately something to help me relax and fight depression. Thanks God for having you!!!. I love the way you does yoga, because is so easy to follow!!!. After doing this yoga I feel like being alive!!!. Thank you so much!!!


Extended savasana to 30 minutes today after practice, i felt so relaxed and calm. Your words about santosha was just what i need to hear today. 🙏


Every time I am having a really bad time with my anxiety and I feel upset, this video always helps! Thank you so much! <3


OOooh I thought relaxing yoga for anxiety and stress would be more of a bedtime practice, but that's ok. I really love your pacing, prompting and I especially love the philosophy you incorporated into this practice! This is exactly the teaching I am looking for -- thanks!
