How to lose weight without counting calories | 10 Tips that helped me lose 80 pounds naturally

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Thank you for watching my video! Hope this video helps you on your weight loss journey, as it did for mine ❤️

It can be hard trying to find what to eat on your weight lose journey, but I know this video will help.

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I am a registered dietitian, and I 100% agreed on everything that you said. I am very very proud of you 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


Another tip is drinking a glass or bottle of water right before eating because it’s going to make you feel full faster so you don’t over eat


Thank you!!! I am starting my weight journey at the age at the age of 47. I’ve been walking for exercise 4 to 5 times twice a week. This has been going on for about a month. I’m 5 ‘3 I weighed 219. I’m weighing 195 as we speak. I would like to get down to 145 to 155. God is good


Little cheat code/ fact before grabbing that second serving wait 10 minutes, it takes about 10 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it’s feeling full or satiated if you still feel hungry after those 10 minutes you can grab a second serving but if you feel satiated or satisfied not Necessarily full you can just stop there and wait till the next eat time. Hope this helps ❤


Thank you for sharing! This will help me a lot. I walked my weight off over 2 years ago now. I went from 350 to 128. I am obsessed with calorie counting and miserable.


From someone that lost 90lbs, I must say that your info is 1000% ON POINT! Ever since I changed my eating lifestyle 6yrs ago and have been able to keep the weight off basically doing everything you mentioned. I feel better at 60 then, when I was in my 30's. We have to take charge of our health and maintain a healthy lifestyle so we don't have to rely on Big Pharma and the medical system. GOOD HEALTH IS THE TRUE WEALTH that will give you the ability to live a good life in terms of emotional and physical well-being. Keep up the good work.


This is literally one of the best personal videos that I have watched. I’m locked in. Congratulations 🎉 on losing 80 lbs.


I’m 82 lbs down as well! You look great. 60 lbs to go for me.


You got it Ms. I am 38, and I said I will finally lose this weight by 40, I love this whole video, I hope you know you are helping a lot of people. May God Blessed you.


I’ve lost 30lbs in 7 months by eating clean and I started doing HIIT workouts 5 weeks ago!

And absolutely EVERYTHING she said is correct!


You are so on point.. and perfect for me.. I lost 75lbs. on WW and gained 35lbs after getting married at the age of 60. Still working on getting back to my goal weight.


Another tip is cooking in water or veggie broth instead of oil. Most dishes can be cooked without oil and taste isn’t sacrificed. I’ve been doing this for some time and I barely use oil or butter. 14 oz of grass fed Butter last almost a month in my house now for a family of 7.


I freeze 10 grapes and eat them after every dinner. Also I buy 2 cooked rotisserie chickens for 12 dollars. I eat one half every day…. Lost so much weight doing this


This sounds so much more doable then all those drastic measures


I'm in a wheelchair but I'm pretty mobile as far from the waist up and I do Uber eats and I work in delivery for groceries so I'm constantly picking up gallons of milk and things like that so I'm always mindful of the movement that I'm getting but learning this about dieting is a game changer thank you so much


Let me just say, your personality, humor, face, and info is EVERYTHING TO ME!! This is exactly the video I needed to see. I finally feel ready to eat healthy and add more healthy options to my day to day. It’s been going great so far for the last week and I know I can do it. Thanks so much again for these tips 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


It was so refreshing to watch you! I know all of these tips and lost 40lbs on my own 5 years ago. However, I got sick, developed a thyroid issue and packed on what I lost and then some. I'm now back on a journey to lose the weight again. And again, even though I know all about everything you said, it's helpful just to hear it all again! I feel like after I got sick and the weight started coming back, that I kinda lost some momentum and just forgot so many things I did to lose it the first time. This video was so inspiring and helpful! Thank you so much for posting this! New subbie!


This is the first video I’ve seen of Mishlove and I’m so impressed with how practical all the tips were and her personality. I am on my journey of losing weight in a more natural way- so that I can turn it into a lifestyle and these tips were very helpful and great reminders! I love forward to discovering her other videos **New Subscriber**


Now I’ve see😮a lot of weight loss videos…and I mean a lot. And I’m 69 years old. So A LOT! This is your gift. You’re so real! I’m gonna go back and find your other videos. Very motivating. Thx so much!❤


did all these things during the pandemic, added walking every other day and lost 60lbs w little effort ♥️
