ENFP and INFJ are the Perfect Match?

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ENFPs and INFJs are quoted everywhere across the internet as the perfect relationship match. Join me in the discussion of whether this is the case!

What is your experience? Have you ever been friends or dated an INFJ/ENFP?

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As an INFJ guy, what I've understood after a while is that our type's personality is just "balance": if we are with someone more optimistic and cheerful, like an ENFP, we become more realistic and grounded, but if we are with someone realistic and grounded, like an ISTP, we are the ones to turn optimistic and cheerful.

Our personality is literally just whatever is needed for balance to be achieved.


I recently started dating an INFJ and it has been MAGICAL. We're currently trying not to let the bonfire burn too hot lol


ENFP: Don’t hurt me, I’m stupid.


My crush had me take the mbti, he is an ENFP and I found out I am an INFJ slksksks he's so excited telling me we're perfect match ㅠㅠ my healt melts. My man 💖


Omg. ENFP married to INFJ for 22 years. This is spot on!


INFJ here dating and ENFP. I fell in love before I even knew her personality type (it’s been over a year and I just found out). Truly feeling lucky


I'm an INFJ and I've always been drawn to ENFPs, I love how positive and full of life they are & I feel so warm around them. And the depthness to their personality always surprises me. Though I always worry that they're too fun & interesting to be all that interested in me!


INFJ always feel myself magnetically drawn to ENFP’s but totally agree in the long term, needs flexibility on both sides. Great to hear from an ENFP perspective.


I'm an INFJ dating an ENFP for 8 years...we came to know a few weeks ago. Your description was so enlightening and accurate..I'm beginning to understand why we argue, and when we do, it's bad. But it doesn't separate us. The reasons you stated were very accurate. I've always wanted to know the ENFP's perspective. This is the best video I found.


😂😂😂 Yes! ENFPs don’t like that reality crashing down perception we INFJs bring.


I’m INFJ and I feel very drawn to you, how do you do that 😂
You guys are INFJ whisperers I tell you👀


I am an ENFP, my boyfriend is an INFJ 🥰 The 14 best months of my life so far 💕 and yes we are honest and willing to grow 🙏 Thank you for sharing your thoughts and investigation 💎


I'm an infj guy, and find your vibe soo attractive.


I'm an INFJ man with an INFP woman. And there's sparks all the time. It's been 7 years


I'm an ISFJ and my wife is an ENFP. We've been happily married for 20 years.


INFJ here, dating an ENFP. We have been together for 5 years. We had so many ups and downs, we somehow don't give up on each other. Most our clashes are about the way we think. Most of the time, we mean the same thing though with a different perspective, still argue about it for no ends.

Opposite to popular belief, I am the talkative one in the relationship.


The ENFP in me literally zoned out 5 mins into this video, I was flashbacking into the time when I and a bunch of my ENTP/ESTJ friends used to be loud in class:") ahh, those were the days. But I still don't understand why I have more Introverted friends than extroverts at this point. like- WHATTT


I am an infj and my husband is an enfp. 20 years together. We had our ups and downs, but this is a magical love story. Best friends, soul mates. Socionics does not "approve" this relationship though, preferring duals instead. I may say there are downsides, but who does not have them?
1. I try to control him, bc he is kinda irresponsible and carefree.
2. He has no idea about time and deadlines: he just procrastinates, forgets things. I am his alarm clock and notification bell. I wish he was more responsible. I live as if I have 1 year left (so I have to plan everything) and he lives as if he has 1000 years to live (so he has plenty of time and doesn't need planning)
3. He doesn't plan things properly and we may get into situations, so I am always in charge of packing, planning, booking.
4. His jokes are too inappropriate and foolish. Mine are sarcastic.
5. He is a little more selfish from my viewpoint. Also I have to fold his laundry and find things.

Anyways. I wouldn't change our relationship. It is said that duals are a perfect match, but I don't think this is always the case.


INFJ here - I just recently took the MBTI test and I find it fascinating how accurate it was to me. ENFP's seem to be the kind of people that I have a mutual understanding with, something I am not use to because I generally have to be someone else to other people. I personally like to empathize with people and take on their problems as if they where my own and that takes a extraordinarily large amount of energy from myself. I feel like ENFP's don't require this kind of treatment it's almost like the people who are ENFP's are the same to INFJ's are to other types. The ENFP is my favorite personality type so far because of the compatibility they have with my own. I enjoy ENFP's company because when they get me to talk about something I am interested in and knowledgeable about and They understand me more easily than other types. As a INFJ I find when I talk about stuff that I care deeply about I describe it through feeling, metaphor and sentiment due to this it makes it very difficult for most people to comprehend because it's not purely based off of reason and logic. I have one ENFP as a close friend and she is very a genuine and open person that cares about me a lot. I hope this was fun to read as much as it was to type, expressing myself through text is a lot more difficult than talking because I have to make it make sense. lol


Are ENFP’s drawn to coloring their hair flamboyantly? I don’t dislike it, I actually love it.
