CSJ's Mentor Finally REVEALED!!

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Today CSJ's mysterious mentor makes his youtube debut. We ask how he got his start in typology and his philosophy behind MBTI. This is just part 1 of a multipart series where we delve into CSJ's start in typology and many more topics. Subscribe so you don't miss part 2!!

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Shout out to CSJ and his Mentor Robert for coming on. Stay Tuned for part 2. CSJ gets into some deep stuff coming up


Robert Bryant here and sorry for the terrible lighting and camera position, we will be fixing that!


I love CSJ. He's a character. And he's mellowed a little. You have to give him his due. He's a straight talker even if he is sometimes full of shit.


The top four accuracy legends in the typology sphere, I’m surprised the stream didn’t implode from all that brainpower lol


This guy needs to get his work out there his years of experience is so preveilent in his communication explains CSJs level of competence having Robert guiding him


YESSS, this is mad of you to have organised this!! 🔥


So glad you got this guy on. It also gives CSJ further credibility because he's always talked about his mentor but I could never figure out if it was sheer mythologising.


Damn this is an Avengers assemble type moment


Man. I really see myself alot like Robert. It's cool to see that I could be as informative and knowledgeable as this man someday. I appreciate the work he has done.


Beautifully put by Robert, how our view of the world is very small standing on its own, 1/16. Looking forward to the next part and to hear some from CSJ. For me I’ve always felt that I understood people on a deeper level, since I was a kid. My issue is that I’ve always felt that people didn’t understand me, the real me, and that is the part I couldnt understand why. I’ve started to understand that I have adapted too much, being afraid of people knowing the real me. This science helps in furthering this understanding, along with enneagram


S/o to CJ Joseph mentor is good to finally see the Legend 😂 all we need is your brother on the show now


To the Mentor, Ni = Knowing, here is my ENTP perspective:
Ni users have their own ideas of conceptualizing reality. They tend to project their previously observed patterns on the current moment
When they "know" what is going on = they use Ni, their mental conceptualization of reality
They come off narrow-minded to Ne users, and they can be. They can stubbornly hold on to their point of view, not realising other perspectives
Also i call intuition Intelligence, meaning high Ni users have high intelligence due to their complex mental conceptualizing abilites


The MBTI theories are informative in presentation because they are almost all written by INTPs.


interesting idea keep up the great work


Robbie bryan really came outta a Tim Burton movie


My dude did all the talking and you call him a introvert?(Robert Bryant) Can someone explain me the definition of introversion?


Okay so CSJ is ESTJ enneagram 1. The Mentor is INTJ enneagram 5 after watching the other video for 8 minutes


That’s my Dad, Robert Bryant! Proud to be his daughter. Originator here - ENTP. 😇😇


My comments on the 1.5 hour video where i prove CSJ is ESTJ:
CSJ is saying the exact opposite than Robert. He is etching and miming people, while Robert, like a wise Ni Hero realizes God made us this way. CSJ is exactly the judging society Robert described
CSJ is constantly using Te and Si. He says he is doing that in his whole life. He literally describes he is a concrete type 37:40 - 38:30, 39:30 - 39:37
He admits he has Ni Trickster 39:45 - 39:59
He is all about data and external sources. All.
1:02:25 That's not Fe Really??
1:03:10 NPs are lazy, this is csj having Si Parent. "They are very manipulative" says Ni Trickster.
1:07:35 Not a Te Hero, huh? Where is his Fe Child?
1:00:00 chase Fe users jugde your character as what you are. They don't see the need to rationalize it to you. It is Fe not Te. Rationalizing would be the exact opposite of evaluating your character. Your Fe Demon is really really bad for requiring reasons or else dismissing people. But you don't understand this principle either with your Ni Trickster.
In the ending Murcer summed up nicely how CSJ has a lot of facts to share and that he has suffered a lot. Te Si.

Robert please these guys need guidance, you can see their low Ne and Ni makes them get completely lost. CSJ has already created a huge mess in a lot of people's lives and heads. His Ne Child confuses everybody, while his Te claims he is telling the Truth unlike other people, because he wants reputation and to do his enneagram 1 self-percieved moral "mission".
