INFJ ENFP Relationships - The Muse Relationship 😍

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My thoughts on the INFJ - ENFP pairing and how it helps drive growth and self-awareness in a person, and also why some people have negative opinions on this relationship.



Hey! My name is Erik Thor and I recently started my own independent website exploring personality psychology, flow and neuroscience.


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As an ENFP woman married to an INFJ guy for 20 years (we married young:) I can tell you that I am extremely happy, and I feel like our marriage has become more wonderful every year. It is a great pairing IMO, but not without its challenges. However, I think I would be bored if there were no challenges to "conquer" together. An INFJ can be quite controlling in certain circumstances, and and ENFP has to have enough spine to draw a firm boundary instead of running away from a conflict. An INFJ is much sharper with their words when angry than an ENFP and can become quite combative in an argument, (because they need to be "right" or get you to admit they are right even if they aren't:) also loves to give the "silent treatment" which is infuriating to the ENFP which can turn a small argument into a big one. (Ok this is MY experience;) but our parenting style is very similar in that we are more gentle and focused on who our kids are as people, and neither one of us favor an authoritarian approach, although if someone has to bring in the reigns a bit, it's him. I pushed him to follow his dreams, and he did, and he encourages me to not sell myself short. I don't believe there is any perfect relationship without struggles. I think that personality typing is a very useful tool in being able to understand your strengths and weeknesses, and thus become a better partner, and person over all. (Can you tell I'm an ENFP? I just wrote a book. Lol)


The INFJ-ENFP relationship sounds a lot like teenagers falling in love. Scary, impractical, emotional but absolutely amazing.


My INFJ friend told me, “I admire you more every single day” and I really have to say the same for him!


My best friend of 30 years is an ENFP. We are like the two sides of a zipper. I provide depth and grounding, and she provides encouragement and inspiration. Mutual respect, good boundaries, and honesty with each other makes this a cherished friendship.


Me (INFJ) and my partner (ENFP) are having the best kind of relationship one can have. This pairing is absolutely amazing. So open, so intense, so loving, trusting and sincere. Even if we fight (never very long), we find back to each other quickly and talk it through, always making that effort to understand each other. His temperament is even more intense than mine :D, but I love him and I know where he's coming from. This relationship is so beautiful and special that it feels like it's my first, cause I'm finally as happy as I ever wanted to be. And we're fiercely loyal towards each other. So for all you INTJs out there trying to snatch those ENFPs..there'll always be the perfect option for them: the INFJ :D it's fun, weird, unique, so deep, intimate and just so good.


The relationship INFJ-ENFP it's based on mutual admiration, intensity and a deep, spiritual connection.


Honestly as an ENFP I like INFJs more than INTJ. I've encountered some INTJs I just simply wasn't fond of them 🙂


As an INFJ I was blessed with my ENFP sister, 18 months younger than I. She's still my best friend. But we are very different, and make eachother see things from another side. ☺


"There are things you can't predict and an ENFP is one of them." 👏 Thank you, wish I saw this video when I first started my relationship with ENFP!:)


All I can say is we ENFP-INFJ's need a lot of patience and understanding, but the connection is there and is a very strong one. Watching this video was like reassurance and there were some revelations too. Pretty spot on and super interesting. Thanks for this, Erik!


I'm a female ENFP with a male INFJ and we work off each other extremely well because we both agree to grow with each other. He helps me, I help him, its a very strong bond of trust and support but its not always perfect, especially when we have miscommunication. Overall, its amazing tho! ((:


I (ENFP) had a date with an INFJ yesterday. I was sad because I liked her and her body language seemed withdrawn and she had a sexy, controlled, but neutral tone that made me think she wasn't into me. But once the date ended she said she actually liked me immensely and the date ended with a kiss and scheduling a second. So weird but I'll take it.


I (ENFP) went out with an INFJ guy for a bit. It didn't work out romantically, but we mutually decided to be friends instead. Somehow, we really did become good friends though with absolutely no hard feelings between us, and it's truly become a unique friendship that I treasure!


I'm ENFP lady married to an INFJ guy for almost 20 years now. It works and brings a lot of happiness. We see that world in a similar way and are very close. That said, the main tension is between my desire to get out, travel, have new experiences and his preference to stay home, think and nest. He might feel that my need to try to new things are just a frivolous waste of money, and I can't understand why he wants to amass collections of things -- books, art, records, etc., etc. We keep each other in balance though. It's worth trying for sure.


as an enfp, my best friend is an infj and we get each other so well, i wouldn't trade her for the world


Im an enfp male with an infj female she is amazing we are always happy


"Muse relationship" is the most accurate way of describing my ideal relationship. I want to be inspired as an ENFP, and often, I feel that people do inspire me. I have not been able to type people like some people can, but if it's an INFJ that can curate inspiration, then right on✊🏾 also, I hope the best for you and your ENFP girlfriend 💛🙏🏾


My first serious relationship was with an ENFP women and I can say out of all the women I have dated i had the most fun and felt socially and naturally connected than any other type. Our struggle was that we were not mature in our types and when two feelers are not mature and struggle it becomes an emotional whirlwind, so I ended the relationship because I was suffering in my education and needed space. We connected instantly and still remain friends to this day. If we met at different stages in life we would be together a long time. Her extroversion and adventure (P) was very attractive to me when I was younger and too rigid and needed balance socially. It's one of the best pairs that exists but I believe the I and E as well as the similar F needs to be mature and understood from both parties.


it works if both people are willing to work towards self improvement, but its a complete clash if one of them isnt.


As an INFJ guy who's currently falling for an ENFP girl and who's best friend is an ENFP guy, I couldn't agree more. I see in this girl and guy a lot of what I try to be: spontaneous, fun-loving, but still in touch with the self. Loved this video Erik, keep it up!
