8 Things ENFPs Need In A Partner

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Hello ENFPs and ENFP lovers! A few weeks back I published a video on the top mistakes my type tends to make in relationships... and then realized I was leaving something out, which is our side of the story.

It takes two to make any relationship thrive. But there are some ways we can set ourselves up for dating success as ENFPs, whether we're with an INTJ, ENTP, INTP, ENTJ, INFP, ENFJ, INFJ, ESFP, ISFP, ESFJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ISTJ, ESTP, ISTP or even a fellow ENFP.


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Dear ENFPs, INFJ here. You’ve never once failed. Every “setback or failure” is just linked progress towards your next goal. Always a learning moment. I like being a mountain to your storms, I see through the mist, you will be okay.


1. Someone who supports your need for novelty/variety (while having a nice balance of grounding you)
2.High quality and intellectual simulation (who is curious, excited about life, looks at things in depth)
3.Someone who is confident enough to be okay with your huge social circle
4.Mutual autonomy (as an ENFP, you are really independent as well). We are not good at setting boundaries so having someone who already has a strong autonomy, knows their boundaries and has confidence is helpful.
5.Prioritizing experiences over the “material”. Example: A nice simply home close to fam/friends rather than a huge expensive house 6364 miles away.
6. Ability to also be fun, silly and light-heartedness
7. Someone who already has a strong sense of self so it minimizes you putting them on a (false) pedestal.
7. Someone who is excited for growth! Its so important for you to want to motivate, encourage and see best in people. Otherwise, you feel your gifts are wasted. Hence, find someone with a growth mindset


ENFPs are not looking for someone with all the answers, they are looking for someone who is asking the questions. Einstein said it: Don't listen to the person who has the answers: listen to the person who has the questions.


My ENFP brain is loving how fast you speak 👏


ENFPs are the most beautiful souls I have ever met, & I just want to see them shine! I'm an INFP myself, and to see someone who's so similar but also has such unique strengths & gifts to offer is phenomenal to witness! No one should feel like they have to stifle themselves or hide who they really are, and it saddens me to see ENFP making themselves smaller just to fit the views of their partners. Find someone who can meet you at your level so you can shine your brightest!


im in love with an ENFP. We did the MBTI after we had meet 6 months later. Im an INFJ. And Holy crap if she isnt imperfectly perfect for me. She reads me like a book like no one else has ever done before. I dont think she has shut her mouth for 8 months and i fkn love it. We seem to be on the same wave length but from opposite ends. Shes the one.


Hi to every INFJ here, i see you're trying to learn more about your enfps too. I hope you all get the best in life🤍🌸


I agree, we shouldn't worry about the type. What we should focus on in a relationship is having a healthy shared growth.


1. Open-minded and flexible people. Ne.
2. High-quality conversation. Their sense of wonder. The most curious people instead of people with the most info in their brain. The ability to be very mindful about their life they are living, the ability to observe their life in a way that is complex, nuanced, and in-depth. Fi likes to go deep.
3. The ability to be fun, lighthearted, and silly with your partner. Goofy and funny. Don't want things to be serious all the time. Drawn to emotionally or intellectually intense people, but the fun slowly drains out of my life. (My ex was that kinda person haha. Very intelligent but not relaxed.)
You need something you can laugh with. A partner that helps you see the lighthearted side of things when you are feeling dark and heavy. It's a reminder that you can find joy in life and you can find humor in everyday scenarios.
A lot of us are used to be that person for other people. It's really refreshing when we find a person who could ALSO do that for us. Life is very long.
4. Mutual autonomy. Independent, social, passionate. We are not naturally great at setting boundaries. A partner who has a natural sense of boundaries, who has their own interests. We are good cheerleaders, but we don't want to have to do that. We want to be in a supporting role. See someone's potential and push through it.
5. A strong sense of self who will not let you put them on a pedestal.
6. Someone who does not want to prioritize the material over the experiential part of life. Financially interdependent. How to spend their resources.
7. Not threatened by your social circle. Need very different relationships. Can introduce us to their awesome friends in their life.
8. Excited about growth. If someone doesn't want growth, it's hard to give we are naturally born to give in our relationships. Someone who likes to challenge themselves as much as you want to challenge yourself.

Find a person with whom a relationship feels like opening more doors for you than is closing. Not trapped, confined.


I can see how we INFJ's are attracted to your personality.

I'm in my head a lot deep diving on various subject matters, I'm either in the past introspecting or in the future planning or going thru various scenarios to find the healthiest outcome. Being with someone that is constantly spontaneous gives me a relief from being deep in my own head by being in the present moment with someone (as opposed to being in the past or future in my head) there's less energy involved being in the present for the INFJ, it feels refreshing like a cool running spring (not stagnant). I like being exposed to different places and absorbing the arts and crafts of the place, and what people are like to flock there and why... it all expands my inner landscape (along with reading books), so I may appear reserve but I love new adventures.

I have a multilayer personality that requires a hall pass for each layer to explore, I deep dive on a lot of subjects and I crave uniqueness, not a lot of people can get exclusive passes, and I'm okay with that, my V.I.P. rooms are well thought out, my safe places, and it takes a rare person to challenge those spaces to add color and depth. I love ENTPs for their devil advocacy, I don't see them as being argumentative, I know it's their way of learning and I welcome debating them. I am curious about ENFPs which is why I clicked on your video. So, far ENFPs are charming and I love curious thinkers.

INFJs are natural nurturers, if my partner is stuck in a rut, my first thought is to get them out of it, so it's my turn to pull out a gem, to take charge, a change of scene, let's go to a place to take your mind off what's bothering you so you can get a fresh perspective on it (usually involves brainstorming with them to fit their particular mood) or I know which project they are most curious and care about, and I encourage them to work on it, my intent is to boost their self-esteem, I nudge them in the right direction by participating with them until they gain their own momentum, then it's back to my projects.

Lastly, I know extroverts get a boost to their positive self-esteem by interacting with others, so I don't get jealous about them going out or bouncing to different people, hell.. I encourage it...an extrovert gets more energize by being a social butterfly only benefits me because I get that positive energy focused exclusively back onto me later: a win/win. Besides, how can I be jealous when it's me that's 0.05% of the population, how rare is that? *smirk* There's a symbiotic relationship when an extrovert understands that I need my own space and alone time to recharge my positive self-esteem energy which gets redirected back exclusively on them.

Here's a free insight, people are attracted to similar IQ and maturity levels...INFJ are old souls trapped in a childlike wonderment of the world body, it's like our soul gets another chance to explore a big open playground, it's why we hate conformity. Our paradoxes are in harmony of each other, not in chaos...it's why we can go thru life alone exploring, and be at peace with ourselves.


I hate to admit that I laughed at the part about needing someone to talk to right up until death, because I know I’ll still have MORE to say! The beauty will be if I’m with someone who inspires me to shut up, because I want to hear what ‘they’ have to say. Wouldn’t that be something, …an ENFP who slips ‘quietly’ into that good night! 🌙


I’m an ENFP and my fiancé is an INTJ . He fits all these things on the list. He’s just so understanding, loving and patient❤️


I am an INTJ currently madly in love with an ENFP and I thought this video was adorable.


Omg when you said we push ourselves so much we don't necessarily need someone else to push us -- THANK YOU! This was my biggest problem in my last relationship.. he didn't understand that I just needed support and his pressure just made me overwhelmed


I'm an ENFP and have been with my INTP for over 28 years now. We tick off the box on all 8 of these. Sometimes when we talk about one of the many places we've lived in that time, he'll say "We were completely different people then." And he's right. We can have deep conversations, and we have our silly, giggly times, too. He was already his own person when we met, so different from my ex. He enjoys my friends, but also encourages me to have with them on my own. It took me longer than it did you to find someone like this. But, we'll make the rest of each other's lives happy ones.


As an enfp who is married to an estj, he is goofy but extremely hardworking. He inspires me with his work ethic, cleanliness, self confidence, and loyalty to his family. He isn’t as intellectual or deep as some ppl but he is very smart in certain areas that I would never be interested in. Your spouse will never be everything for you so it’s important to have friends that fill those gaps.


As an ENTP, I love ENFPs. OMG you can follow my desire of doing different things all the time, usually ENFPs encourage me talking about random interestings and I can have really good conversations with you cause you also love knowing about new information.


The fact that you said 'could I die talking to this person' makes it so weird because I say that all the time in dating. The point on mutual autonomy is so good for me. I used to think there was something wrong with me for wanting someone who just lets me go and play. However, when I'm with someone who is like me, boundaries disappear because I don't know how to set them! The point about someone who already has their own stuff going on is so right! Honestly Heidi for ENFP president.


1. Someone that won't limit your exploration 2.someone who you can have deep conversation with.


So my boyfriend and I are both ENFP’s 😂 (it’s a lot, especially me in the relationship) 🎉

We became friends in 2015, started liking each other in 2016, and ended up dating 2 years ago. 😅❤

I couldn’t seriously be any more happy with him.

At first when dating, we had rough months but afterwards we started understanding each other more. Now, I decided to do some homework of how we flow in each other’s personality. I’m so glad both of us are in the same page and vision to the journey of our relationship 😊

We NEVER have a dull moment since we’ve met.
