ENFP & INFJ are natural soulmates: This is why! + Pros and cons of this relationship

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I’m an INFJ and my husband is ENFP. It’s crazy how immediately we felt that connection once we started getting to know each other. I’m incredibly thankful to have him in my life to understand me, challenge me, and connect on the level that happens so easily.


If you are part of this combo, get ready for real intimacy. Be ready to be naked in every way possible. No fights with armor, no lies, no pretending. It's as real and as beautiful as it gets. It's a really deep connection and it feels like coming home. It's a new level of trust and security. I will not give my ENFP away, ever. This INFJ is the happiest she's ever been in a relationship 🥰


I love INFJs .. They make me all warm and fuzzy inside :)


I'm infj male and just met an enfp female when looking on dating site. I've never had anyone so curiously challenge my mind in her questions to me about God, life, character, the invasion of Ukraine, suffering, the question of innocence, why God doesn't seemingly answer prayers. I was able to share ideas in my mind that I've NEVER ever shared before, because nobody's ever bothered to go deep with me. I have deep thoughts, I've thought deeply about many subjects over the years. I feel like my mind has been released from solitude. So I'm going to pursue her with all my heart.


My business partner and I get along AMAZINGLY well. I am an INFJ and he an ENFP. We are both extra considerate when it comes to dealing with one another and never fight, even when we disagree. He points out to me when I am overthinking and not taking enough action, while I help him to slow down at times and consider the possibilities he may be overlooking. We are like opposite twins that balance each other out in a peaceful, productive way.

Interesting fact: I (INFJ) seem to talk even more than my ENFP partner when speaking to people that we know. However, when it comes to speaking to and building rapport with strangers, my ENFP partner crushes me in that area.


They are my second 'home'💓 -ENFP


I have an INFJ friend in my class. We talk every day for WhatsApp. After only two days of talking, she said to me: "Wow, I feel that we compliment each other". I felt special. That's really sweet. She's quite introverted and she doesn't want to hang out with me yet, but I understand and respect her desicion. "We have all the life to meet!", I said. She loved that sentence. I love her. She's kind, compassionate, protective, generous, resilient and also sad, I couldn't describe with words the universe I can see into her eyes. She's incredible. We're really upset, stressed and overwhelmed when we're together, because we die internally by the intensity of our emotions, but that's not a problem. We can communicate without saying a word.


We dont want to win, we want to be heard and things to be fair (at least I do). I really get in a knot if I feel a situation is not fair.


This in a nutshell is why we INFJ's gravitate to you little social butterfly ENFPs ... you are all very much to us like a real butterfly. Our types are so opposite yet so similar. We INFJs are fascinated by these beautiful creatures out there fluttering around and exploring the world (their E preference) while making the world a better place (their N and F preferences) we hope one slows down enough (their P preference to be a bit over the place) that we get to watch them and be part of their journey. ❤


INFJ here. Had to subscribe - need to hear ENFPs talk and express their thoughts. Ironically, I've never had a relationship with an ENFP nor can even ID one in my life (I"m sure I've met them, have had friendships with one?). But after I'll the the types I've dated, I'm finally ready to meet and potentially date one... But I want to make a counterpoint to the comment about INFJs 'wanting to win' (or that is *seems* that way - and I imagine other INFJs will reinforce that if they read this): I do NOT want to win. I seek common ground and understanding, maybe some validation of my point as being plausible. But win? No... And think about this - if of all the types it is the INFJs who are so concerned about humanity and the well-being of it, why would I want to win? That's domination. When we keep pushing, I suppose, it's because we're not being seen or heard as to the essence of what we're saying. It is NOT about winning. I think that kind of communication (to win) is, ultimately, a way for both to lose.


I love the use of colors in the background and on your dress, it complements your beauty well!! - ENFP


There are wants and needs. INFJ's want to win, yes. But we NEED to understand. This is why we brood over something for so long. All the puzzle pieces need to fit together. When they do, we can let go. Please give us time for that. We need it for our stability.


My husband is INFJ! I am clearly the ENFP.
We were literally talking about how healthy our communication/arguments are.
He is good at all the things I am not! We are made for each other.


She was the only person I ever held that it felt she was actually inside of me when I held her. I knew that at that moment we had a high level soul bond. Forever loved ...forever missed. GBNF 🙏❤🙏


I’m an ENFP married to an INFJ. Yea the loop is annoying, because I don’t need to win, I just need to feel understood, acknowledged and affirmed. Once I know that my partner is actively listening then I can let it go or gladly admit I don’t know shit or I need to do more research. I also like to have in-depth talks and chat about many subjects within 1-2 hrs and notice when my partner is shutting down and has met his max. They won’t let me know but I can feel the withdrawal and I’m learning when to quit my hyperactivity. I’m here to learn because although I’m aware of a few things, my guy still surprises me. I appreciate this video ☺️ thank you.


The loop you mentioned. Currently in it with my ENFP.(Female) I am the INFJ.(Male) Biggest piece of advice to diffuse this. If you use that Fi and just state how you TRULY feel. It'll break that loop. Whether it hurts us or not. Just wanna know how you TRULY feel. So that the real processing can actually happen. Instead of it remaining in speculation/theory/whatever that specific INFJ calls it in his/her mind. You'll be surprised at the response you get when it can be ingested honestly and not in theory. That's what causes the loop. You know exactly what you feel, but it's too heavy to unload. Walk around and pretend ya don't feel it, but... Someone else does. Wants to know what it is. Not just too heavy for y'all. That's just my theory, I may be wrong. But.... 🧐


My boyfriend is INFJ and I'm ENFP and to be honest I adore him so much and with every conversation we have I get more and more in love. I just love how compassionate he is and I've never felt more wanted and accepted by anyone. We have different views on so many things but keep it loving and respectful, so whenever we have a disagreement we just solve it with love and I just fall for him more and more after every disagreement, because I can see how much he thinks about my side of things before judging me and I love it about him.


Its not that we want to win, its that we want situations to be resolved. It's the same reason we like to ruminate


As an INFJ-A I have to say, I find you to be gorgeous both inside and out. Regarding some of the challenges you mentioned, some of us INFJs have worked through the issues you mentioned, have matured beyond our base nature, and it's not so much of a problem. I have never been in a relationship with an ENFP but after watching several videos about ENFP and INFJ I really want to see first hand what being with an ENFP is like (Currently single).


I have 2 people close to me that are this match ENFP and INFJ. When they first met they immediately hit it off and became best friends. When ever we all go out for socializing it is a very interesting dynamic and I barely get a word in edge wise. I suppose me being INTJ male and the ENFP and INFJ are both female also adds to the dynamic too. I very much see the ENFP and INFJ as natural soulmates in a friendship/social capacity. I can see possibly this pair work romantically too, but I think there would be many dead-ends and not enough of the right kind of tension to create that flirtatious build up needed to go to the next level.
