The ENFP and INFJ Soulmate Relationship

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The ENFP and INFJ relationship is a mirror relationship and can become a soulmate relationship. ENFPs and INFJs share a similar fascination for similar topics and we hold similar values, but we tend to easily misunderstand each others and to misinterpret each others actions. So the ENFP and INFJ relationship has to me the potential of being a true soulmate relationship, one where both people can come at the same topic from different perspectives. This relationship tends to start in one of two ways: either both majorly misunderstand one another and get into conflict, or they are drawn to each other, and positively surprised by the others strange and fascinating way of thinking. I hear both positive and negative views on this relationship. And I get both sides. If an INFJ or ENFP has much repressed and can not be vulnerable, this relationship will not work. The only way to deal with the common misunderstandings is through vulnerability and honesty. If you're not able to be open with your ENFP or INFJ, it is not going to work, and the misunderstandings will only keep growing. But if you can, you will open pandoras box and experience a true soulmate flame together.

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I've recently met a guy who is an infj and I'm an enfp.

I've never in my life got along with someone so quickly.


I'm an INFJ and my husband is an ENFP. Best match of my life. I also get along perfectly with my son, he's INTJ. It's great to find these matches, makes life smoother, not perfect, just smoother.


I am an enfp with an infj. We have had all the struggles as well as benefits of this type of relationship. He is my best friend, lover, soulmate.


Thank you for this excellent video. As an ENFP whose been married 12 years to an INFJ, I found this video illuminating 💡. We've both recently taken the Myers Briggs Personality Type test and boy am I glad we did. It's explained alot about us as individuals as well as as a couple. This is so fascinating. Well done 👏👍


So crazy I just recently met an infj and I’m an enfp and within two hours we’re literally open books.


Awww I’m an INFJ and I’m pretty sure my best friend is an ENFP and we have such a close friendship! I love this :D


INFJ here who hopes to have an ENFP friend someday


If the person I've typed is correctly INFJ, they too have reminded me of my true self... much love for that boy, always


god plz send a cute infj for me asap n plz tell him that this enfp is planning a marraige . thankyou..
wonderful info.. high 5.. i hv tears in my eyes... 💟


I have a bestfriend since I was around 8 years old, we super clicked until now we're almost 30. I have never connected with anyone so easily on every level. she understands me in every way. Then we found out about mbti, I am an ENFP and she's an INFJ. 💙


I'm an ENFP and Im kinda having a misunderstanding start with an INFj I like. Your video actually helps me figure it out and take the right action towards it.


My INFJ friends (I am an ENFP)
Juliana: The first friend I made in high school! It's super easy to talk to her and I can have deep conversations with her. Plus, she laughs at all my terrible jokes and is just a very agreeable person. Sometimes she is a bit hesitant to try new things, but compared to when I first met her, she has come out of her shell in many ways that not many people would know about.
My 11th grade English teacher: She was definitely my favorite teacher. Her class was very fun and she seemed like she cared about all of her students, and in that class I could be very crazy and she would just go along with it.
Cyrus: A friend I made this year. We have deep conversations with each other, I'm quite silly around him but I also respect him greatly. I always go to him for advice and I admire him a lot. Sometimes he drives me crazy because I will vent to him about my struggles and he will just say, " you can change everything that is hurting you" and that just kills me because I don't have that kind of willpower.

What I have realized is that I am able to have very deep conversations with INFJs very quickly if we choose to open up with each other.


Thank you for sharing this video Erik. I am an INFJ with ENFP partner. We often misunderstand each other messages and we're still working out hope getting better. Hope more videos from you.


The accuracy of everything you said wow the best video i saw today. thank you.


I agree that the mirror to one's type has a magnetic force to least in my case too, intp with entj. The attraction has always been undeniable, opposites yet the same. And the secure feeling of someone covering the other side of things you naturally value but can't pay attention to. The ease they pull off things that are your blindspot is. Irresistible. But can also lead to explosive fights and misunderstandings if too young/ my opinion a high risk high reward relationship challenging but so fucking worth. Not saying other types don't work with each other but yeah mirror types are always the OTPs imo


INFJ+ENFP = Such a nice companionship in any regard! :)

Both theoretically and in my own subjective experience.

Any Swedish ENFPs in the comments? ( That would be something haaa )


Love these concepts. Thank you for sharing.


Can you make a video on ENFP and INFP relationship. Cause I am an INFP and have a crush on ENFP


This was so beautiful ! ❤ Thank you so much for the amazing and wise advice Erik ! (from another infj who's confused about the chances of this pairing :p your words were extremely helpful)


28 years old and have never met any ENFP who fits me at all.... I was extremely fond of my aunt when I was a Kid, I wanted to be like her when I grew up but I find myself having difficulties communicating with people with Fi-function and I'm always running after people with Ti. I feel more comfortable, calm and expressive around Ti.
