The INFJ and ENFP Unconscious Explained

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Are INFJs just inside out versions of ENFPs?

The conscious domain of the INFJ is the unconscious domain for the ENFP. The unconscious domain of the INFJ is the conscious domain for the ENFP.

#infj #enfp #unconscious

I am known for my videos on personality psychology. I promote personal growth, self-acceptance, and flow. I want people to live more meaningful lives. I want to help people find their passion. I do not practice a specific system of typology. I understand all perspectives and focus on teaching you what works. I believe in an ethical approach to personality psychology. The goal is to help you understand yourself and to promote mental health and well being.

16 Personalities, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, The Enneagram, Personality Types, Personal Growth, Mental Health, INFP Personality Type Videos.

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Hello outside-in INFJs and inside-out ENFPs! I hope you enjoy this video.


I’m an infj and my boyfriend is an enfp. I feel we make a perfect yin and Yang balance. I am very introverted and stuck in my office while imagining being outside while my enfp grabs me and takes me outside knowing I need it without even saying anything.


I made up a joke illustration for my ENFP roommate to illustrate our differences and similarities, and I came up with ENFPs being like a soft ENFP outer coating with hard INFJ inner core and INFJ as being like an INFJ hard outer shell with a soft ENFP inner core. This was my explanation for why he maybe finds INFJs so relatable or compelling. My explanation being inside every ENFP is an INFJ and inside an INFJ there is an inner ENFP. Which is to me why the types can find eachother relatale in that we can slide along a mental continum between this inner and outer self.


My last GF is an ENFP (me an INFJ) and I was never happier than with her, there was something about her personality that simply brought out the best in me and I believe the same was true for her. It's a long story for why it didn't work out but it had nothing to do with not being compatible.


Infj-a here, I dated a ENFP for almost 2 years. He was amazing in his own ways, unfortunately he was diagnosed with BPD and as a result I got the brunt of it as he wanted love but feared love. Took me ages to put myself first and give myself the grace, I truly can’t help everyone. Since the internal work I have met another ENFP, there is truly nothing like it. The way we bounce off of each other. We are on the same path, becoming more and more self aware. I am in awe of him. From an infj, enfp’s you guys are so special ❤


ENFP here. It's interesting. I think I've ALWAYS been very attracted to INFJs - in friendships and also favoring mentors in grad school who I do believe have been INFJ's. These days I absolutely love watching various INFJ's (and some other types, but mostly INFJ's) who are developing typological systems and other psychology-related schools. I take the ideas with me into life, especially when I'm mapping a "long term view" when navigating interpersonal challenges. This has had very concrete benefits for me and my relationships/endeavors. Thank you for your insights and maps of my unconscious terrain! I appreciate the high-quality content you so consistently put into the world.


I remember my strong connection with an INFJ. I knew nothing much about ENFPs or the synergy that can arise with an INFJ. For me this happened at a mystical level that came to be ineffable in nature. Since then I have spotted 15 other INFJs and several unconfirmed probable INFJs, since this first encounter. Some I have known within a few seconds of first meeting them. One I spotted from two observations at a café. Being the bold ENFP I am I enquired. They knew nothing about it and they did do one of the tests and I saw them a few days later and they showed me the result and asked "How did you do this ?".

I remember early on, before knowing much about this I told the INFJ that they must trust their intuition. I also felt pleased I had found someone that could see into my blind spot and that I trusted them to be on my side with that.

One (of many) unusual experiences was that we both knew things about the other without knowing exactly how. I was the first to suddenly mention these knowings when it showed up. Shared synchronicities happened also.

I am not sure what happens when an INFJ has this kind of experience. There is much anecdotal evidence as in this video and other ENFPs INFJs have spoken about this.

It has not happened again so strongly as the first meeting of an INFJ. I have one occasional friendship with another INFJ though it does not have the deep profoundness of the first encounter.

Nothing has been the same since. They are deeply missed.



My partner is an INFJ and I'm an ENFP.
He's peeerfect to me!! 😊
I can be a little much for him, and he can be a little too serious for me, but we need that balance to make our seemingly lofty goals work.
There's nobody else I'd rather spend time with.


I am an ENFP and I am lucky enough to know and have 3 best friends that are INFJs!! They are AMAZING!


This video has been the best and most accurate explanation between these 2 types that i have seen so far. I am ENFP and INFJs are my absolute favorite type of people and i feel they are almost required for each other to be their best selves.

I constantly experiment with challenging INFJs and i have seen very beneficial results however you are right, INFJs can very easily become overwhelmed (this is not natural for them) so its important to be mindful of any approach.


THANK YOU this is what ive been looking for lol. i am ENFP but yeah on certain conditions I would turn into INFJ as I use my shadow functions. when I feel I tryna be more organized ofc it lends to INFJ side


This type follows me somehow I'm an infj and it haunts me


Enfp chaos freaks me out. I like my peace. But I do like enfp’s very much, just not too close. I like how they feel fully present when I am with them. I like istp’s too, though, too, very much, and they are present for me for about 2 minutes max. But it’s a great two minutes. 😆


This is a scary good fit for my ENFP roommate. But she got me out of my shell. 😊


as I'm watching this I'm taking it all together and putting it into a box and it totally makes a lot of sense


Another great video Erik! Bravo 👏🏽 I was wondering if you could do a video on an ENFP - ENFP relationship? Or at least your thoughts on the matter 😂


I love your video! I would recommend you bring the camera a bit farther back though. The wide angle mixed with the close distance is a bit uncomfortable to me. Wish you the best in your production!


Crack me up... My partner and I confuse the shit out of each other, then pointless explosive TE-FI vs FE-Ti battles happen... Intuition seems to be ignored for both... INFJ - angry - gibberish, all over the place talking and even the calling me crazy part vs me, ENFP - angry - I will not stop until I understand your damn point and it better be solid and then - crying - you better understand why I feel this way when I can't put words on it lol :/ but because we both are aware of our functions, we just get uncomfortable talking about it for a bit then we try to improve. Are you spying on us? (Joking) you keep connected to the collective and normal Wi-Fi, you are impressive. BTW normally we are great, still learning


So when I was 15 I took the Meyers Briggs test for the first time and I’ve taken it periodically every year since then. I tested as an Enfp for years and then around the time I was 17 or 18 I began testing as an infj and I’ve tested that way ever since. It’s not something I’m disappointed about but I’m very curious. I’m 20 now and I stumbled across your video while researching why I may have experienced this personality change. Thank you so much for your help!!


David friendship 🤗
I think this is why we get along, but also fight 🤦
