INFJ/ENFP Relationship: 4 Reasons It's Meant To Be

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INFJ ENFP Relationship. Today I was thinking about why this relationship often works so well, and I came up with these four reasons. There are more but certainly these apply. Whether you are already dating or married to your partner, or hope to someday be, these four reasons will offer some perspective on why these two types are often able to make it work.
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Spot on. I am an INFJ female married to ENFP male. I never wanted to commit to any relationship before meeting him and I was generally very guarded but he managed to find a way through. I tried to friend zone him thinking we could have a great friendship but he was determined to fight his way out of the friend zone. He pursued me in a none creepy way and I was impressed at the pursuit. I thought he was a bit "huggy" and "hand holdy" when I didn't want to be touched and had a thing about personal space, but it was so strange how I allowed him to coax me out of my shell. It was the most strange and amazing experience. I will call it a magnetism that you cannot escape, we couldn't stay away from each other. Needless to say it ended in marriage and it feels like we are best friends...ignore the cliche, it's actually true. We tag team on playstation and hang out together all the time much to the amazement of other couples. My apologies for authoring a book right in your comments section but this ENFP & INFJ coupling is the legit love story.


As an ENFP, I must say INFJ's are like the cool side of a pillow


I am an INFJ and my late husband was an ENFP. We got to where we could be in a room and could communicate without talking. I miss him terribly. But this video describes us perfectly.


What's interesting is the INFJ's are the most extroverted introvert & ENFP's the most introverted extrovert - both ambiverts


I'm an INFJ and I agreed with you. Surrounded by ENFPs vibe is the most beautiful feeling ever. Sending love to you all ENFPs.


As an INFJ... I have NEVER felt more comfortably sharing my vulnerabilities than with an ENFP.
Unsure if its common among INFJs but i often keep my true feelings on situations completely under wraps. I never share my fears, my sorrows, my worries. Everyone sees my carefully crafted mask to not have other worry.
My ENFP friends emotional warmth is like straight out of a movie, its like a recieving the warmest hug to be comforted by yall. I have described and told them thay they reminded me of The Sun rising after a long harsh winter.
All my love to ENFPs~


ENFP here!! We love you INFJ's <3


Yes! ENFPs are so fascinating and intriguing to me! They are just so open and comforting and nonjudgmental. Our personality types compliment each other so well. -INFJ


my wife is an infj I am and enfp. while we have had our share of issues it has been love at first sight. three years strong and still very much in love our friendship is amazing! Never laughed so much in my life. Shes so nerdy im more thug but it works great!


My friend is ENFP (guy), and I am INFJ (girl). Now I see why I feel some special connections with him haha.


I'm an INFJ guy married to an ENFP girl. It's amazing how our relationship just flowed and progressed naturally since when we first met, and it is still going strong!


I just met an ENFP for the first time. As a 40 y/o INFJ, this is like finding an oasis in a desert. Wish me luck, pray for us! She lives in another country, so I need prayer to get us through! But she is worth the wait.


As an INFJ, I can attest that I was absolutely in love and high on life when I was in a relationship with an ENFP. It really did feel like I found my soulmate.


An INFJ can hold me down and lift me up at the same time! I love INFJs!!! (ENFP here)


I ended a 15 year toxic relationship. I had no intention of entering a relationship, or even thinking of it. One week later, I ended up talking to a guy while waiting on a friend to fix my car. The friend ended up not having the part, and we went on our way. 3 days later, he called me up. And the rest is history. I've never liked sharing my alone time, etc, but with him, it was natural. He's an enfp, but yet, it's like he's the make version of me. That was 5 years ago, and I think we've only spent a handful of nights apart. The one bad trait tho, is we both have the same go-to move when upset. We closed up. Go off to our private area to give silent treatment. Disagreements take longer to work out when this happens. The first argument we had, I headed to my room, only to find him already in my spot. Its hard to give the silent treatment to someone giving it back to u. Looking back now, it makes me laugh.


Nothing gives me more positive feelings than watching videos about INFJs and ENFPs being the perfect match 😍


I’m an ENFP & my boyfriend is an INFJ. We’ve been together for the last 7 months & it’s been wonderful. Our connection is other worldly. I feel like I’ve known him my whole life. I’ve never felt more loved or understood by another person. I can be my true self with him. I will say that the work that we’ve both done on ourselves is a very important component to our relationship.


I’m an ENFP female and my girlfriend of 8 years is and INFJ and she is still so intoxicating to me. We had our ups and downs like most but we were always looking to learn and grow and evolve. I love how deep and intense an infj is and how brilliant they are. They are so astounding on so many levels. they are so wise yet their emotions are so innocent and pure just like and enfp. I’ve always loved how present she was with me from the begging. When we met we were both in relationships but our connection was so intense we left our exes and moved to Hawaii. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I will forever back up my infj and protect her beautiful heart. She is the truth teller and I appreciate that about her. I love her so deeply it’s crazy. I’ve never let anyone except for her. Literally only her. She’s the only one that has tamed my wild enfp ways in a good way.


I agree Johnny, I'm an ENFP female and the first time I met an INFJ male, there was an instant connection. Friendship in any relationship is key to have especially for ENFP's and INFJ's. We are opposites and can still understand eachother, we both love deep and meaningful conversations. And we both enjoy having time and space. I love being around INFJ's.
