Fat Burning Cardio Workout - 37 Minute Fitness Blender Cardio Workout at Home

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14:20 'Hit pause for a longer rest'

*came back after a month*


Is anyone else watching this video in 2024? 😅


Who's here after gaining back all the weight? Two years ago this helped me reach my body goals. I was at my fittest, abs and all. I'm 5, 1 and I had gone from 65kg to 56kg in 2 months because of this. I got too comfortable, stopped exercising, ate junk, and two years later I'm at my biggest ever 70.9kg. Tomorrow is Day 1! Wish me luck guys!


First time when I did this workout, I was 20 years old and now I am 30 years old and still comes back to this whenever I wanna do some good cardio. My absolute favorite!


"This workout is complete"
Never in my life have I heard such wonderful words


'try to breath normally'



honestly speaking, this workout IS EFFECTIVE, it actualy works. All youneed to doo is find time and keep it regular but don't overdo yourself, take breaks and eat healthy and the main thing is that DO NOT EXPECT to lose weight overnight because good things take time ok? all the best if you are trying to lose weight for yourself. be happy <3


I normally hate ads, but when the water break approached, a four minute ad came on and my fingers were not able to "reach" the skip button.


it took a rough 37 min to burn at least 200 cals. it also took less than 1 min to eat 1-slice large-size pizza to gain about 270 cals.. Damn you pizza


Honestly I love this circuit for beginners. It has not only helped me lose weight and maintain but, also gain strength. Doing it since 4 years, was 100.5kgs, now 52kgs. Thankyou Fitness Blender. 😊


This workout changed my life when i was 15 and now at the age of 20 I'm back at it again


me doing this workout:
my heart: if you don't stop, i will.


So I started 4 weeks ago and I was 66kg.
Now I'm 59...
I did it 5/6 time a week. My goal is 50 kg :)


Amazing stuff! I really felt this workout the next day. However, I realized that you need to adjust your diet, because exercising alone is not enough for weight loss. I ended up getting personalized diet plan from diet helper Next level diet. They even provide home workout plan, but some exercises are really hard to do. Still, I made a decent progress. Happy exercising to all of you!!


It's so exhilarating to hear the words "This workout is complete", makes every painful moment worth it!


The key to finish this workout is to jog in place whenever you feel like giving up (or until it ends)


Maybe instead of just reading comments about how helpful this is I should actually try it


This is the most WHOLESOME workout I have ever tried. I could feel I was shredding a whole bunch of fat and my body was looking lean comparatively. I did not put any significant restriction on the diet. Just controlled the amount, or mostly stopped myself from overeating. Apart from that, just finished this workout 3-4 times a week and it worked wonders. If you are looking for a sign, then consider it your sign to start this workout today! Trust me you will be very thankful!


This video was my favorite video of 2013! let me tell you that with this workout I went from 75kg to 58kg, I've done other weight loss workouts, but this one particulary made me lose weight fast! now we are in 2021 and I'm back to 75 kg.. again.. I have tried to lose weight with other workout videos before but I never managed to lose weight even when I started maintaining my diet.. because of this I had a lot of mental breakdowns but suddenly I remembered the youtube channel name.. omg the joy! I did the video, finished it and my heart rate was high. I finally have hope that this video will make me lose weight again and make me feel better about myself!


i still remember attempting to workout with this video. i was pounds overweight back then. i was at 116kgs when i first embarked my journey on losing weight. i still remember crying after doing this workout routine just right after the warm up because my body could not stand it. it was truly devastating. but with a tremendous support from my family, friends with a help from Fitness blender and of course, my determination. i made it. I've lose 46 kilograms in 6 months which is pretty incredible. I've never quit in the middle of the workout routine ever since because my first experience with this workout that i was unable to do, motivates me a lot till these days. i just don't know how to show my gratitude to both of you for being part of this process and made me a person that i am today. from a self-loathing person to someone who's confident. Thank you.
