Fat Burning Cardio Workout with Relaxing Cool Down + Low Impact Cardio Modifications

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I really like how recently you've stopped showing the calories burned in the corner of the video. Trying to recover from an eating disorder, I used to only focus on how many calories I burned while working out and drove myself crazy over it. Being able to not see them anymore has truly helped me get over the fact that it's not about calories burned but more so about the fact that I am moving my body and showed up to my workout. It lets me have a healthier outlook on exercise, so thank you :)


You wont need any equipment at all for this bodyweight only fat burning cardio workout. I've included your warm up cardio and cool down, so that you can get in a well rounded, smart workout in right around 35 minutes.

This is a fun cardio interval workout that can easily be modified to be much more difficult, or much more beginner friendly. As usual, I encourage you to move at your own pace. Just watch to see how the exercise is done - make sure you have the correct form or pattern down - and then implement to make it work for your specific needs. As long as you're staying present, mindful of form, and doing the very best that you can at the moment; pushing yourself and your comfort zone just a bit, I'm happy and you should be too.

As you can see in the video, I move back and forth between the high and low impact options. If you're just getting started into a fitness routine, pushing your comfort zone like this - just a little at a time - can be a great way to safely and steadily keep making forward progress in your endurance and strength.


Kelli, I just want to say that I am really grateful for how genuine you continue to be as you return to posting new workouts. Your honesty in admitting being sore after this normalizes setbacks so many people face in their fitness journeys, and just generally throughout life. I personally had a horrible 2018, in terms of mental health, and I fell off the fitness wagon for 10 full months after moving to WA from CA. Depression, mostly, compounded now by my first ever winter in the PNW after many years in sunny SoCal. I have gotten quite soft and quite weak, and felt that really uncomfortable fatigue when I tried to jump back into one of the higher intensity strength routines I made for myself using a template of one of your older leg routines. It is so easy to feel down when you feel like you've lost strength, energy, and physique.... but your videos and honesty help me feel less alone as I TOO try to pick myself back up and reestablish my routine.

I hope things continue to improve for you and though our situations are surely different, I am here to get back into these new workouts with you! Thank you for all that you do and for inspiring me to continue being patient with myself.


I'm in tears. I've been through a lot of health problems the last few years that have completely stripped me of any strength or stamina I used to have. I'm getting back into fitness so I can function again, and this video is perfect. The pace and impact of the exercises is spot on. Thank you so much for putting content out there like this. I can alter these movements to avoid pain and still get a workout in.


You won’t believe how happy I get when I see you guys post a new workout video!! Can’t wait to try this one!


I know you say we can listen to music instead of listening to you, but all honesty, I prefer listening to you talk through everything and hear your positivity really helps me get through the work out and helps my anxiety


Just finished this low impact workout and I'm pooped. I'm recovering from a foot fracture and I find it very humbling being a beginner again. I wanted to thank you Kellie and Daniel for helping me through my workout journey for the last 5 years, but more importantly I appreciate the low impact videos because they are helping during my recovery. Kellie you are my workout hero and I'm extremely happy to see you doing so well and slowly pushing yourself. You are truly an inspiration. Xoxo


FitnessBlender, you're keeping me sane and going during my quarantine. THANK YOU and stay safe!


Firstly I'd love to say how much i enjoy you being gentle and kind to yourself, the whole vibe of this workout as opposed to others is so much more fluid and gentle while still meaning business in getting a great work out in, and secondly I really appreciate the numbers on the calorie bar going away as someone who struggles with the obsession of numbers and counting. As always thank you fitnessblender for being all around wonderful.


Hi! Thank-you for making so many fun and effective workouts with modifications. I used to workout hard with a lot of cardio and body toning everyday, I never stretched at all, always thought it was too boring and unnecessary. Then for some reason, I started to experience acute pain in my lower back and knees, I developed early degeneration at twenty years old. I was heartbroken and I thought about all the things that I couldn't do anymore like jumping, climbing stairs etc. that's when your channel helped me. My sister does your workouts regularly, and once I tried them, I loved them. I can relax and progress through the workout at my own pace while keeping my knees and back in check and I've also started to stretch with the cool down stretches. I like stretching now. Thank-you for making these videos, they're a huge help to so many people out there.
I love this workout that you put together, Kellie! Its seriously so good.


*likes even before watching the video*

You just know you'll get a high quality workout every time 💪🏻


This is my first workout after about a year of putting it off with excuses that I had work to do but I am really proud of myself for my first workout complete your words at the end really encourage me to keep going! Thanks Kelli


I enjoyed this workout, it wasn't too intense, but it made me sweat! It's also apartment friendly.


Thankyou Kelli! I'm so happy to see you feeling stronger
and sharing your workouts again😍


Love this one for days where I just do not feel like working out, zero motivation days... I've done this one 3 times (I guess I dont really feel like working out often lol) and although it is low impact for the most part, it still breaks a sweat and you work your whole body. I started my fitness journey with FB and I couldnt be more grateful... I've lost around 40lbs over the past 2 years and gained so much confidence, strength, flexibility, and stamina!! People at work tell me how great I look and always as what I'm doing.. and they usually cannot believe me when I tell them working out in my living room with FB!!


I REALLY appreciate these lower impact cardio routines. As someone who had religiously done your HIIT cardio videos for over 5 years, I can no longer push my body that way anymore. 😔Fibromyalgia has forced me to change everything in my life so I'm thankful for the ability to still do some of your videos. I'm sure there's a huge part of your YouTube fam that would love more of them; I know I would!


I love when their workouts are a mix of high cardio and also slow weight training. Sometimes the HIIT workouts are nice, but most of the time I think they are too intense and I feel very anxious from them. But doing weight training only is usually not exciting enough. I need both the high intense sweat routine AND the slow, feel-the-burn weight training. (Actually I normally don't even use weights but it's still effective.) Thank you guys for another awesome workout. Your videos just get better and better!


I'm still so very grateful for all of your workouts, especially during this period of time. I've been stuck in isolation for just over three weeks, we just got MORE snow dumped on us, and these are keeping me sane right now. I've been recommending your channel to others stuck in their homes.

I noticed there were no modifications for two of the more difficult exercises, crab and plank lifts. I have very bad wrists, so I often can't do those kinds of exercises until I lose another 25 lbs or so. For anyone else looking for a modification, I modified the crab by laying flat on my back and only lifting one leg at a time to work the abs and core. I used a higher surface for the plank and only lifted my legs.


This my fourth time doing this workout since I started working out with you guys. I've been trying different workouts throughout the month and building strength as I do it. Today, I was able to do every exercise without wanting to die out of exhaustion and that is your victory as much as it is mine. Thank you so much for making me love my body and for making me feel grateful for everything it does. All my best wishes to you guys! Cheers!


Thank you so much for a knee friendly cardio that still broke a sweat!
