Advanced fat burning HIIT cardio workout - 30 mins.

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Transform your body in just 10 weeks and take part in the entire Body Project system!

In this advanced cardio interval workout, we take you through a number of 60 second exercise intervals with 30 second rest periods.

This Body Project cardio exercise routine is designed to maximise calories burnt and optimise fat burning.

The workout includes a number of bodyweight exercises that work the legs, abs, glutes and upper body.

This is a great way to workout from home with no equipment needed.
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I'm obese and I've just started my weight loss journey. Took me an hour to complete the whole session. But I did it. I'm proud of myself ☺️ thank you so much!


Doing this workout 3-5 times a week!
I’m down to 165lbs from 264.

Keep going!


The best part about this workout is the exercises don't get repeated, so it does not become boring. Most HIITs on YouTube have like 3-4 exercises and they keep repeating them for like 30 minutes, WTF


I really recommend this workout, is anyone else doing it on this quarantine?


I have watched a lot of HIIT videos on YouTube but they all don't make me want to try them. Am stuck on body project and been working out with their videos since May 2019. I started at 115kg and now down to 108.9kg. It has not been easy but listening to Daniel makes me push hard every day.


Personally, I've been scrubbing YouTube for the best HIIT routine and this is by far the best in terms of how he layed out the intervals. Daniel still motivates me even if I hear the same thing everyday.
I was 287lbs 6months ago. I was dead the first time I tried this. Now, I am 185lbs and I am killing this workout 4-5 days of the week.
I am now adding speed to the intervals to keep it challenging.

If you find this hard but not killing you, keep going. The results are worth the challenge. Then, doing this every time you can, it becomes the reward.


Half an hour watching TV, shopping, having a meal or a conversation seems like nothing compared to these 30 minutes right here! It seemed like an eternity but was worth every minute.


I’ve been doing your exercises for over a year, since the pandemic shut down the gyms. I’m glad I found your videos. It’s been a blessing to have an instructor that pushes and motivates us to do better.
Thank you for sharing your positive vibes with us.


Funny how 60 seconds can last for an eternity while 30 seconds fly by in an heartbeat...


I lost so far 45 lbs doing these workouts, changing my diet and portion control!! I've tried many work outs and I get really bored really fast but not with this team!!

They have changed my life forever!!!


I today feel like crying 😢, tears of happiness. Thank you body project I today lost 17kg of my total weight (11 kg in span of 61 days). I am lifelong debts to you. 🙏
UPDATE: No one cares 😑
Update 21, Oct, 2020: I am 61KG ❤️


This is the first comment i am posting on youtube, majorly because this one video changed my life. I have lost 4kgs in 1 month by doing this hiit workout twice a day. Kudos to body project!!


Daniel makes excuse to check on the others so that he can rest 🤣


Started on Wednesday, 1st July.
My journey from 83 Kg (starting) to 61 (aiming). 1 hour of HIT, 5 miles walk, updating my day Journal here.
Day 1: Completed all sets, sweated at beginning then at end.
Day 2 : Despite sensation in my stomach (pain) and burn in the back while doing exercise i completed the sets.
Day 3-11: ✅ no problem, completed the sets.
Day 12: Break
Day 13: I had problem today with my other workout especially after yesterday break. I can feel my body has transform.
Day 14: I have cramp my leg during jumping jack, though 100% more intensity then yesterday and 50% more than Day 11.
Day 15: ✅
Day 16: Weighted 72KG, it's quite frustrating, only deficient of 1 kg per week.
Day 17-18-19: ✅
Day 20-27: I had bike injury in Day 20, i am forced to take break. Weighted 71 KG in Day 27
Day 28: Did light exercise today, i have changed mine routine 1 hours of HIT and 5 Miles walk.
Day 29: ✅ (July 29, 2020)
Day 50: 65 KG ( I am debt to you Body Project)

Update 21, Oct, 2020: I am 61KG ❤️


I’ve been doing body project workouts everyday for about 2 weeks now since quarantine, today I decided to do this advanced one and after the first interval I thought “oh crap I won’t be able to do this “, but I did and I’m glad I did! I feel great! Haven’t weighed myself but I feel better !! So glad I found these videos !


I always clap for myself at the end of each workout. I am always proud and amazed at the things my body can do


I felt like a soldier who won the war this intense workout


I've been doing this HIIT workout for over 4 years. I think I've played this 800 to 900 times. Possibly more.


These workouts are the best ever, the trainers look so natural while working out, they get agitated, sweat, lose their breath, make you feel it's possible, and also the workouts are not that hard and not that easy, thanks for making this available guys


Guys, thank you so much, i'm grateful to you Daniel ... you've changed my life after a longstanding harmful sedentary lifestyle.... you are the best.
