The Only 3 Exercises you need for long term gains.

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Do you really need that many exercises to gain muscle and strength? In this video, I go over 3 exercises that should always be at the foundation of your strength training. Of course, we'll be talking about this as it relates to bodyweight strength training and calisthenics!

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So you've been working on your calisthenics and maybe feel like you've mastered all the bodyweight exercises out there. Well, think again! Josh walks us through which bodyweight strength exercises we should be focusing on and how to challenge ourselves. There are so many different executions we could use and there are always ways to improve. Give this video a watch to see how you could step up your calisthenics game! Best part? You can grab all of these gains at a local park or at home with some minimal equipment.
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And if you want to make sure you're hitting the right :)


I'm 66 years old female I've graduated to full body push-ups from "on the knee push-ups" for about two weeks. I'm doing 16 à day 8 in the morning and 8 in the evening I started with 2 twice a day. I'll keep increasing it feels good.


Yes! Keeping it simple is the key. I trained about 2 years basics; pull ups, push ups, squats, hand stands and L-sit. Recently started to learn front lever, muscle up and hand stand push up. Those two years of basics were SUPER important, and still doing them along side. Never neglect or under-estimate the basics!


You’re totally right - too much info we’re inundated with. Simplicity is the key and your Push, Pull & Squat is right on point with this.


The most impressive thing about this impressive video, is that it's to the unnecessary ramblings. Much respect and thanks.


Love the way you give applicable, no nonsense advice, focus on vitality and flexibility too. Also your calm and humor. Thank you!


i agree with building a strong base with pushups, pullups, and bodyweight squats. i was able to achieve the pistol squat by doing 2 sets of 50 deep bodyweight squats daily. i now do that routine about 3 times/week instead of daily. one warning i would make is that you can injure your knees trying pistols before you're ready, or if you lose balance while performing one. i'm doing a bit of a training hybrid because i'm able to do a few wall supported handstands and i'm working towards an l sit. i've been working on handstands for about 18 months and still haven't reached the point where i can hold a free standing one. progress is also slow in pullups. i'm also 67 years old, so that's probably part of it.


Seriously, I've been following your videos for a while now. I have Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia and I'm severely physically limited. But without the strength and flexibility gained through your videos I'd be in a wheelchair!!


0:45 Push Ups
1:42 Pull Ups
2:48 Squats


Wow! I can't imagine a more productive 6 minutes of excercise instruction. I particularly like the emphasis on simplicity and not needing expensive equipment . Thanks so much!


I love how simple you keep it man. Too many of these fitness youtubers making working out way more complicated than it needs to be. Thank you bro! I keep all three of these exercises in my weekly routines!


It is not easy to build some muscle, I know it on my example. It requires discipline, patience and time. It also helps when you know how to eat and what food to eat. So I had to invest in a meal plan from Next Level Diet and things just started to get better and I realized what mistakes I have been doing for a long period of time.


Top 50 exercises you NEED to be doing! 😂

I'm guilty of adding in way too much fluff to my workouts in the past.. I've actually seen the best results by only focusing on a handful of exercises at a time. Getting stronger at the basics is always key 👍🏼✌🏽


I love that you provide “ beginner” instructions. thank you for being mindful of the inexperienced, no muscles and older people groups that are looking to get fit👍


I’m getting into calisthenics again for the first time in about 15 years. I really like your calm presentation style and the fact that you demonstrate the different levels of each exercise.


Foundation set; Push, Pull, Squat. Primal movements and SO ESSENTIAL. I LOVE this content. Exceptional teacher! However, let us remember there are three planes of motion; sagittal plane, frontal plane, and transverse plane. To effectively have muscles fire synergistically we should engage in ALL three planes of motion. I'm a certain the provider of this content is aware of this and is just being proficient in his content. Keep up the great work. You are apart of the collective rising of the human consciousness movement. Congrats!


No BS. Just straight truth. Perfectly presented.


I have been doing running, burpees, push ups, pull ups and squats for 2 years and I am in the best shape of my life with no gym!


This is solid advice that often gets lost in a sea of influencers with no real experience. Build a solid foundation with these main movements first and you’ll reap the rewards later. Use variations of these movements, add tempos, slow eccentrics, pauses/ iso-holds. Eat plenty of protein daily and get plenty of sleep at night. Boom! In 6 months you’ll be transformed without spending a dime at a gym.


Dude, I like how you cut to the basics and actually explain in a slow way how to build up to doing the movement properly. Nice job and I'll watch more of your stuff.
