30 MIN CARDIO BARRE & PILATES || At-Home Full Body Workout

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Raise your heart rate with this fun 30 Minute Full Body Barre & Pilates Cardio Workout! All you need is a chair (or steady surface), a mat and your body! Enjoy. 😊

🌸 Mat from Liforme (Discount automatically applied at checkout)

🤍 INSTAGRAM: @movewithnicole

🎥 Videography by Bodie Rex

Please consult your doctor or health care professional before starting this workout. If you experience pain or discomfort at any time during this workout, you should stop immediately. By performing these exercises, you do so at your own risk. By using this video, you understand and agree that Move With Nicole Pty Ltd will not be held responsible or liable for any injury or loss you may suffer as a result of this workout video.
Рекомендации по теме

Dear Nicole, I usually never post any comment though I’ve been doing your workouts for almost 2 years now, but this time I felt the urge to express my appreciation for your channel. I’ve tried many other YT fitness channels, but now the only one I follow is yours. Your videos are the only ones that make me truly enjoy working out, without feeling like I have to exercise in order get a smaller waist and bigger butt. I love indeed the fact that you always focus on being mindful and connected to our body, rather than burning calories or getting in perfect shape. I love how your workouts are challenging, yet incredibly relaxing.
Your channel is now one of my safe places, and I feel a sort of special connection to you. You seem to be a really genuine and kind person, and you deserve all the success. Lots of love from Italy ❣️ 🇮🇹


Hope you enjoy this new Barre Cardio class! 😊 Sending you all lots of love. xx


I think the only part of my body that didn’t feel that workout was my earlobes. Well done, Nicole! Thank you.


The fact that you're adding the stretching at the end of your classes is a huge plus for me 🙏🏻💖


This workour is a killer 😱 My body is on 🔥 i felt like i was doing a HIIT workout 🤩
Thank you Nicole for always sharing your best workouts with us!


I was amazed that doing pilates and barre gave me such an intense a cardio workout. I felt it in my muscles and was definitely sweating 🥵. I have always appreciated how you incorporated breathing into each exercise, and how you always guided and encouraged us through every workout. This was a beautiful workout! Thank you Nicole 🥰.


Dear, Nicole! Thanks a lot! I'm working out with you 6 months already, using your playlist! Never worked out so regularly and with passion before ❤


These are the most HATEFUL workouts in the BEST way! You are amazing Nicole! Thank you!❤


Incredible workout! I can feel that my body worked so well, each and every muscle. Thank you so much for this, Nicole!


Your barre classes are the best available online. Please do more!


I wouldnt know what to do without your workouts.... I think I have tried them ALL and get excited everytime a new one is posted. Please keep making us happy with your high-quality content. Lots of love from Amsterdam!


I'm caretaking for my parents and don't have much space in their assisted living home. This workout was do-able and got me sweating / feeling much more positive and energized than I was just 35 minutes ago. Thank you!!!


Nicole, I usually don't post comments but this time I really wanted to express the sincerest gratitude for all the work you are doing! Your classes have been a true saviour in my busy schedule - they are effective and engaging! Big Thank You!


Спасибо, Николь! Это лучшие упражнения, лучшие нагрузки, спасибо за твой труд!


Hi Nicole,
I practice with you now for 6 months. I used to visit different workouts but, with you, I have found the best for me. I am 63 and I used to be dancer in my young age, after that I practiced a lot of yoga when my work was in music. I still teach singing and I moved in a nice countryside in France, so internet is the best way to practice for me. 
Your workout is a nice mix of several techniques. 
A great thank for this cardio barre which reminds me a lot. 
Have a beautiful day and lots of love from France !


*like how she is practical with her videos, she start straight forward 👌💗*


When Nicole says ‘smile through this cardio burst’ so I do and then realise I’m grinning whilst doing the jumping jacks in my living room with my pug looking at me like mummy what on earth are you doing?
You have to laugh.
Thank you as always Nicole! & Happy New Year!


Hi Nicole, thank you so much for your videos. I love them. I've been following you for over 1 year now, from Italy. It's the first time I write a comment on the Internet, but I've been feeling the will to do it. Practising your routines helps me cope with the day, feeling better with my body and my mind. I wish you all the best and hope you'll go on with your work and the success you deserve. It would be great if you had a website of your own, maybe even more people would feel free to share and follow.


Dear Nicole, I started this new year with your January workout plan, following a recommendation of my daughter (she's a musical actor), who told me: Mom, you need some workout to kick you ass apart from yoga. So I took my 55-year-old backside and started. And what shall I say - I really enjoy your program very much and hope that it will help me build some more strength and stamina. And as an old ballet lady I very much appreciate your immaculate form in every move! Thank you so much, dear!


Strength+cardio is simply my favorite. Thank you so much for creating this combo Nicole! 谢谢Xiexie!!
