ADHD Life Lesson 1/50

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You need to know this 💙 #adhd #adhdtiktok #adhdcheck #adhdprobs #adhdsquad #adhdtok #shorts

Disclaimer: Just because you do these things, doesn’t necessarily mean you have ADHD. If you think you might have it, please look to get officially diagnosed by a professional.

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It's okay, I failed at "normal " and discovered my "super power".


I really needed that i always compared myself


Throughout my school years and my diploma i often thought i wasn't as good as my friends at that time. I thought i couldn't get any smarter, and i even thought it was better for me to be forgettable by my teachers and lecturers. Then everything changed when i pursued my degree in arts. My professors who were from the U.S saw me differently. For the first time in my life, they instilled confidence in me, motivated me and nurtured my artistic abilities that i never knew i had. Then i realised, i had been in the wrong path all this while, with the wrong group of people. Slowly i began to believe in myself again. It's always a work in progress, even now that i am already working.. there are ups and downs to my mood fluctuating to be creative.


Teachers at school used to always say your so capable of anything if you just put your mind to it, 😂😂😂


Really happy that you do this. Thank you


These words are so amazing I am shocked how accurate these videos are. Sometimes people with adhd Do things totally different to others this is just the way we are. I never realised why until i got diagnosed at forty why I did things so differently. I have had so much abuse in work place because I do things differently to other people. for example a neurotypical person my start a task and go from step one to step one, two, three, four, five a person who has adhd and asd or both may go from step one and then to step four. neurotypical people notice this and it causes issues. These videos are amazing I wish i had known this many years ago. I think i may have asd as well as adhd which does not bother me. I am waiting for a asd test I find this video very motivational i am going to keep watching is remember people we are all unique there is nothing broken our brains just work differently.


ADHD Life lesson 1/50
ADHD 인생 강의 1/50

If you want to start loving who you are
스스로를 사랑하고 싶다면

stop comparing yourself to neurotypical(non-adhd) people.
정상인(ADHD가 아닌) 사람들과 자신을 비교하는것을 그만두세요.

Your brain works different in a way where your life will likely not be as consistent and stable as those of others.
당신의 뇌는 다른 방식으로 작동하기 때문에, 다른 사람들만큼 지속적이거나 차분하지 않습니다.

You have to accept and embrace the volatillity of your life and realize that your abilities are different as well
당신은 당신의 삶이 침착하지 못함을 포용하고, 능력이 다르다는 것을 깨달아야합니다.

whilst you may not be good at the things people expect you to be good at
사람들이 당신에게 기대하는것을 잘 해내지 못하는 동안에도

you have your own strengths to draw from and will often surprise people with them.
당신은 당신만의 고유한 장점을 끌어낼 수 있고 그건 종종 사람들을 놀라게 할 것이에요.

comparing yourself with yourself will lead to sustainable happiness.
자신과 자신만을 비교하는 것이 당신을 지속적인 행복으로 이끌것입니다.


I adjusted try this, but it's so hard to actually succeed at it


It's a good one. I'm not the type of guy with adhd not succeeding at school because i'm one of the top students of my country, but I really can't make any friends since there is no stimulation for me. Even though adhd people can appear good in one field I think it's really to the detriment of others...


After having children, I was constantly comparing myself to other parents… berating myself for not living up to the standards set by neurotypicals. I felt like a failure. Always. Thank you for this reminder. I am slowly learning to radically accept who I am and that my brain is wired differently. And that’s ok. I’m still a good parent.


I am a strong supporter of reinforcing the pharmacological validity in using amphetamines or stimulants as a tool to acclimate those struggling with this variation of brain activity. It’s sort of like being left handed in a right handed world only much more complex. Medications can be useful and not toxic in many circumstances, however, what if they are perceived as useful but simultaneously toxic or unhealthy to the individual effected. Some people struggle with substance abuse issues and some people, like myself, have physiological problems with stimulants . I’m my case, I have a heart valve replacement and no psychiatrist or cardiologist in in their right mind, I’m told, would continue with a regimen of stimulant medication. Whereas I’ve found these meds detrimental to me success in this world of individual specialization and an equally detrimental practice with one’s ability to hyper focus, I can not continue without the risk of a stroke. How am i to cope without a chemical artifice to modify my behavior. The question is rhetorical in that I intend to push a clinical psychological, not psychiatric, study on the modification of behavioral psychology on a mass and not individual scale. This probably exists already but why have we not been force fed this demographically relevant data opposed to the results of clinical trials pertaining to pharmacokinetics instead. A medication will always be a band aid over the wound so to speak. Never a permanent solution as a solid school of thought could be.


But what happens if family compares you to society or what “normal people do “ all the time… I can’t help feeling like I am not good enough.


Don't know if you are one of these types of people but y'all want to talk about empowerment but then talk about every little problem like it makes you a victim I got adhd pretty severe too but adhd ain't that bad so be quiet
