ADHD Life Lesson 41

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Can you relate? 💡 - lesson 41

ADHD Life Lessons i wish someone told me after getting diagnosed, number 41 of 50

Disclaimer: All my content is based on my own experience and/or research/observations from licensed professionals. Just because you do these things, doesn’t necessarily mean you have ADHD. ADHD behaviours are not exclusive to ADHD. If you think you might have it, please look to get officially diagnosed by a professional.
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Bold of you to assume I even make it to week 3 or even day 3 of my new routine. 😭


I can totally relate to this. It can definitely be paralyzing.


This is actually a super important one I think. A lot of my guilt stems from never being able to stick with things the way I feel I should. Over time I’ve learned to do just this, embrace the pivot, accept that this is how I work. But it always kind of feels like maybe I’m still just not pushing myself as much as I should be. Residual guilt? Which makes me feel like a failure. Idk. I’m learning to move past that too though… I think. I’d like to be able to enjoy my life, for better or worse.




Getting into Buddhism and learning to see and embrace life “as it is” was the best lesson I learned lately. You are so wise, saying: listen to what your (brilliant) brain is telling you. There is beauty in accepting things as they are.


Just diagnosed recently, at 30. Thought it was only depression/some anxiety for the longest time. But when all the stress of life eases up and getting into a very good place but theres still that painful lack of motivation/guilt from not being as productive as everyone around you (big tendency to leave shit for the last minute because i spend 6 hours a day at work gaming). Never considered ADHD until new therapist i saw on a whim suggested it immediately, and then hyperfocused for a week straight unable to stop myself from researching it endlessly.

Been trying to get into the shower for the last 25 minutes but these damn youtube shorts wont let me lmfao.


I'm not a 'Friends' fan, but my brain just went
"P I V O T !" 😂


This is one of my biggest barriers to forming the habits my physical therapist wants me to, at some point I just feel trapped in this routine of things I have to do every day


Ummmm possibly this might be good advice but it can also lead to not following through on your commitments and that can lead to a life of disappointments. Instead, when the going gets tough, find new ways to make that thing you need to do invigorating and interesting somehow.

Eg after a few days, you hate the system you set up to plan in your journal, don't stop journalling/planning but find a new way to journal that works for you.
Another eg you set a goal to go jogging a few times a week but then are struggling, don't give up, but instead change it up like ask a friend to join you sometimes or add some competition or sign up for a race or something.
Another eg you want to start reading more regularly because you heard it's good for you, when you try to read a book and realise you don't feel like it in the moment, start another book (or books) and be reading them simultaneously over a few weeks (read whichever book you're in the mood for), and while this may mean that it takes longer to finish reading any book, by the end of it, you'll have read consistently and met your goal.

Don't give up on the thing that is good for you when you're bored, but change it up to get something new out of it so you stick with it. Set up your life in such a way that you have plenty of options to do the thing you want to do, but you can still change it up somehow based on how you're feeling in the moment, all while still achieving your goals in the long run.


Thank you! I don't feel so silly now for not sticking to my"amazing" new plans!


I any needed to hear this. I’ve been struggling with my ADHD for a while now, and this really made me feel better for some reason. Thank you.


I feel so Blessed that I have a job that Didn't reject me for me. It's extremely hard now later in life and fighting to live feeling like I have so much to do because I missed so much in 11 yrs. My tribe.. encourages me..let's me know and helps me because you see... when your Mind is Shut Down by someone on purpose. Waking up ain't easy. Especially now trying to keep control of spinning because NO ONE would help Me. I'm different. Not the in the crowd of regulars so I am me. Thank You for these. I've suffered alone for so long seeking Answers to help someone else who's been brain beat.❤


Totally needed this today!!
My prayer routine changed & Now I need to pivot a few more months later and Change Again.


I just do everything 1000% with super focus or i do nothing at all!


Definitely have been through this. I too have embraced the pivot as you say. It's best to live in the serendipity of the moment with a mind like water.


So, so, so TRUE. Only diagnosed now in my 65 year, and I wonder how my life would have been much different had I simply known about ADHD 50 ou 55 years ago.


I’ve been through countless organizational systems with equal excitement followed by failure a few weeks later. But I’m proud to say that for the past 11 months I have been using a bullet journal consistently and it’s been life changing. I am more organized than I’ve ever been because it’s all right there and I can change/adapt it to meet my needs or desire for something new whenever I need to.


Seriously needed this because I was just sitting here hating myself for not stinking to yet another productive habit thing.


Exactly how I feel today! Trying to figure out a new "routine" to feel unstuck, but maybe I should just let it be and ride the wave


God Bless you for putting this out into the UNIVERSE. You are fulfilling your Purpose for Being Son ! IAM SO PROUD OF YOU 💜🙏✌🏻💯😳
