15 Min Gentle Yoga Flow Full Body Stretch to Release Tension

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Welcome to your gentle yoga flow which offers a combination of full body stretches. This beginner friendly 15 minute sequence is a slow and steady practice to release tension and feel your best.

This practice offers a gentle series of postures that are great for beginners or anyone who feels like they need a nurturing practice that is not too challenging.

I hope you enjoy this gentle yoga flow.

Charlie x

🙋‍♀️ Socials: TikTok @charlieefollows Insta: ch3rlieflow

Please consult with your physician regarding the suitability of any recommendations made on this channel. Before beginning any form of exercise programme ensure that you are following all safety instructions specific to your own well being. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself and release Charlie Follows from any liability.
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Happy Sunday friends I hope this class leaves you feeling rested and restored x


I’ve always wanted to start doing gentle yoga and now I use this daily! Easy to follow and appreciate simplicity. Soothing voice. Excellent explanations. I have stage 4 cancer and this is part of my healing journey!! ❤


I'm starting up doing yoga again after many years of not doing it. This was my first practice and I'm embarrassed to say I'm sweating and just sitting straight up in the straddle was a stretch. I am so excited to see how much I improve with more daily practice! 😁


I love this shorter practices. They are great in the morning when you’re short on time ☀️


Not me waving back at her after the session is over, haha. THANK YOU FOR THIS!


As a beginner this was amazing and I felt so much better after! Thank you 😊


I was looking for a 15 min yoga practice to do before work and so glad I picked this one!! Couldn't have been more perfect!! The perfect flow to set me up for the day, your soothing voice, the beautiful grounding music. I will come back to this one over & over! Please consider doing more of these 15 min practices!!!


I absolutely loved this class, the postures, the narrative, the background sound, everything. Thank you Chailie!!


This has been the perfect routine for me. I have a chronic illness, and anything too demanding makes me sicker. But getting some movement and muscle use helps me. This is the perfect sweet spot


This is a perfect gentle -with a tiny bit of challenge- morning practice for those of us who want and need a little muscle work but are not morning people.


Loved everything about this! The studio vibe, the shot, the flow, the music, and your voice!! Great for a morning or evening stretch!


I'm a beginner to yoga and I've tried following many others, and I feel like they've left me behind when I'm trying to follow along. Yours are the only videos that make my body move and flow naturally. I'm so surprised when I naturally find my body in poses I never knew I could do, just by following you. You have this extraordinary rhythm, a natural flow and instructions like no one else. I've found myself following your intermediate ones although I've never done yoga before and always gave up when I tried following someone else. Thank you so much!


Love this, gently, unfussy practice with clear instructions that you can follow and just by listening. Thank you😍


I've decided to take 15 minutes out of my work day to do yoga. It was a guilty struggle to carve out 15 minutes, but I'm glad I did it. It reset me physically and mentally to a better place. Thank you Charlie!


Thank you for the perfect flow to re-enter my yoga practice after years away. Just short enough that my brain can't convince me there's too little time to practice, and enough flow that I feel active! Your classes are superb! I am so excited for when I will be able to handle more challenging classes, but for now this is perfect!


Wow, I haven’t felt this good during a practice in a while. Love this!


I hadn't done yoga in a minute because work has been so crazy and I've been working long 10-12 hour days.... This was EXACTLY what I needed!! Thank you, I genuinely feel physically better for having done this. Very calm and relaxing. I love the yoga instructors who chit chat during their videos, but this just had the high level of zen I really needed right now. My cat especially liked the part where I laid down at the end. She sat on my stomach and started purring and kneading my thigh lol.


I started doing yoga recently and been doing this every night. I've been getting the best sleep ever. Thank you so much :)


Thank you! I am a daily runner and needed this exact routine for post run.


I'm a plus sized beginner and I appreciate how easy your videos are to follow and that it is gentle enough for someone like me who I building strength and endurance. Thank you!
