15 Min Yoga Flow To Feel Good In Difficult Times | Yoga Movement Therapy

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This fifteen minute feel good yoga flow is the perfect way to lift yourself back up in difficult times. Focusing on your stamina, mobility, and flexibility this yoga class is great for all levels as it realigns your body and mind through gentle movement and breath. Remember to stay mindful of your body and listen to its cues, although this 15 minute yoga video will guide you through a series of beautiful asanas, your body is your true teacher. All you have to do is listen.

Now roll out your mat, grab some water, and enjoy.

Yoga Instructor: Juliana Spicoluk
Video Production: Mark Spicoluk

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Рекомендации по теме

I've done this practice so many times that I know exactly when you're gonna look up and smile at me, so I always make sure to smile right back!


she filmed so many practices during her first trimester thank you so much im so grateful for all these practices ❤️


I loved how this class was fast paced but still calm and flowy.


Juliana - You have influenced me into yoga...I am a 35years old woman with PCOS and constantly struggling with weight issues and other menstrual issues...I workout usually with HIIT / weights and practice martial arts...I had grown strong, built muscles but have spiked in weight, stress, anger, mood swings - extreme happiness or extreme worries...mostly caused by stress with working a demanding job, , a promotion at work and managing 2 kids (schooling from home due to pandemic adds to it)
I found your channel and started doing your videos - realized this is what my body is looking for...my body and mind needs to calm down - Not constantly stress...I added yoga to everyday schedule and reduced HIIT & my martial practice to thrice a week ....I can already see a change
Yoga is really treating my PCOS condition mentally and physically - I can sense the changes in me...I now feel like I have a journey ahead in yoga & meditation - lots to explore
Thank you for inspiring!!!


After almost a year of doing your yoga practices, I finally found the courage to do the little hop into plank! Thank you


It has been my favourite practice for many years! Thank you. I am deeply grateful to you for what you are doing.


Thank you for making this beautiful flow in honor of Prince and the light within us all ❤


Just getting into yoga, is a little quick for me at the moment, not overly relaxing but getting there


Traditional vinyasa and finishing with pigeon! A great morning practice!!


I never use to relax. I got introduced to your videos when I went to rehab and you helped me a lot in my program and still to this day. I’ve learned to put my addictive personality to good use and I fell in love with yoga. Sounds cheesy but the little things like this are so big to me and you are part of the reason I am still here today. Please never stop doing what you love. You are an inspiration, I now have dreams to travel the world one day to see and feel the beauty for myself. -Audrey❤️


I hope you guys are okey in this sad times, losing beloved ones is the hardest thing! I have lost someone resently that I loved dearly, so I can relate to your situation and a yoga flow like this is something I also really need
Thanks for everything, your videos always get me through rough times, sending you all the love and light!❤️
Always be grateful for the times you had together and you'll get through the dark times :)


Goddess I LOVE your practices. They not only give me the body workout that I crave and want, but the mind and spirit love and curation I NEED. Dont stop being beautiful inside and out. Thank you for your lovely practices and for sharing your world and life with us all.


It has been my favourite practice for a couple of years now. Thank you very much. I love you.


That was an amazing class. When you don’t feel like you’ve got the energy for a yoga class but you know your body needs one, this is just perfect. I felt energised after and I loved the music. I felt as if I was on a Balinese holiday. Thank you!


I appreciate the 15 minute practices as I can do this without feeling taking up too much time! Thank you


I hit a mental slump during Covid's 2020 confinement. After a couple months of struggle I made it a point to do this class on a daily basis. after 2 weeks I looked forward to those 15 minutes in my day, and i reached an indescribable state of mental and emotional "flow" that i've never experienced before.

Today, I came back to this class, part of me apprehensive about remembering the bad time in my life, but I was welcomed with the gentle, yet intense state of flow that I had grown to love. Very thankful to you Juliana!


This is definitely one of my favourites! for many years. Thanks


Thank you so much! Following your practice, putting my hands together usually brings blissful tears to my eyes.


I love returning to this video...feels so good! Thank you!


One of the reasons why I love your videos is that because sometimes when I am scared of going back to the practice, I can find the perfect video that is short enough yet lengthly enough to quickly remind me and let me focus that my journey within the practice and bettering my health is not easy but it IS very rewarding - I thank you for allowing me to take this time to myself and shed a few tears- see you on the mat again soon!
