Living With a Narcissist Can Make You Physically Sick; Here's How

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Living with a narcissist can make you sick by controlling your perception of yourself, and what you focus on and by activating fear within you. By controlling your perception, your brain then remains fixated on what it believes you need to focus on to remain safe. The reticular activating system is part of your brain that narrows in on what it thinks you need to pay attention to. Unfortunately, when it comes to narcissists, this system can become hyperfocused on what a narcissist says, what they feel, what they think, and on what they do or might do.

Understanding how a narcissist can hijack your point of focus and how your brain can become stuck in fight or flight, causing your immune system to respond to a perceived threat helps you understand the ways in which living with a narcissist is dangerous to your health.

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Lisa A. Romano is a Life Coach and bestselling author who specializes in helping people reclaim their lives through ascending old thought patterns and healing faulty childhood subconscious programs. She is an expert in the fields of codependency, narcissistic abuse, and elevating consciousness. She is also one of the most popular meditation teachers on Insight Timer and is the creator of the 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program. If you feel invisible, unworthy, and lack a sense of self or purpose, Lisa's work in the field of personal development can help you gain the self-awareness required to breakthrough.

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Рекомендации по теме

Oh my gosh. The exhaustion. The brain fog. The literal emotional depression.


It’s like they want to take you away from anything you want to do. Self care is #1. What Lisa is saying is right.


I was validated when I was 11 years old by my girlfriend that it was questionable that my mother loved me. I went to her house everyday after school and stayed until dark. Her mother was loving to both of us. One day my girlfriend wanted to come to my house. There was nobody to greet us and the house was unclean. I took cold food out of the refrigerator for my dinner. My girlfriend whispered in a horrified voice “Doesn’t your mother love you?” It was a validation of something that I was terrified to accept. I lost a lot of my innocence after that and started facing dark reality. However, I’m glad this happened because I know that I am remembering my childhood accurately.


I used to be sick a lot. Once, I found myself in the E.R. twice in one day. One of the nurses told me she was married for 8 years. She said her hair was falling out, she lost weight, was always sick and had chest pains. She said I finally got the nerve to leave and guess what happened? I asked her what? She said "I got better." That was 12 years ago and the beginning of my healing process. Here I am 12 years later, still a HUGE fan of Lisa 👑❤ and still getting better 💯 Thank you!


I gained 50 lbs, was very codependent and stopped caring for myself. The medical issues are common with this, depression, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, back problems, etc. The emotional and such have already been discussed in this video. I have lost 45 lbs over the last six months and refocused on self. She has moved to her mother's place. We are 800 miles apart now. My entire life has turned around.


Narcissists, stripe the joy out of life
Crush your spirit and can actually destroy your sanity. They are insidious ppl.


I know so many narcissists right now! Close people, distant people anybody. I feel so alone and stressed


I will never be the enabler of my own abuse again.


I lived in misery for almost 20 years. I left my abusive mothers house only to marry a narcissist. It wasn’t until my children actually asked me to leave him that I “woke up” and we left with only the clothes on our backs. What father keeps the house so that his own children lose their home? A true narcissist, that’s what. Finally after a long, long time I am no longer codependent & am able to set boundaries to protect myself. I am powerful! Learned a few things from this video. So thanks for the help. Validation is always a good thing.
Wish we could send this video to everyone living in narcissist hell!


Before I cut my Toxic, Narcissistic Mother and half Brother from my life, my blood pressure was 224/127!

I returned to my Doctor for a follow up six weeks later. My blood pressure was 128/78.

This happened in the Summer of 2016. I went NO CONTACT with my Toxic "family". We haven't spoken since, and I'm healthier for it. The numbers are my testimony!


Please listen to Lisa! Although she has no idea, she transformed my life!! Six yrs ago I didn’t even know what co-dependency or the word narcissist even meant. Then I found Lisa:))) I am free, healthy, happy and financially stable!!!YOU CAN DO IT, I PROMISE💜💜💜


Yep. I developed chronic pain after I moved in with my mother. I was healthier when I was homeless. Let that sink in.


I remember many times as a little kid begging my mom to leave my abusive father. She didn't. Now I'm going to do your program to heal myself from years and years of abuse.


Just a lost cause trying to explain over and over again how you're feeling. How another person cannot see and understand how much you're hurting, drained & fed up is the most tiring existence. Thank you so much Lisa. Love listening to what you have to say, you're amazing. ❤


It’s never ending, no matter how many times I returned thinking things will be better they just kept getting worse. I went back for 4 years before I could see the void of insecurity, hatred, gaslighting, denying reality. I finally got it! These relationships are completely unsustainable for any human being out there.


As a 48-year old woman I still find myself getting physically sick every time I visit my narcissistic father at the retirement home he lives at. I've gradually spaced my visits and I now go there once every three or four months and my loving husband always accompanies me. Having him there supporting me has helped me a huge deal in not becoming a punching bag whenever my father feels like attacking me. The last time we were there he threw a vase at me. My husband grabbed me and we left. That was in January and I haven't gone back. It's so incredibly important to have the support of a loved one when you have to to come face to face with your abuser. And it's equally important to know that you don't have to face them if you don't want to. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences wit us, Lisa! ❤


Living with a covert narcissist was tough.
It was like, is this guy 13 or 30? Lol.


I cannot believe this...I was on the edge of my seat a moment ago, but now I feel like I just want to sob! It is like I have been recognized for the first time. Pass the tissues!


I'm surprised I'm even alive...😏 Time for me to wander off and let go of everything. They won't be happy until I'm dead, if ever. I'm 54 and I look/feel like I'm 154 😔 thanks for validating my life 🙏


They will suck the life force out of you. Headaches, brain fog, chest pains, lethargy, depression, nausea and stomach ache. Dump them and all your problems disappear.
