You MUST KNOW THIS if You're Living with the Narcissist

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00:00 Intro
01:35 Living with a narcissist is like living on a see-saw
02:44 You hope against hope
03:51 You are there, but you aren't
04:55 Summary
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True.... a constant cycle of hope and disappointment .... use to feel like a stranger in my home ....3+ years no contact and healing


To ANYONE: If you are still under the same roof with narcissists, you MUST do ALL YOU CAN to leave. Otherwise being around these monsters, will break you, and you will lose who you are...
These narc SICK monsters will NEVER change, but YOU CAN...


You have spoken exactly what I am feeling for last 40 yrs. I am a foolish woman who was not knowing what narcissistic personality disorder is


This is my current existence— I noticed the last few months I’ve been really retreating into our room while he’s doing other things, to almost quiet everything, the anticipation or worrying… and then I stress while trying to achieve peace, anxious about my upsetting him because of my need for hiding, me seeming lazy, etc. I feel like I can never truly relax anymore. I don’t want to interact with him anymore because good times are always spoiled by past and imminent future betrayals.. and of course, anticipation of the potential switch into a war zone. I live in a state of confusion, hope, then upset… it’s all a torturous cycle.


Thank you Danish, great video. Have lived in war zone for 26 years. Narcs are human mines you never know when the are going to blow up.


Feeling of living in a different planet, lonely and just surviving. The pain and lingering sorrow is beyond expression.


This is very accurate. Living with these people is like living in a maximum security prison. You always have to be vigilant of what mood the person may be in and prepare. Constant state of flight or fight. Always accusing of stuff that I've never done, And can never fully relax. This was my marriage for about thirteen years, And then finally I was discarded. Don't let these people take your life inside and ruin what's valuable of you.


BAD vertigo waking up after married next day. Very bad cold, and gall bladder that followed. weird how all hit me in a row. Tho I kept a smile on my face and cheery, his loving disposition vanished. A very selfish know it all, grump most of the time surfaced quickly. I WAS IN MISERY LIVING WITH HIM. As I'm writing this now, I wish I had walked straight out the door, and out of his life, plugs in my ears, and blind folds on as soon as his mask came off.


You live in a state of hyper vigilance. You are invisible to them. You are so correct 4:06 Danish. You have summed up my disastrous marriage that thankfully has ended. I don’t think I’ll ever be the same but that might not be a bad thing. Run from them people it’ll never ever change. You cannot adapt to this sick relationship and don’t even try. It’s pure evil


100% Perfect description.
My home-life living with my parents was exactly the way you describe.


That's what I say anymore, you nailed it man, I feel like a ghost. My kids ghost me, my wife ghosts me, it is the one of the oddest experiences that I've ever had. I can't imagine how my wife thinks this is going to benefit the children, teaching them this bullshit behavior but it truly is like I'm a ghost in the home that I pay for.


I have no hope here. This place is not my home they've made that clear. I just exist here. I am but a pilgrim passing through and my hope is my reward as promised by the Almighty Lord God Jesus Christ. All my trust hope is in Him alone. Praise the Lord God Jesus through everything.


Very true... Thank you Danish for making the world know of these traits in details...


WoW Danish!! You hit that nail right on the head!! I am resilient and I was told that by his daughter. I took myself on a 3 month vacation to our shore home and thought long and hard about EVERYTHING! Him. Me. Divorce. Feelings. Emotions. 11 married years. I healed myself, came home, took all your advice and now I am happy! I keep him at a far distance emotionally and realize if or when or how, I CHOOSE TO REACT TO HIS BS. I am a strong person, much more that my small and weak husband. It won’t happen ANYMORE!!!! THANK YOU FOR VALIDATING MY MARRIAGE


Outstanding insight!
Your work, spreading awareness, is a piece of gold.
Thank you.


I don’t know why I keep hoping my family member will be understanding, empathetic and genuinely caring one day. She’s a covert narc. and a lead in many of her church groups. I see her “warmth” in public with others, although very short and script like. Then, the coldness with me. The competitive and superficial discussions. The dismissive behavior when I discuss my health issues. “You just need to stop living in fear, like me.” Which, is so not true…the amount of times I’ve heard her discuss her fears, etc. Yet, when I say something, then I’m being unreasonable and just need to get over it. Temporarily staying with family, due to finances. And, leaving an even more abusive relationship. Sometimes, it feels like I just can’t “win.” Even though, it’s not about that. It’s about wanting to be in healthier & happier relationships and believing that’s possible. I know it is, but I think I’ve forgotten over the last few years or so. Last year, my therapist told me I have cPTSD. The past few years, the emotional & physical pain has Been overwhelming.
At least where I’m staying now, I can get away more often than with my EX. He almost always had to be with me for everything. But, if I went out of town to visit family or friends, he’d fool around and become avoidant. As if to punish me.
I’m just exhausted, I want to heal and feel like myself again. Some days, I feel more hopeful. I know it’ll take some time to heal my brain and body, to trust myself and others again. To feel like I can be okay on my own. I see this version of me, but she feels far away. Living in CA feels impossible to get ahead financially on my own. I sometimes think about leaving the country, just to have good healthcare and a better quality of life. someplace more affordable and not run by malignant narcissists. But, then I don’t want to leave the few good family and friends that I do have.
Trying my best to trust the universe and my soul’s knowing. Releasing the scarcity mindset. To allow limitless unconditional love, wellbeing, peace, prosperity, ease & all that’s good. 🙌☮️💟☯️🙏


This is exactly my life. I thank you, Danish. Blessings


I knew for years. I wrote about it. My escape. How I coped.
I just didn't know what it was.

I have tears
That sparkle in my eyes
Like the puddles left
The scattered bits
Of a stream
That's almost dry
Like the rocks that sit
Upon the shore
They used to feel
The rapids roar
I long for more
I long for more

I have wings
Tied behind my back
Like a captive bird
That only gets to sit
In a cage they built
Without a door
Like the wind
When he could soar
I long for more
I long for more

I have words
Tied around my tongue
Like the poet
Who said it all
When he was young
Like the writers song
Never really sung
I long for more
I long for more



ABSOLUTELY Suffered a lot .No words to describe all., ...So true every word Danish 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Every time I thought he will change but . nothing happened. Thankyou Danish
