'I'm a Narcissist. This is what life is REALLY like' Lee Hammock Interview

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Lee Hammock thinks he's better than you.
In fact, he thinks he's better than everyone.
That's the life of someone diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Lee agreed to share his life story, answer common questions and bust some myths about life as narcissist, and what it's like for people in a relationship or friendship with one.

Produced and edited by Stefan Mitchell

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Wow...a self-aware narcissist...that's like seeing a unicorn.


It’s like being the most confident and also the most insecure person EVER


A big part of narcissism is treating others in a way you wouldn’t want them to treat you and celebrating it.


Narcissist: the best source for information on narcissists is me.

That checks out.


I'm a Mental Health Professional. This guy describes NPD very accurately. I'm very impressed with his honesty and his determination to overcome his narcissism. He is right by saying there is no cure for NPD but in 5 years of therapy he has learned coping mechanism which helps him in his relationships with other people especially with his wife. I salute this man!


Love that he mentioned his wife trying to fix him by loving him harder and how that doesn't work. That's hard for a lot of people to hear sometimes because they think it's about them. Hats off to you!


"you will never be enough for the wrong person, but you CAN be enough for yourself."


It's the people around narcissists that get damaged.


"you can not out love the trauma that made somebody a narcissist". 👏🙌


"You'll never be enough for the wrong person."

Very well put.


This has me in tears.. I've been in therapy for 8 years trying to figure out what's wrong with me, found out its PTSD from narcissistic abuse for 38 years.. starting with grandpa's, dad, and 5 relationships.. I'm very thankful for this honesty... I hope that my last ex can learn to cope. He's a mild covert narcissist who I love very much, and I think he might be on the spectrum.. I'm thankful for this.. it helps me understand him so much


As a licensed therapist, this young man explained NPD very well. I was married to person with NPD as I work with unaware persons with NPD. I am currently writing my book on what it looks like to be married to one. It's a very "hard" write.


The best quotes ever:
“You give pieces of yourself trying to fix this broken person., ” and “You cannot out love the trauma that made someone a narcissist.”


Of course there are benefits to being a narcissist. My ex got me to financially support him for years. People would give him free stuff and special treatment just so he wouldn’t flip out. He never had to feel bad about anything, no matter how much he hurt others. Lots of benefits.


This guy is quite self aware for being a narcissist. People who I’ve I’ve seen as possible narcissists seem totally unaware of their behaviour


Narcissists have plenty of emotion just not empathy.


I have never seen a narc admit it in public. This is eye opening and mind-blowing. As an empath I have been hurt my whole life.


As a person who was severely damaged by a narcissist, this was actually the closure i didnt know i needed. Thanks for sharing, for so long i thought i was the bad friend and man when you said "all criticism is criticism to them" everything clicked for me. Youre absolutely right that even positive advice can be taken as an attack by them. Thanks a lot.


I was married to a covert narcissist for 26 years. I had no idea what I was dealing with until I got out. Better late than never.


I grew up in narcissism and ended up with hardcore narcissistic traits. I had a long road of spiritual enlightenment and self awareness and am a completely different person now. I was so so scared of being hurt, I was going to hurt you first and get what I could on the way, bc that’s how I always had to get my needs met. And since I “knew” everyone out there didn’t really care about me, would back stab me or abandon me bc I was so unlovable, it seemed okay to me. I didn’t get why other people received love for just existing, and I didn’t. It was my parents though, not my lack of value as an individual. I’m so glad I’ve grown.
