Narcissistic Relationships | 5 Strategies

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If you have a relationship with a narcissist, here are 5 crucial ways to manage it.

Narcissistic relationships are difficult. Whether it's a coworker, family member, friend, romantic partner, or boss, Dr. Ramani Durvasula has the strategies you need to effectively manage each type of abusive relationship with a narcissist.

In this interview, Dr. Ramani answers...
How do you manage a relationship with a narcissist when you can't just "cut out" that person from your life?
How does managing your expectations help you manage your relationship with a narcissist?
How does radical acceptance improve your life if you have a narcissistic person in your life?

And much more.

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Narcissist will provoke you to a reaction,
(often bad if you're emotional) then use that reaction against you. 😠


1. Have realistic expectations of what your interactions will be like with the narcissist
2. Radical acceptance. Accept that this is what the person is like.
3. Don't engage. Don't give away too much personal information - keep the conversations superficial. Be prepared with topics that you can introduce. For example, the weather.
4. Don't defend yourself or attempt to explain yourself. You will just be giving them ammunition to work against you with. Move on to the next topic of conversation.
5. Gas-lighting only works if you are 'gas-lightable'. Don't buy into it.
6. Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries!
7. Don't ruminate and obsess over the interaction you just experienced with the narcissist. Refer back to points 1 and 2.


Dealing with a narcissistic husband is draining. It means you have to find other relationships to fulfill your emotional connection if you’re going to keep your conversations superficial with the spouse. However realizing he is a narcissist has been eye opening but also sad for me.


I burst into tears when you said “gaslighting only works if you’re gaslightable” because holy hell… that’s an epiphany


"You can't leave your mother"- yes actually, you can. You are not required to have a relationship with any adult regardless of blood or family ties that may be impacting your mental and emotional health detrimentally, especially without the possibility of change.


The best way to manage it.... RUN, RUN like the wind


Absolutely. You cannot win an argument with a narcissist.


Me. My fiancee introduced me to Dr. Ramani's work just now because we identified together that I have strong narcissistic tendencies. I am finding this extremely valuable. At the same time, I find it hurtful that most people believe there's no hope for us and we cannot change. Maybe it's because I'm not as extreme as some others, however I know I can change. I'm committed to it. My life depends on it.


It sucks we have to be the strong ones in these emotionally draining relationships but you’re right. We can’t win so it’s better to just not fight at all. Thank you for this video, I appreciate the tips and I’ll try to keep them in mind for the future. For anyone else dealing with a narcissist in their life, just know I’m here with you and I’m proud of you for doing your best <3


Have you ever discussed narcissism with a narcissist? They tend to have a lot to say on the subject - but it's the only time it has nothing to do with themselves.


My husband is an extreme narcissist, and I’ve GOT to learn his language, and coping techniques or I’m going to lose my mind.


One thing I started doing when my narc starts being ridiculous in a conversation and either belittles or humiliates me I just stop responding and start laughing it off and act like the convo is over and I noticed they leave me alone. If they DON'T i started to literally agreeing sarcastically with everything they're saying so they don't have any more poking to do. This so far, seems to be working.


Once I realized how my husband’s mind works, and researching all the traits of narcissism, it’s been a bit easier to deal with him. I know what to look for now, and its so textbook, it’s actually funny! What would have made me cry a few years ago, now just makes me laugh and shake my head. It gets worse when he drinks :( These types of people are so sad…


My dad for sure. Invalidates, gas lights, rages, etc. I was actually a little nervous to write this comment in case he saw it. These videos are very helpful, thank you


1) Maintaining realistic expectations
2) Radical acceptance (This is it. It is not changing)
3) Don't engage (Don't defend, Prepare superficial topics e.g. the weather, clothes, food, holidays)
4) Don't fight, don't be gaslightable,
5) Boundaries


this describes my relationship. . right down to the viewing things in their own reality. He changes things to benefit himself or completely omits things.. he needs constant appraisal.. .. I'm constantly confused


the narcissist in my life is my boyfriend. i love him more than anything but i hate him. i’m such a pushover and he knows he can use and abuse me. i feel so anxious lost sad scared depressed. i’m walking on eggshells. he gets mad at me for every little thing i do. he’s made me isolate myself. i’ve turned into someone i’m not. i’ve lost my light. i don’t eat i don’t sleep. i know i have a choice but i feel like i can’t get out. i know i should but i almost don’t want to let him go. i’m scared of the unknown.


To be fair, I wanted to watch a video about how to maintain the relationship. I spent so much time thinking things would be different. I can’t spend the rest of my life dealing with this.


Im discovering after 16yrs that my wife is a narcissist. I love her so much and I don't want to be mechanical or shallow toward her but I'm so exhausted.


Love it --"Gas lighting only works if you're gas-light-able."
