How Your Low Back Can Create Tight Hamstrings

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We will explain the relationship between the low back and tight hamstrings. Chronically tight hamstring muscles can pull on the lower back muscles, but in the case of a pinched nerve, nerve pressure makes the hamstrings become tight. Numbness, tingling or muscle twitches of the calf muscles are signs that your hamstring stretching may be making your pain worse. Does stretching your hamstrings make them feel worse? Then this is the video for you.

[Performance Place website hamstring article excerpt]
Why Do You Have Tight Hamstrings?
Hamstrings can become tight for a variety of reasons:

Nerve pressure
Too much sitting
Too much running
Lack of hip mobility
Throughout this guide, I’ll show some of the best hamstring stretches in existence. If they don’t work for you then you may need to address your hamstring tightness with a non-stretching correction. Stretching does not fix all hamstring tightness, regardless if it feels good in the moment or not.

In the end of the article, I’ll guide you to another reference that will probably work better if you fall into this category.

What To Expect In This Article
All of the hamstring stretches that you will ever need to know.
How to stretch specific areas
Pictures + Instructions included
Strengthening exercises that actually improve your flexibility
What to do if these exercise aren’t working for you

The most common old-fashioned way to stretch your hamstrings is with a forward fold toe touch. To ensure that you’re releasing long-standing hamstring muscle tension, start the forward bend from the hips. The verbal cue of “pushing your hip pockets backwards seems to work for most beginners.

Since the hamstring starts at the sit bones of the pelvis, “pushing your hips behind you” is all you’ll need to stretch your hamstring in isolation. If you are looking to open up the back as well, simply breath into your yoga pants waistline and segmentally bend from each section of the spine (starting with the lower sections). Keep your feet grounded the entire time.

Don’t bounce in and out of the stretch because it will trigger a protective reflex that will make your hamstring tighten up to protect against the bounce. Hold this forward fold for 30 seconds. It should be comfortable the entire time just like all of the hamstring stretching in this article.

In yoga, they may tell you to “lift your sit bones” to the sky. While this is a great yoga cue, in clinical practice, I’ve found pushing your hips behind your feet works better and is much more protective over other parts of the body. Keeping your feet grounded into the floor should also make you feel more stable, resistant of falling when performing a forward fold.

Next up is the sit and reach stretch. An oldie but goodie, the sit and reach hamstring stretch is sadly performed incorrectly often. As previously noted before, your hamstring only travels from the back of the knee to the sit bone. All you really need is a bend of the hip to stretch your tight hamstring. I’ve included some faults in the correlated picture.

How to stretch your hamstrings in the sit and reach stretch:

Sit with only one leg extended (other is bent)
With a “proud chest/ proud posture” lean toward your ankle on the straightened leg
Keep your back flat
Hold the stretch for 30 second, relax for 10 seconds and then repeat.

One way to increase hamstring flexibility is using the contract-relax doorway stretch. It is exactly how it sounds, you contract the hamstring and then relax it in a cyclical fashion. Starting on your back is a great way to work towards your goal of touching your toes when standing.

Can everyone touch their toes at the start of a stretching program? No, it takes time. Dancers don’t become flexible overnight and you won’t either. It’s a long-term thing.

Contract-relax stretching for increasing hamstring flexibility has more research than many other types of stretching styles.

Here’s some tips:

When pressing into the wall, attempt to dent the wall with the tip of your heel (30-50% of your full effort)
Contract for 10 seconds
Relax for 5
Slide in closer and do it again
Attempt no more than 5 cycles
Each time you’ll get closer to the wall. This one is amazing for near immediate results.

#HowYourLowBackCanCreateTightHamstrings #tighthamstrings #california
Рекомендации по теме

Sir please tell me some exercise b/c I have very tight hamstrings and I have a severe back pain


Stretch and strengthen the glutes.. Less pain.. May not be more flexible.. Its a start. Forcing a stretch means another part of body is weak.. Balance both parts, then try pushing the hamstrings..


Hello, how do you relieve low back pain and tight hamstrings when your entire thoracic spine is fused? I stretch, done yoga, lifting... Physical therapy said they couldn't help.. it's so bad im starting to limp.. any suggestions for someone with a fusion¿?? Thank you


Hey this is exactly me. Please help, I have prolapsed disc l4 l5 s1. I am starting IDD therapy here in Glasgow. My hamstring is so locked


I am subscribed to your channel. I do hit search button, but then other channels came up. ?please advise


Lower back pain and life long tight hamstrings but one problem. I live in South Africa :(


Herniated disc at L5 s1 glute hamstring it band and numbness behind knee and foot should I do this excercise I’m sure it’s due to my back herniation.... any advice?


I have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis. Whenever I do the superman exercises(bird pose) or bridge exercise I feel tightness in the hamstring.
Do you think tight hamstrings are reason for my low back pain or is it other waya around?


Holy moly what were the chances that yall are in HB?! I'm in trying to figure out whats going on with my hamstrings and sciatic. I don't have nerve pain, just tightness in the back of my knee that drives me CRAZY. I also feel the need to "pop" something in my hips and back of knee


Hello I have lower back pain, pain in my groin, and tight hamstrings been to the doctor ct scan they found nothing


i dont even think my issue is my hamstrings. i think its my bicep femoris tendons. what do i do for a stiff bicep femoris tendon?


When I stretch my hamstrings, if I either bend my head and neck down or curl my feet towards me my hams get even tighter. And this is just at a relaxed sitting position back straight and legs straight out in front of me. Just slightly tilting my head down and very painful on my hams or just slightly tilting my feet/toes towards me is also painful and tightens everything up even more. If I try to stretch out my head down and curl my feet towards me it’s excruciatingly painful I cannot do all three together. I also have a lot of back issues I won’t go into in this comment at this time. Sad thing is I’m only 28


Oh my please help I have tight hamstrings mainly the right and only get pins and needles and tingling feelings in my right leg when standing walking or even trying to sleep sometimes


Can this fix so I can lay down and put my legs 90 degree up?


I have insanely tight hamstrings and they tell me its shortened but I do not believe so, I believe they are locked, any advice?


Hey, I got tight hamstrings aswell and since stretching didnt help i thought the problem with the weqk gluteus muscle and tight hip flexors seemed very fitting in my situation. 2 months of working my abs stretching my hip flexors and training my gluteus later: my hamstrings are still tight and my backpain is stronger than ever. You got any ideas for me? Let me know


I'm not sure where to address my tightness, so I'll try and explain. When I sit on the floor with legs outstretched, I can barely sit at 90°. It's not painful, it's just so tight! Is it tight muscles, or weak muscles? Thanks!


Hi. I'm having tight hamstrings and also hip pain. Are they both interconnected ?


I m suffering from disc bulge since 8mnths😭😭😭


That contraption looks like some kind of super tampon
