30 Minute No Equipment Cardio and Abs Workout | TRANSCEND - Day 17

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Today we will work on our cardio by crushing 1 rounds of 25 exercises and we will alternate between cardio and ab exercises. We will complete each exercise for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds! This workout is truly a workout where you can push yourself in terms of intensity! Stick around for the ab burnout at the end!

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I am obsessed with these products and since I get so many questions on my favorite pre-workout and protein, I figured you guys deserve a recommendation that I TRULY LOVE!

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In this workout you are training with me, Sydney Cummings, owner of Royal Change and NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist. I am a fitness trainer is Charlotte, North Carolina and was a Division 1 athlete at West Virginia University where I was a national qualifying high jumper. I use my knowledge from my NASM certifications, bachelor’s degree, nursing school experience, and my elite athletic background to lead you through workouts designed to make you a stronger, more balanced athlete. My goal is to get you closer to your goals with each workout!


All information provided by Royal Change and/or Sydney Cummings is furnished strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Royal Change and/or Sydney Cummings is not engaged in rendering medical or professional services. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual's specific health or medical condition. Please consult your healthcare professional before participating in or acting on any recommendation found in content provided by Royal Change and/or Sydney Cummings.

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I am so proud of you all today and I hope you had fun with this workout while sweating with me! Make sure you're subscribed to the channel and share with your friends who would love it!


My tip: Change starts with love. I have to love myself enough to want to change and to work toward change.


Sydney's Daily Wisdom (32:09): "You have to change something in order to see something change." THINKING about acting differently and actually DOING it are two different things! My tip: I put my workout gear out the night before. (Side note: the towel slam is a surprisingly effective stress reliever!)


My tip: I commit to posting a comment on Sydney's channel every day because I want to show my deep gratitude for what she and Dustin offer AND maybe more important for me lately is that posting makes me feel like I am connected to a community during these challenging times. As humans, we need connection to thrive, beyond surviving, we are thriving together. Thank you all for being a part of this thriving space 🌟💜🤩


Thank you for uploading another no-repeat cardio and abs workout. No-repeats are the best for cardio and repeat sets are best for strength. This month's program is definitely fun ❤


Here’s my tip: I remind myself that I can do 10 minutes of anything. When I am not motivated, I tell myself, just do 10 minutes. I’m always ready to keep going after that 10 minutes is up 😁


"I'm going to change to see change" -- Syd's words to live by today :)


I work out first thing in the am, get it out of the way and the rest of my day is better because of it.


I’ m a 62 year old grandma who has been doing your workouts since the beginning of last summer. You have changed my life! I am so grateful for the modified versions you offer, as well as your encouragement to do the exercises “however that looks for you.” I am stronger and healthier than I have been in years. My tip is to watch Sydney’s tutorial on “rolling”, and roll every day. It helps eliminate muscle soreness so you are able to work out the next day as vigorously as you can. Thank you, also, for your amazing inspirational talks. You are a blessing!!


A tip from a twin mom of 2.5 year Fill your cup first. Don't compare yourself to ANYONE'S social media feed. Being a mom is hard especially through a pandemic with toddlers. Last year (2019) I was stuck in the house due to having infants that were premature so naturally weaker immune system to start, we didn't go do much other than things outside (less harmful germs). December 26th of last year I decided it was time for me to start prioritizing myself, I started Sydney's workouts & haven't missed more than 10 days since. Before Sydney I was unhappy in my body, struggling with postpartum depression/anxiety not thriving & definitely not reaching my full potential as a mother/physically/mentally. I get up every single morning at 6am to be sure I get my workout in, I meal prep for myself, I leave notes around the house telling myself how badass I am. YOU have to be the change, just like Sydney said. YOU have to prioritize yourself. YOU have to want to reach your full potential. I'm truly so grateful for finding Sydney & Dustin. Things for myself would be a lot different mentally & physically if I hadn't. Not saying I don't struggle to get up, or eat only what I meal prepped. WE ALL DO. It is HARD for all of us at some point. But WE ALL GOT THIS!!! Don't sit & sulk about the past days when you didn't do whatever, whether that's eat healthy, get your water, skipped a workout.. WHATEVER. Today is a new day & YOU have to want to wake up & show the world how freaking POWERFUL YOU are.


Tip: I created a daily routine that revolves around my self care needs to truly show myself my worth. I wake up around 6-7am every morning to meditate & journal. I do 30mins of yoga in the AM, prepare my smoothie & meal preps for the week, work and take breaks from the laptop, complete Sydney’s workout with a “I can” attitude, enjoy my evening watching tv and go to bed by 9pm. These were my priorities and I hope they help inspire others to fill their day with what brings them joy.


Love this format! Was anyone else panting the entire time? 😂😂


Sydneyism: Discipline + Purpose + Gratitude =


I love how the shorter workouts are more intensified... So you still end up sweating buckets 😋❤️


I started following Sydney in May, at the same time I decided to stop letting stress be my excuse to eat poorly and not exercise. It was hard to make that decision, and it's a conscious choice I have to make daily, but I've decided I'm worth it, and my family deserves the best me I can offer. I'm down 40 pounds and not stopping anytime soon. Thank you Sydney for your daily inspiration and motivation!!


Such a great start to my Birthday! My tip: wake up and put on your workout clothes and set up your mat/weights etc (if you're working from home). Then workout on your lunch, you're all setup and don't have to waste any time.You get a good rush for the rest of the afternoon. :)


I remember how i use to dread cardio coz they felt darn hard.
But this months strength training makes me wait for cardio day !!
Cardio now feels easy compared to what we go through entire week😇😇😇😇


My tip; is about gratitude - as in - I don't " have to" exercise - I "get to" exercise. It is a gift I give myself to feel so much better about everything.


It's not a dress rehearsal. Our health is everything, and 2020 has driven that home more than ever. THANK YOU Sydney for making health possible for so many!! <3


Hi Sydney. Thank you. My tip would be being consistent. Doing the workout first thing in the morning no matter what else is going on has helped me more than anything 🙂
